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Dear PAGES community,

We would like to bring to your attention, and encourage your input, in a new PAGES-endorsed project on data standards. The central idea is that "many hands make light work", so even 15 minutes of your time can go a long way.

Paleoclimatology is a data-driven science, so being able to share your data, or re-use your colleague’s, is essential. Unfortunately, data standards are currently lacking - a study shows that searching and formatting data takes up to 80% of the time spent analyzing it. PAGES is pleased to collaborate on a grassroots effort to fix this and encourages your involvement.

What is it?

The EarthCube-supported LinkedEarth project, which contributes to PAGES’ Data Stewardship initiative, is creating a publicly-accessible online database platform, curated by paleoclimate experts, to:
1. foster the development of community standards;
2. enable cutting-edge data-analytic tools to be built and applied to a wider array of datasets than ever before; and
3. support next-generation paleoclimate research.

A discussion about community data standards for paleoclimatology started in June 2016 at the Workshop on Paleoclimate Data Standards and is now continuing online via the LinkedEarth wiki. Interested members of the paleoclimate community are encouraged to join the discussion, participate in the associated polls, and be involved in data standard Working Groups (WGs), centered around paleoclimate archives such as sediment cores, trees, coral, speleothem, etc, in addition to cross-cutting topics like chronologies and uncertainties.

Why? To produce community-generated and community-sanctioned standards for paleoclimate data.
What? Participate in the standard-development process.
Who? You, and as many qualified, community-oriented people you can invite.
When? Between now and May 2017, when LinkedEarth will present the standards at the PAGES Open Science Meeting and publish them as a community paper.
How? Join LinkedEarth, fill out your profile, and join a WG. This tutorial will get you started with the wiki (also available on the YouTube channel).

How you can be involved

1. Be a coordinator! Your role, coordinating discussions within and among WGs, would be recognized by a prime authorship spot on the resulting community paper.
2. Join a WG! Use the platform to organize your discussion.
3. Vote! The WGs will be using polls to rapidly gather community feedback.
4. Spread the word! Follow LinkedEarth on social media (Twitter and Facebook), subscribe to our blog and newsletter, and talk to your colleagues.

Further information

Contact the LinkedEarth Team or email: (linkedearth[at]gmail[dot]com)

We appreciate your help and are confident that your input will improve the standards.

Best wishes,


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