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PAGES e-news vol. 2018, no.4


1. Scientific Steering Committee nominations due

2. New Working Group and workshop support deadline reminder

3. Paleo meeting calendar and job announcements

. PAGES Early-Career Network updates

5. Remaining PAGES events at EGU General Assembly 2018

6. AGU Award nominations

7. IPBES expert reviewers for global assessment

8. Save the date - ICP 2019

9. Working Group news

10. Recent products

. Working Group meetings and deadlines

12. PAGES-supported meetings

13. Future Earth updates

14. WCRP updates

15. Endorsed and affiliated groups updates



1. Scientific Steering Committee nominations due

PAGES is calling for applications from scientists to serve on its Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) from January 2019. The deadline for consideration is Thursday 19 April at 17:00 UTC. All details on what's involved in being an SSC member and how to apply:

2. New Working Group and workshop support deadline reminder

This is a reminder the deadline for proposing new PAGES Working Groups and applying for workshop financial support is Thursday 19 April at 17:00 UTC. Unfortunately, if you haven't already contacted a Scientific Steering Committee member to outline your plans it is too late to submit. Applications received without SSC notification are not looked upon favorably:


3. Paleo meeting calendar and job announcements

Do you know PAGES puts together a comprehensive list of international paleoscience conferences, meetings and workshops in one handy calendar?

If you would like to add your meeting to the calendar, please email details to (pages[at]pages[dot]unibe[dot]ch).

We also have a dedicated section for Student, PhD, Faculty/Permanent and Other job opportunities:

If you would like to advertise a vacancy, go to:

4. PAGES Early-Career Network updates

i. Alicja Bonk explains why lake mud is beautiful in the newest "The Early Pages" blog post:

Have you thought about writing for the blog too? The three categories are Science Stories, Experiences and Opinion. For more information go to: or contact the ECN leaders: (pages[dot]ecn[dot]blog[at]gmail[dot]com)

ii. The deadline to attend the INQUA-PAGES ECR joint workshop "Impacts of sea-level rise from past to future (iSLR)" (26-29 August 2018, Utrecht, The Netherlands) has been extended to 1 May:

iii. PAGES Working Group liaisons: The ECN welcomes Franziska Lechleitner (SISAL), Jacqueline Austermann (PALSEA), Dan Amrhein (DAPS), Brian Zambri (VICS), and Donna Hawthorne (Global Paleofire) as group liaisons and look forward to a fruitful collaboration with the individual working groups.

iv. The ECN seeks regional ECN representatives who are interested in facilitating the global integration of early-career researchers into the wider scientific community. As a regional representative, you have the opportunity to share research, workshops and collaborations from your region with the wider ECR community. If you are interested, a simple application form will be made available soon.

v. To receive a more comprehensive list of ECN news and announcements, sign up to their mailing list:

5. Remaining PAGES events at EGU General Assembly 2018

The General Assembly 2018 of the European Geosciences Union (EGU) is currently underway in Vienna, Austria (8-13 April 2018).

The following events are still to come:

PAGES sessions:

CoralHydro2k - CL1.08: Tropical coral archives – Reconstructions of climate and environment beyond the instrumental record at society-relevant timescales:

CVAS - IE2.1/NP3.4/AS1.8/CL2.08/CR1.9/OS1.20/ST4.7: Climate Variability Across Scales and Climate States:

CVAS Short course - SC1.25/NP8.4: Scales and scaling in the climate system:

PALSEA2 - IE2.4/NH5.7/CL4.18/GD11.7/OS2.14: Sea-Level Changes from Minutes to Millennia:

Splinter meetings:

1. Thresholds, tipping points and multiple equilibria in records of past climate and the environment. What are they and is there still something to be learned? (SMP5):

2. 2k Network: MULTICHRON, ARAMATE and PSR2k projects (SM126):

Full details:

6. AGU Award nominations

Deadline 15 April 2018 for AGU Awards, in particular the Dansgaard Award. Nominate your favorite mid-career (8-20 years post-PhD) paleoscientist for this honor:

7. IPBES expert reviewers for global assessment

The external review for the second order drafts of the chapters and the first draft of the Summary for Policymakers of the IPBES global assessment of biodiversity and ecosystem services runs from 30 April until 29 June 2018. This assessment will be the first global snapshot of the state of the world's biodiversity in more than a decade, since the release of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. The global assessment will provide decision makers with the state of knowledge regarding the planet's biodiversity, ecosystems and their contributions to people, as well as the options to protect and use these natural assets more sustainably. Furthermore, the global assessment will provide vital data to assess progress against the Aichi Biodiversity Targets and the Sustainable Development Goals.

This second review is addressed to governments and interested and qualified experts, including scientists, decision makers, practitioners and knowledge holders, and it is essential to ensure consistency and continuity after the first external comments have been addressed. Therefore, the widest-possible participation and most diverse engagement of experts in this second external review is vital to ensure the scientific quality and policy relevance of the global assessment.

If you would like to be an expert reviewer for the global assessment:

- Register as a user of the IPBES website: if you have not already done so.

- Apply to become an IPBES external reviewer for individual chapters of the global assessmentat: (this will only work when logged in first as IPBES website user).

- Once registered, you will immediately receive an email providing confidential access to the draft chapters and will be requested to submit your comments in English using a template that is available on the same webpage.

If you have any further queries about this external review, email Hien Ngo: (hien[dot]ngo[at]ipbes[dot]net).

8. Save the date - ICP in 2019

The 13th International Conference on Paleoceanography (ICP) will take place in Sydney, Australia, from 1-6 September 2019. This is the first time the event will be held in the Southern Hemisphere. While the scope of the conference is paleoceanography, organizers have seen an increasing amount of submissions in the more general field of paleoclimatology in recent years. Several PAGES working groups will also be conducting side-meetings before or after the event.

ICP13 will include five half-day plenary sessions and three extensive poster sessions. Abstract submission opens later this year. Find out more:

9. Working Group news

i. 2k Network: Liz Thomas presented the Antarctica 2k paper "Regional Antarctic snow accumulation over the past 1000 years" at the EGU in Vienna, Austria, on Monday 9 April and was interviewed by the BBC:

ii. PALSEA2: a. Approaching deadline! The abstract/application deadline for the joint PALSEA-QUIGS workshop on "Climate, Ice Sheets and Sea level during past interglacials" (24-27 September 2018, Galloway, New Jersey, USA) is 15 April:

b. Extended deadline! The call for papers for the Quaternary Science Reviews PALSEA2 special issue, titled "PALeo constraints on SEA level rise (PALSEA): ice-sheet & sea-level responses to past climate warming" has been extended to 1 June. This is a virtual special issue, meaning each paper will be handled immediately and published online as soon as accepted. Submission website for this journal: To ensure manuscripts are correctly identified for inclusion in this special issue, select the name "VSI: PALSEA2" when uploading. Full submission details:

iii. PEOPLE 3000: The group will be at the 2018 Society for American Archaeology Meeting in Washington DC, USA. If you are in the area or at the meeting, attend the poster session from 17:00-19:00 on Thursday 12 April:

10. Recent products

i. 2k Network: a. Hans Linderholm et al. summarize the current understanding of Arctic hydroclimate during the past 2000 years in a Climate of the Past special issue paper:

b. Bronwen Konecky et al. discuss the Iso2k project in a group update in Eos:

c. Jens Zinke et al. published a CoralHydro2k workshop report in Eos and highlight the project's upcoming plans:

ii. GPWG2: New workshop report (from Montreal, Canada, meeting in October 2017) in Wildfire Magazine outlines the Global Charcoal Database and the group's productive history:

iii. LandCover6k: Members of the LandCover6k working group have constructed a hierarchical model for spatial compositional data to reconstruct past land-cover compositions for five time periods during the past 6000 years over Europe:

11. Working Group meetings and deadlines

i. C-PEAT:

Short-Term Peatland Patterns, Processes, and Sensitivity to Rapid Climate Change

College Station, TX, USA

10-13 May 2018

ii. EcoRe3:

2nd workshop: Resilience, disturbance and functional traits

Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

8-9 May 2018

iii. GPWG2:

a. African Fire History and Fire Ecology: Building Understanding and Capacity through Collaboration and Knowledge Exchange

Nairobi, Kenya

20-22 July 2018

Application deadline: 15 May

b. Diverse knowledge systems for fire policy and biodiversity conservation

Egham, UK

4-7 September 2018

Application and financial support request deadline: 11 May

iv. LandCover6k:

European Land-use at 6000BP

Barcelona, Spain

22-23 May 2018

v. OC3:

3rd workshop: Ocean circulation and carbon cycling during the last deglaciation: global synthesis

Cambridge, UK

6-9 September 2018

Deadlines: TBA


Joint cross-cutting initiative meeting: Climate, ice sheets and sea level during past interglacial periods

Galloway, NJ, USA

24-27 September 2018

Deadlines: 15 April

vii. PEOPLE 3000:

Increasing population, social complexity, climate change and why societies might fail to cope with these interrelated forces

San Rafael, Argentina

20-25 May 2018

viii. SISAL:

3rd workshop: Analyses of the SISAL database: regional patterns in isotope signatures

Agadir, Morocco

8-12 October 2018

12. PAGES-supported meetings

i. 2nd AFQUA International Conference

Nairobi, Kenya

14-22 July 2018

Abstract deadline: 30 April

ii. INQUA-PAGES ECR joint workshop

Impacts of sea-level rise from past to future (iSLR)

Utrecht, The Netherlands

26-29 August 2018

Deadline extended: 1 May

iii. GEOTRACES-PAGES joint workshop

Trace element and isotope proxies in paleoceanography: A synthesis workshop

Aix-Marseille, France

3-5 December 2018

Deadlines: TBA

13. Future Earth updates

i. Twelve leading sustainability innovators have been named on Future Earth's recently-formed Advisory Committee, which will guide the next phase of the organization's research and engagement:

ii. Future Earth Media Lab has collated the top 28 global sustainability papers published in March:

iii. Session at Japan Geo-science Union Meeting 2018:

iv. Vacancies: a. Project Coordinator (Montreal, Canada):

b. Digital and Engagement Editor (Boulder, USA):

14. WCRP updates

i. Read the CLIVAR April Bulletin:

15. Endorsed and affiliated groups updates

i. Climate History Network: Read the Winter 2018 Newsletter

ii. Historical Climatology: Vicki Szabo writes about the environmental history of North Atlantic right whales:


The International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA) palaeoclimate commission is striving to increase its engagement with the paleoclimate community.

- The remit of the INQUA Palaeoclimate Commission (PALCOM) is to optimise the use of palaeo-data for detailed climatic reconstructions.

- The overall objective is to enhance understanding of Quaternary climatic perturbations, transitions and abrupt events.

- PALCOM encourages interactive projects with the other INQUA Commissions to comprehend the links between climatic changes and environmental and human responses.

- PALCOM is also attempting to foster strategic links with the international climate modelling community, to assist the process of palaeo-data/model comparisons.

How can you get involved?

- Membership: Join online for email circulars:

- Focus Groups: Find out more about PALCOM’s International Focus groups and projects:

- News: Stay informed of the latest paleoclimate community meetings and conferences:

- Advertise: Share meeting/conference/news with the community:

- Meet us: The next PALCOM meeting will be at the next international congress in Dublin, July 2019:



PAGES - Past Global Changes  |  International Project Office

Falkenplatz 16, 3012 Bern, Switzerland

Tel: +41 31 631 56 11  |

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