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Share your PAGES' memories

As part of the celebrations for PAGES 30th anniversary, a special issue of Past Global Changes Magazine will be published in May 2021.

Would you like to share a story?

We're calling on current and past working group members, working group leaders, SSC, EXCOM and ECN members, guest scientists, and workshop attendees to contribute.

Please send a short text (max 100 words) and, if you wish, an accompanying photo with caption (preferably at least 300 dpi) about a particularly memorable or funny experience with PAGES to (pages[at]pages[dot]unibe[dot]ch) by 30 October 2020, using the subject line "30th anniversary contribution".

Alternatively, you can also just send a photo and caption. Please make sure any identifiable people in the photos have given their permission.

We look forward to showcasing your stories and images in the magazine and on a dedicated 30th anniversary page on PAGES' website.