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PAGES e-news, vol. 2015, no. 7


Support for paleoscientists to attend decadal climate variability workshop

► IPICS 2nd OSM & ICYS workshop - Abstracts due

Upcoming deadlines for LandCover6k working group meetings

Recent PAGES products

New PAGES working group on Pliocene climate

▶ Upcoming PAGES deadline - 15 November

PAGES is coming to Romania - Save the date!

Future Earth opportunities

► 2016 Ocean Sciences Meeting - Call for abstracts

► EGU session proposals

► Climate History Network update


► Support for paleoscientists to attend decadal climate variability workshop

PAGES has provided funding to encourage members of the paleoscience community to participate in the CLIVAR-ICTP Workshop on Decadal Climate Variability and Predictability. Early-career researchers are particularly encouraged to apply!

The workshop runs from 16-19 November 2015 in Trieste, Italy, followed by training activities from 20-24 November 2015. View the program at: Register by 16 September 2015.

To express your interest in receiving PAGES funding, please follow the normal registration and abstract submission process. In addition please write an email to Anna Pirani ( (anna[dot]pirani[at]clivar[dot]org)) making her aware of your registration and your interest in being considered for PAGES support.

► IPICS 2nd OSM & ICYS workshop - Abstracts due

The International Partnerships in Ice Core Sciences (IPICS) Second Open Science Conference (7-11 March 2016, Hobart, Australia) invites abstracts on all aspects of ice core research.

The Ice Core Young Scientists' (ICYS) will also hold a one-day workshop just prior to IPICS' OSM. They have some funding available for travel support grants for early-career researchers to attend both events.

The deadline for applications and abstract submissions is 15 September 2015. More on the conference website:

Upcoming deadlines for LandCover6k working group meetings

Workshop on land-use and land-cover change in Eastern Africa 

22-23 October 2015, Nairobi, Kenya

Contact organizer for further information

LandUse6k: Putting History to Work on Climate Change, a workshop on land use classification

22-23 October 2015, Paris, France

Deadlines: Funding requests: 10 September / Registration: 1 October 2015

Mapping Land Use and Subsistence in West Africa (1000 BC - AD 1500)

2-6 November 2015, Les Rasses, Switzerland

Some funding may be available to assist an African researcher attend this meeting.

Register by 15 September 2015.

To view more paleo-science relevant events coming up around the world, go to our calendar:

Recent PAGES products

The Ocean2k Working Group has published a study in Nature Geoscience showing an 1800 year-long robust cooling trend in global sea surface temperatures. The coolest period, between 801 to 1800 CE, was linked with an increase in volcanic eruptions. From the 1800s onward, the cooling trend stops and a statistically significant warming is seen:

Ocean2k's long virtual collaboration was also highlighted recently in a Future Earth blog by Mike Evans, Ocean2k Lead:

PAGES members have just published a special issue in Anthropocene on the important challenge of quantifying past human-environment interactions. This volume emerged out of a PAGES-supported meeting on our former Focus 4 topics, held in Leuven, Belgium, from 3–7 February 2014.

New PAGES working group on Pliocene climate

The PlioVAR working group will investigate climate variability in the Pliocene, an epoch ~2.6-5.3 million years ago similar in many respects to our current, or near-future predicted climate state. PlioVAR will synthesize terrestrial and marine data in order to understand the spatial and temporal climate variability at the time, as well as the forcings and feedbacks that influenced it, and try to obtain valuable insights into the behaviour of the climate system under similar forcings and feedbacks as we might experience in the years to come.

Sign up to their mailing list at:

PAGES is coming to Romania - Save the date!

To coincide with PAGES' annual SSC meeting, PAGES will host a paleoscience symposium from 23-24 May 2016 in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. The symposium will address various aspects of paleoclimatology for the Central and Eastern European paleoclimate/paleoenvironmental community. More information soon.

▶ Upcoming PAGES deadline - 15 November

Submit a PAGES Working Group proposal:

Apply for PAGES meeting support:

Future Earth opportunities

Pop-up webinars: Future Earth is offering webinars on communications. These are designed to give researchers the tools to engage with a wider audience, and cover topics such as blogging, Twitter, creating infographics, and more. Sign up here: Videos will also be shared afterwards.


Funding opportunities: The US National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC) has a number of funding opportunities, particularly an open call for workshop proposals. These can include US and international participants. Apply by 15 October 2015.

► 2016 Ocean Sciences Meeting - Call for abstracts

The 2016 Ocean Sciences Meeting (21-26 February 2016 in New Orleans, USA), sponsored by AGU, ASLO and TOS, is now inviting abstracts. Deadline 23 September 2015.

► EGU session proposals

The EGU 2016 General Assembly is calling for session proposals by 18 September 2015.

► Climate History Network update

PAGES-affiliated group Climate History Network ( has recently launched a listserv. Sign up at:

They have also started a podcast series, more at:


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P: +41 31 631 56 11  |  F: +41 31 631 56 06 (pages[at]pages[dot]unibe[dot]ch)  |
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