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First, PAGES is now a Partner Member of the World Data System (WDS), an interdisciplinary body of the International Council for Science (ICSU), the largest non-governmental scientific organization globally. This means that PAGES will work with WDS and its fellow Members, including NOAA-Paleoclimatology, PANGAEA and Neotoma, to enable access to quality assured scientific data, ensure long-term data preservation, and promote the development and use of agreed-upon data conventions.

Second, PAGES is pleased to be among the first scientific organizations to formally endorse the FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable) guiding principles for scientific data stewardship, which builds on the Coalition for Publishing Data in Earth and Space Sciences (COPDESS).

As such, PAGES is committed to work with researchers, publishers, and repositories to translate the aspirations of open, available, and useful data from policy into practice. It will redouble its efforts to develop and encourage leading practices that assure scientific reproducibility and stewardship of the community’s data resources.

Read more about PAGES data guidelines here.