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PAGES OSM/YSM postponed

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent large uncertainties on health, the travel restrictions and the economic crisis, PAGES and the Local Organizers of the OSM/YSM must unfortunately make the decision to postpone the OSM/YSM until May 2022. Moreover, the situation will be re-assessed mid-2021 before a final decision is made.

We know that this may come as a disappointment, as many were looking forward to this opportunity of face-to-face networking and the development of personal contacts that this type of meeting, which only takes place every 4 years, provides to all participants: it goes well beyond the sharing of scientific content. This is why we believe that postponing the meeting is the best decision to be made at this time.

The abstract submission and the registration have been closed. However, it will still be possible to create an account on the registration tool, in particular to receive updates about the meeting (

We hope to restart the planning process mid-2021; at that point, we hope to be able to post the revised deadlines for YSM applications, OSM abstract submission, and registration on the website ( The session conveners will then have the option to revise or withdraw their session description as they deem appropriate. Furthermore, a call for additional sessions may be issued. However, all submitted abstracts must then be resubmitted. 

Meanwhile, PAGES is exploring options to run other (online) activities. Updates will be communicated through our monthly e-news and on our website (

We hope to see you in Agadir, Morocco, in May 2022!