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New OSM/YSM deadlines

Extensions have been made to several deadlines for PAGES' 6th Open Science Meeting (OSM) and 4th Young Scientists Meeting (YSM) to be held in Agadir, Morocco, from 16-22 May 2021.


The new application deadline for the YSM is 11 October (was 13 September). Approximately 80 early-career researchers will be chosen. The decision notification date for the selection of YSM attendees and those receiving grants is now 15 November.

> All details

The YSM will be held 30km north of Agadir from 16-18 May 2021.


The deadline date for abstracts and financial support requests for the OSM has been extended to 15 October (was 1 October).

> All details

The OSM will be held in Agadir from 18-22 May 2021.

PAGES is monitoring the coronavirus situation closely and will follow guidance from the relevant national public health authorities and global health organizations. We continue to hope that the YSM and OSM will take place, as scheduled, in person. PAGES and the Local Organizing Committee will continue to issue updates as information comes to hand.