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PAGES e-news vol. 2018, no.2


1. Join the new PAGES Early-Career Network

2. SSC members on IPCC AR6

3. Two new Working Groups

4. Apply to be on our Scientific Steering Committee

5. Apply for workshop/meeting support

6. Call for new PAGES working groups

7. Important Data Stewardship announcements

8. Working Group news

9. Recent products

. Working Group meetings and deadlines

11. PAGES-supported meetings

12. JpGU Meeting 2018

13. WCRP updates

14. Endorsed and affiliated groups updates

15. Funding opportunities

16. Other relevant information


1. Join the new PAGES Early-Career Network

PAGES is pleased to announce the launch of the Early-Career Network (ECN). Developed by early-career researchers for early-career researchers, the network's goals include helping young scientists be "future-ready". The first meeting will be a splinter meeting at the EGU in Vienna, Austria, on 9 April:

Joining the ECN is easy. Update your details on the PAGES People Database. Click on the ECN box underneath "Last Name" on the sign-up page for news from the network and external job/training opportunities:

Encourage colleagues who are not subscribers to sign up:

2. SSC members on IPCC AR6

PAGES Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) and Executive Committe (EXCOM) members Pascale Braconnot and Darrell Kaufman have been selected for the IPCC Assessment Report 6 as Review Editor of Chapter 8 and Lead Author in Chapter Two of Working Group I. PAGES congratulates them and all paleoscientists involved in the three working groups:

3. Two new Working Groups

CRIAS: Climate Reconstruction and Impacts from the Archives of Societies aims to improve the use of society's archives - personal documents, narrative sources, archival materials, early instrumental observations, and artefacts such as flood markers - in reconstructing historical climate variability and human impacts. Read more and sign up to the mailing list:

C-SIDE: Cycles of Sea-Ice Dynamics in the Earth system aims to reconstruct changes in sea-ice extent in the Southern Ocean for the past 130,000 years, reconstruct how sea-ice cover responded to global cooling as the Earth entered a glacial cycle, and to better understand how sea-ice cover may have influenced nutrient cycling, ocean productivity, air-sea gas exchange, and circulation dynamics. Read more and sign up to the mailing list:

4. Apply to be on our Scientific Steering Committee

PAGES is calling for applications from scientists to serve on its Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) from January 2019. The deadline for consideration is Thursday 19 April at 17:00 UTC. All details on what's involved in being an SSC member and how to apply:

5. Apply for workshop/meeting support

The next deadline for PAGES' workshop/meeting support applications is Thursday 19 April at 17:00 UTC. Applicants must contact an SSC member at least two weeks before the deadline to explain the meeting plan and how it is relevant to PAGES. The meeting or workshop should be scheduled to take place at least six months after the application deadline (i.e. preferably from October 2018 onwards). This round of potential support is for PAGES working groups, open meetings and educational meetings:


6.  Call for new PAGES working groups

Does your heart pound for paleoscience? Know others who feel the same? Propose a new PAGES' working group to address a scientific question in an internationally coordinated way. The application deadline is Thursday 19 April at 17:00 UTC. You must contact a member of the PAGES Scientific Steering Committee to discuss your plans at least two weeks before you submit the proposal.​ Applications received without SSC member notification will not be looked upon favorably:

7. Important Data Stewardship announcements

PAGES is committed to data standards and policy.

i. Read our data guidelines:

ii. WDS-Paleo released an important announcement on new data standards, which come into effect 1 March. This update is crucial for any scientist generating data:

iii. PAGES takes another step towards safe and accessible data stewardship by formally signing an agreement with the Neotoma Paleoecology Database:

8. Working Group news

i. 2k Network: a. The PSR2k project has a website presence. The group has been active for several years and is in its synthesis phase:

b. A reminder that three new projects recently launched. Join ARAMATE (focuses on the integration of new annually resolved archives of marine climate with existing terrestrial archives (such as tree-rings) and with records of marine and terrestrial ecosystems in the North Atlantic domain, CLIM-ARCH-DATE (focuses on the integration of multiple dating methods from the paleoclimate and archaeological fields so that the drivers of cultural change can be explored in detail) and PALEOLINK (aims to evaluate and develop new downscaling strategies that allow the linking of coarse Earth system model simulations with climate reconstructions):

c. Read the notes from the international teleconferences held in January:

ii. Floods: a. Attend the co-organized Flood and weather extremes of the past session at the EGU in Vienna, Austria, plus the annual meeting on 11 April:

b. Metadatabase contributors are encouraged to provide links to the data repository where their data are hosted, when existing:

iii. GloSS: The database meeting advertised for March 2018 has been postponed until a later date, to be advised as soon as possible. Find out more about the GloSS working group:

iv. LandCover6k: The group calls for abstracts for their session (no.609, "From Local to Global Land Use in the Holocene") at the 24th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists in Barcelona, Spain, from 5-8 September 2018. Deadline for abstract submission: 15 February:

v. OC3: Dates for the workshop "Ocean circulation and carbon cycling during the last deglaciation: global synthesis" in Cambridge, UK, have changed to 6-9 September. See point 10 below for the link to all details.

vi. PALSEA2: a. The working group has finished another cycle and changed its leadership team. The group acknowledges Anders Carlson, Andrea Dutton, Antony Long and Glenn Milne for the exceptional work they did over the past five years to create a strong community and inspire early-career researchers to pursue important questions related to ice sheets and past sea level. Four researchers now take the lead - Jacqueline Austermann (LDEO, Columbia University), Natasha Barlow (Uni. Leeds), Alessio Rovere (MARUM, Uni Bremen) and Jeremy Shakun (Boston College). The group also has a new external website:

b. See the impressive list of products created by the group to date:

c. The call for papers for the Quaternary Science Reviews PALSEA2 special issue, titled "PALeo constraints on SEA level rise (PALSEA): ice-sheet & sea-level responses to past climate warming" closes 1 April 2018. This is a virtual special issue, meaning each paper will be handled immediately and published online as soon as accepted. Submission website for this journal: To ensure manuscripts are correctly identified for inclusion in this special issue, select the name "VSI: PALSEA2" when uploading. Full submission details:

vii. PEOPLE 3000: a. Dates for the workshop "Increasing population, social complexity, climate change and why societies might fail to cope with these interrelated forces" in San Rafael, Argentina, have changed to 20-25 May. Interested participants can still apply, with funding available for early-career researchers. See point 10 below for the link to all details.

b. The group will be at the 2018 Society for American Archaeology Meeting in Washington DC, USA. If you are in the area or at the meeting, attend the poster session from 17:00-19:00 on Thursday 12 April:

9. Recent products

i. 2k Network: a. Marie Nicolle et al. use statistical and signal analyses from North Atlantic, Siberian and Alaskan regionally averaged records to investigate arctic climate variability for the last two millennia:

b. Feng Shi et al. reconstruct the precipitation field for China for the past half millennium using 479 proxy records, including 371 tree-ring width chronologies, a tree-ring isotope chronology, and 107 drought/flood indices:

ii. Forest Dynamics/EcoRe3: Jesse Morris et al. synthesize experiences from recent bark beetle outbreaks to encourage knowledge transfer from previously impacted communities to potentially vulnerable locations:

iii. LandCover6k: Rob Marchant et al. explore the cumulative effects of climate and land-use change over millennial timescales in East Africa, using archaeological and paleoenvironmental data:

iv. GPWG2: Julie Aleman et al. discuss new opportunities for charcoal-based fire history reconstructions:

v. PALSEA2: Nadine Hallman et al. reconstruct a high-resolution sea-level curve encompassing the last 6000 years based on a comprehensive study of coral microatolls, which are sensitive low-tide recorders:

vi. PEOPLE 3000: Jacob Freeman et al. propose that 14C dates are a better estimate of energy consumption, rather than an unmediated, proportional estimate of population size:

10. Working Group meetings and deadlines

i. C-PEAT:

Short-Term Peatland Patterns, Processes, and Sensitivity to Rapid Climate Change

College Station, TX, USA

10-13 May 2018

Registration and financial support deadlines: 26 February

ii. EcoRe3:

2nd workshop: Resilience, disturbance and functional traits

Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

8-9 May 2018

Application deadline: 14 February

iii. Floods:

Annual Meeting (during the EGU)

Vienna, Austria

11 April 2018, 13:30-15:30

iv. GPWG2:

a. African Fire History and Fire Ecology: Building Understanding and Capacity through Collaboration and Knowledge Exchange

Nairobi, Kenya

20-22 July 2018

Application deadline: 15 May

b. Diverse knowledge systems for fire policy and biodiversity conservation

Egham, UK

4-7 September 2018

Deadlines: TBA

v. LandCover6k:

European Land-use at 6000BP

Barcelona, Spain

21-23 May 2018

vi. OC3:

3rd workshop: Ocean circulation and carbon cycling during the last deglaciation: global synthesis

Cambridge, UK

6-9 September 2018

Deadlines: TBA


Joint cross-cutting initiative meeting: Climate, ice sheets and sea level during past interglacial periods

Galloway, NJ, USA

24-27 September 2018

Deadlines: TBA

viii. PEOPLE 3000:

Increasing population, social complexity, climate change and why societies might fail to cope with these interrelated forces

San Rafael, Argentina

20-25 May 2018

Abstracts due: 1 March

ix. SISAL:

3rd workshop: Analyses of the SISAL database: regional patterns in isotope signatures

Agadir, Morocco

8-12 October 2018

Deadlines: 16 March

11. PAGES-supported meetings

i. 2nd AFQUA International Conference

Nairobi, Kenya

14-22 July 2018

ii. INQUA-PAGES ECR joint workshop

Impacts of sea-level rise from past to future (iSLR)

Utrecht, The Netherlands

26-29 August 2018

Deadlines: 16 March

iii. GEOTRACES-PAGES joint workshop

Trace element and isotope proxies in paleoceanography: A synthesis workshop

Aix-Marseille, France

3-5 December 2018

Deadlines: TBA

12. JpGU Meeting 2018

The Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU) hosts the JpGU Meeting 2018 from 20-24 May 2018 at Makuhari Messe in Chiba, Japan. JpGU is an academic union that encompasses all the Earth and Planetary Sciences disciplines and related fields, organizing annual meetings since 2005.

Abstract submission closes 19 February. All details:


13. WCRP updates

i. Early-bird registration deadline for 2018 GEWEX Open Science Conference Extremes and Water on the Edge (6-11 May 2018, Canmore, Alberta, Canada) extended until full:

ii. Read the CLIVAR February Bulletin:

14. Endorsed and affiliated groups updates

Climate History Network: Director Dagomar Degroot's book "The Frigid Golden Age: Climate Change, the Little Ice Age, and the Dutch Republic, 1560-1720" has been published. Hardcover available now via usual outlets.

15. Funding opportunities

i. EGU - Call for Proposals of Galileo Conferences: The EGU Galileo Conferences address well-focused cutting-edge topics at the frontier of geosciences research. EGU supports the conference by putting at the disposal of the organisers conference organisation tools including web hosting, as well as the abstract, programme and registration management; providing comprehensive organisational support (e.g. venue, poster boards, catering, Wi-Fi facilities, etc.) and providing financial support up to €8000, where €5000 are allocated to support the participation of early career scientists and up to €3000 to web hosting: Applications for the time period March 2019 to February 2020 must be submitted by 28 February 2018 (CET/CEST):

16. Other relevant information

i. Registration closes 18 February 23:59 (CST) for the Government and Expert Review of the Second Order Draft of the Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5 °C (SR15). The Review will run until 25 February. Register here:

ii. A Model-Data Comparison workshop will be held within the framework of the German PALMOD project in Hamburg, Germany, from 16-18 April 2018. Expressions of Interest due 16 February:

iii. The NSF-funded Research Coordination Network (RCN) for "Improving Reconstructions of Cenozoic pCO2 Change" is pleased to announce an analytical and modeling training program for early-career scientists. Deadline for applications: 28 February.

The program is designed to promote training and capacity building leading towards high-quality reconstructions of paleo-pCO2 over the Cenozoic era (and beyond), and is aimed at early career scientists (graduate students and post-doctoral fellows) enrolled or employed at a US University or research institution. The program will provide financial support ($1,500/fellowship) to obtain expert training in relevant analytical and modelling techniques, either within the US or abroad. Such techniques include, but are not limited to, e.g., leaf stomata and d13C, paleosol isotopes, carbon isotope fractionation into algal biomass (alkenones, diatom frustules etc.), boron isotopes, and global carbon cycle modeling. Funding decisions will evaluate alignment of the proposed work with the goals of the RCN, scientific promise of the applicant, and specific expertise of the laboratory to be visited.

The applicant should submit: (1) a CV, (2) a one-page research statement describing the fellowship activity, how it will benefit the applicant’s research program, how it addresses the goals of the RCN, and a brief budget, (3) a 1-2  page letter of recommendation from his/her research mentor that includes an evaluation of the applicant and a description of how the fellowship will further the applicant’s research, and (4) written confirmation from the respective (analytical or modelling) laboratory to host and train the applicant in all aspects relevant for the specific procedure. Selection criteria are based on evidence that high-quality training will lead to capacity-building with subsequent plans for application of the learned technique. We strongly encourage applications from women and groups that are underrepresented in STEM fields. Research visits will have to be completed within 6 months of the award. The fellowship does not constitute a salary, but is a contribution to travelling and living expenses. Any expenses exceeding the award will have to be carried by the trainee’s home or host institution. A 1-page report is required within three months of completing the fellowship. More information on the goals of the RCN can be found under the following link: For additional questions please email Bärbel Hönisch ( (hoenisch[at]ldeo[dot]columbia[dot]edu)) and/or Pratigya Polissar ( (polissar[at]ldeo[dot]columbia[dot]edu)).

iv. The 20th INQUA Congress will be held from 25-31 July 2019 in Dublin, Ireland. Deadline for proposals for scientific sessions is 31 March 2018. PAGES working groups are encouraged to submit:



PAGES - Past Global Changes  |  International Project Office

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Tel: +41 31 631 56 11  |

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