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PAGES OSM / YSM Agadir Logos

Due to continuing uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as travel and economic unpredictability, it is with great regret that the already once-postponed 6th Open Science Meeting (OSM) and 4th Young Scientists Meeting (YSM) will not be taking place on-site in Agadir, Morrocco, in May 2022. 

However, after much consultation and discussion between the Local Organizers, the PAGES SSC and finally, the EXCOM, it has been decided that rather than postponing again (or not having an OSM/YSM at all), the event will take place in a format we have all become very familiar with - online.

PAGES would like to take this opportunity to thank the Local Organizing Committee for the work that they have already put into organizing the event on-site, and commend them for the commitment and zeal with which they are taking on this new challenge to host the event online. 

We hope that this new format will not deter anyone from attending.

In order for the Local Organizers to gauge what attendance might look like online, we kindly request that you fill out this very short survey indicating whether you would attend or not.

It will not take more than 1 minute of your time and consists of 2 questions:

  1. Do you plan to attend the OSM online?
  2. Would you prefer the event to take place:
    • over one week; or
    • over two weeks.


(This survey is now closed) 

This will greatly assist the Local Organizers and the PAGES IPO in ensuring that they can deliver the best possible online experience. 

We will be communicating more information as soon as this becomes available via the website, social media and e-news. Please do check the PAGES website and/or the OSM/YSM website regularly for updates and detailed information!

Thank you for your patience and we look forward to seeing you online in May 2022.