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"Phase 4 of Pages 2k is progressing towards building a comprehensive hydroclimate database for the Common Era.

In March 2023, we gathered in Potsdam to delineate the main objectives and structure that the database should have. We discussed questions such as What do we want to use this database for? What are the essential metadata that it should contain? What are the relevant proxies that should be included (existing databases to be interfaced + new proxies to assemble)?

Since then, our regional groups have worked to integrate these suggestions, building metadata sheets, and the coordination team is harmonizing the structure of the database, including prioritizing the most essential metadata fields, and building controlled vocabulary.

We are planning our next workshop in Nottingham (and remotely), from Sept 10 to 12, 2024. We’d like to have v0 of the database ready by then, and run the workshop in a hackathon style, to start finding out what the database can (and can not!) do. The workshop will be preceded (Sept 9 -10) by a training session on LiPDs, run by Nick McKay, to ensure that the community (especially ECRs) have the tools necessary to work with the database.

If you’d like to join us for the workshop or training event please complete this EOI form before the 22nd May.

Getting to v0 of the database is hard work, and we need your help!

If you’d like to participate in building the database, bringing your proxy expertise, or maybe contributing data, you are very welcome. Get in touch with our regional leads:

North Atlantic group: Matt Jones (, 
ENSO-Monsoon group: Alyssa Atwood (, 
Southern High latitude group Anais Orsi and Ben Henley ( and
If your region of interest is not represented, we welcome you to take charge of including a new region, and you can get in touch with any of the people listed above.

Best wishes from the Pages 2k coordination team

Alyssa Atwood (
Georgy Falster (
Ben Henley (
Matt Jones (
Lukas Jonkers (
Nikita Kaushal (
Anaïs Orsi ("

This email was sent to all members of the 2k Network mailing list on 13 May 2024.

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