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PAGES e-news vol. 2017, no.6


1. PAGES 5th OSM and 3rd YSM post-meeting material

2. New 2k Network projects

3. Future Earth announces new Executive Director

4. Recent PAGES' products

. PAGES Working Group meetings and deadlines

6. Upcoming PAGES-supported meetings

7. PAGES at AGU 2017

8. Future Earth updates

9. WCRP updates

10. Endorsed and affiliated groups updates


1. PAGES 5th OSM and 3rd YSM post-meeting material

PAGES 5th Open Science Meeting and 3rd Young Scientists Meeting garnered much media attention in Spain. View Aragon TV's 40-min profile program:

We have started to populate the OSM post-meeting material section of the website:

Here you can find OSM media mentions, posters, blogs and photos. Eventually the plenary and session videos will be available too (slow process, sorry!)

If you would like your OSM poster to be on the website, please send a pdf to (angela[dot]wade[at]pages[dot]unibe[dot]ch)

2. New 2k Network projects

PAGES 2k Network is now open to new project proposals. Proposals can be submitted anytime during this phase of the project. All details:

Learn more about the new CoralHydro2k project:

Other project webpages will be set up soon.

3. Future Earth announces new Executive Director

Dr. Amy Luers, a respected scientist and data innovator, will start her new role at Future Earth in Montreal, Canada, in September 2017. PAGES is a Global Research Project of Future Earth:

Dr. Luers has over 20 years experience working on sustainability at the intersection of science, technology, and policy. Read more:

4. Recent PAGES' products

i. OC3: The first paper by PAGES' Ocean Circulation and Carbon Cycling (OC3) working group was published in Paleoceanography:

ii. Floods: A new paper by the Floods Working Group was published in Quaternary Science Reviews:

iii. Special Issue: The call for contributions is open until 1 July for a special issue volume of Quaternary International, stemming from a PAGES-supported meeting in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, in May 2016. The volume is called "European paleoscience". All enquiries and contributions to guest editor Marcel Mindrescu: (marcel[dot]mindrescu[at]gmail[dot]com)

5. PAGES Working Group meetings and deadlines

i. CVAS:

2nd workshop: Understanding and modeling space-time Holocene climate variability

Potsdam, Germany

25-27 October 2017

Deadlines: TBA

ii. EcoRe3:

2nd workshop: Functional paleoecology: Trait gradients across ecological disturbance events

Salt Lake City, USA

9-10 January 2018

Deadlines: TBA

iii. GPWG2:

a. Paleofire knowledge for current and future ecosystem management

Montreal, Canada

10-15 October 2017

b. African Fire History and Fire Ecology: Building Understanding and Capacity through Collaboration and Knowledge Exchange

April 2018 (dates TBC)

Nairobi, Kenya

Deadlines: TBA

iv. OC3:

Ocean Circulation and Carbon Cycling during the Last Deglaciation: Regional Syntheses of Carbon Isotope Data

Corvallis, USA

27-29 June 2017


5th workshop: Phasing of ice sheet and sea-level responses to past climate change

Playa del Carmen, Mexico

6-9 November 2017

Abstracts due: 21 August

vi. QUIGS:

Interglacials of the 41kyr-world and of the Middle Pleistocene Transition

Molyvos, Greece

28-30 August 2017

vii. SISAL:

2nd workshop: Speleothem isotope records for climate model evaluation

Stockholm, Sweden

20-22 September 2017

Expression of interest due: 31 July

viii. VICS:

3rd workshop: Progress in Volcanic Impacts on Climate and Society

Tucson, AZ, USA

11-13 January 2018

Deadlines: TBA

6. Upcoming PAGES-supported meetings

i. Decades of Quaternary Research in Eastern Africa: Implications for Sustainable Future

Mukono, Uganda

4-7 July 2017

ii. IODP-PAGES Workshop on Global Monsoon in Long-term Records

Shanghai, China

7-9 September 2017

iii. PaleoEvent Data Standards for Dendrochronology Workshop

Woodland Park, USA

10-14 September 2017

iv. 1st PMIP Phase 4 meeting

Stockholm, Sweden

25-29 September 2017

v. The Rise and Fall: Environmental Factors in the Socio-Cultural Changes of the Ancient Silk Road Area

Kiel, Germany

28-29 September 2017

Abstract deadline: 30 June

vi. 3rd Annual LMR Workshop: Climate Dynamics with the Last Millennium Reanalysis

Boulder, USA

2-4 October 2017

Deadlines: TBA

vii. Fire Predications Across Scales

New York, USA

23-25 October 2017

Abstract deadline: 1 August

viii. Climate change in Africa: Evidence, Mechanisms and Impacts, Past and Present

Marrakesh, Morocco

6-11 November 2017

Abstracts due: 30 June

ix. Save the date!

13th International Conference on Paleoceanography

Sydney, Australia

1-6 September 2019

7. PAGES at AGU 2017

Early abstract submission for the AGU Fall Meeting (11-15 December, New Orleans, USA) closes 26 July.

Regular abstract submission closes 2 August at 23:59 EDT/03:59 +1 GMT.

Attention PAGES' working group leaders! Please advise the IPO of your sessions.

i. 2k Network: Jason Smerdon, Kevin Anchukaitis, Ed Cook and Kim Cobb will convene the PAGES 2k Network-associated session "Climate of the Common Era".

8. Future Earth updates

i. How can climate change data be best communicated in graphics? Asher Minns from the European Regional Office, on behalf of Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, invites you to take part in a 10-min online survey to help understand how climate change data might best be communicated in scientific graphics to different audiences:

ii. Open Network: Want to learn more about the latest in global sustainability research? The Open Network is ready and waiting for you to explore! Take a few minutes today to log in (or sign up) and look around; new and veteran members are starting discussions, writing blogs and posting resources:

9. WCRP updates

i. Read the Eos report from the PAGES-supported WCRP/CLIVAR workshop in China in September 2016:

ii. Read the CLIVAR June Bulletin:

10. Endorsed and affiliated groups updates

i. Climate History Network: Room GEO2 has been reserved for a CHN meeting during the lunch break, 12:30-14:00, on Saturday 1 July at the European Society for Environmental History Biennial Conference 2017 in Zagreb:

ii. Historical Climatology: Kent Linthicum, from Arizona State University, recently contributed a blog article titled "Bread or Blood: Climate Insecurity in East Anglia in 1816":



PAGES - Past Global Changes  |  International Project Office

Falkenplatz 16, 3012 Bern, Switzerland

Tel: +41 31 631 56 11  |

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