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Invitation to apply to be a PAGES ECN Regional Representative from Southeast Asia and Oceania.

Please see the call below from the ECN Steering Committee:

Dear colleagues

The PAGES Early-Career Network (ECN) is a dedicated early-career group within the umbrella of PAGES, aiming to foster scientific collaborations and strengthen skill sets for ECRs to excel in their careers. Regional Representatives (RR) are the backbone of the ECN community, representing the network in their respective regions and promoting its main activities and programs.

We seek independent and proactive early-career researchers (graduate students and scientists within ~5 years of obtaining their degree) from our currently lesser-represented regions, Southeast Asia and Oceania,

A little more about the role: RRs stay in touch with the ECN organisation, to share information, plan upcoming events, promote the network, and encourage colleagues and peers (or even yourself!) to take a leadership role. Being an RR is a great way to expand professional networks, work in collaborative initiatives that promote the work of young paleoscientists from different regions in the world. This leadership role also looks great on a CV. Current activities of the ECN include public webinars, international workshops, and the Write Club.

If you are interested in becoming an RR, please complete the google form and send it to us: Nomination Form

PAGES ECN Steering Committee
Georgy, Jessie, Juliana, Nacho, Olga, Pat, Tina, Aditi, Kamila, Szandra and Sudhir