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2. Paleo Executive Summary (ES) Statements: Paleoscience is mentioned in a total of 27 ES statements. These ES statements are the basis for the distillation for the report as presented in the Technical Summary and Summary for Policy Makers. Contact any of the WG1 paleoclimate authors (here) to access a document with the 27 paleo ES statements compiled from all chapters.

3. Paleo key messages and summary chapters: Paleoscience information has been successfully distributed across the WG1 report, as prescribed by the scoping documents. Suggestions are now needed to promote new insights from paleoscience across the report. Contributions that advance key messages from paleoscience are especially needed in the Technical Summary, along with suggestions on the relevant underlying evidence within individual chapters.

4. Annex II – Paleoclimate Data: This Annex is a compilation of key references that report paleoclimate and long-term forcing datasets. So far, Annex II only lists the major datasets used in Chapter 2. Suggestions are welcomed for additional datasets to include in Annex II.

For more information contact Darrell Kaufman, PAGES SSC Member and AR6 Author: (darrell[dot]kaufman[at]nau[dot]edu)