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Q-MARE workshop - Crete, Greece

Deadline to apply for financial assistance is 31 March 2024.

The next Q-MARE international workshop and training on "Detecting, describing and disentangling pre-industrial climate and human impacts on marine ecosystem" will be taking place from 2–6 September 2024 in Plakias, Crete (Greece).

"The study of pre-industrial climate and human impacts on marine ecosystems has so far been fragmentary. Previous attempts to devise indicators and apply modeling techniques in this framework, although successful, were spatially limited, and have yet to be transferred to a scale that is greater than regional or even to different parts of the world. The main problem is the apparent incompatibility of the data deriving from vastly different approaches that range from History and Archaeology to Ecology and Geology.

The aim of this meeting is to provide clear guidelines on how to combine such diverse data, in a way that can be useful as inputs for ecosystem models. In order to achieve these objectives, our objectives are to: a) gather specialists in historical, archaeological, geological, paleontological, genetic, geochemical and ecological methods (particularly early-career as much as possible) and exchange training specically focused on the assumptions, advantages and limitations of each method; b) chart the complementarity of the methods and compatibility of the data derived from them; and c) draft methodological outputs on how to combine these methods to disentangle climate and preindustrial human impacts on marine ecosystems."

Early-Career Researchers (ECRs) who wish to apply for financial assistance are requested to apply by sending a short CV and motivation to (konstantina[dot]agiadi[at]univie[dot]ac[dot]at).

The deadline for applications for financial assistance is 31 March 2024.

For further details and information on the workshop, including the preliminary program, visit the calendar entry here