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Co-prod. sustainability paper

A new paper from a collaboration of several Future Earth Global Research Projects, the Swiss Academy of Sciences and the University of Bern regarding co-production is now available in Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability.

PAGES Executive Director Marie-France Loutre contributed to "Co-production of knowledge and sustainability transformations: a strategic compass for global research networks", which was a team effort led by Flurina Schneider.

The paper, which addresses the question of how global sustainability-oriented research networks can engage in co-production of knowledge and action, introduces a strategic tool called the "network compass" which highlights four generic, interrelated fields of action through which networks can strive to foster co-production.

Six of the investigated global research networks are officially endorsed Global Research Projects of Future Earth (GLP, GMBA, PAGES, biodiscovery, PECS, ESG); one is a regional network of one of them (SAPECS); one is a partner of Future Earth (MRI); two are special initiatives of the Future Earth founding members ICSU and ISSC that are aimed at strengthening the Future Earth initiative (LIRA 2030, T2S); and one is an independent network collaborating with Future Earth (ITD Alliance).

> Access the paper here