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Pinxian Wang, PAGES Vice-Chair from 2002-2007, is enthusiastic about this strengthened connection between China and PAGES.

"In the recent development of science, China has greatly benefited from the international community, and PAGES has given invaluable support to our paleo studies over the last decades," said Professor Wang. "Personally, I am so pleased to see the day is coming when we can return the favor in some way."

PAGES Co-Chairs Michael Evans and Willy Tinner welcomed this new chapter in PAGES' history.

"Thanks to over 27 years of steady support from the US and Swiss national science foundations, and now with funding from the Swiss and Chinese academies of sciences, PAGES is poised to enter a new era of international, collaborative, synthesis activities in support of global paleoenvironmental science," said Professor Evans. "It's a new chapter in the efforts of the PAGES community to support sustainability science, via understanding of the nature and process of climate and environmental change over long timescales."

"I'm very happy," said Professor Tinner, "because the generous CAS commitment to PAGES will allow us to realize future research projects that were paused since the US NSF funding ended last year. The support of CAS demonstrates the global relevance of PAGES and may act as an attractor for other countries."

Read the CAS announcement, in Chinese, here.