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PAGES e-news vol. 2019, no.11


1. New Past Global Changes Magazine

2. Apply to be on our SSC - deadline 24 Feb

3. PAGES IPO staff update

4. New FAQs on our website

5. PAGES at AGU Fall Meeting 2019

6. Call for abstracts EGU 2020

7. Working Group news

8. Recent products

9. PAGES Early-Career Network updates

10. Working Group meetings and deadlines

11. PAGES-supported and endorsed meetings

12. Future Earth updates

13. WCRP updates

14. Endorsed and affiliated groups updates


1. New Past Global Changes Magazine

The latest Past Global Changes Magazine, a contribution from the PAGES OC3 working group titled "Ocean circulation and carbon cycling", is now available online: Hard copies will be mailed out in early December.

This issue highlights the paleoceanographic proxies and Earth system modeling studies used to reconstruct and understand changes in these processes over a range of climate states, from the Last Glacial Maximum 20,000 years ago to the warm climates of the early Cenozoic more than 55 million years ago, and the recent progress and ongoing challenges in reconstructing these changes, with an aim to inspire further research.

2. Apply to be on our SSC - deadline 24 Feb

PAGES' activities are overseen by an international Scientific Steering Committee (SSC). The SSC represents a broad spectrum of disciplines and nationalities. The continuing success of PAGES relies on the input of these people. PAGES is calling for applications from scientists to serve on its SSC from January 2021. We encourage applications from scientists in regions currently under-represented and welcome more female applicants. The application deadline is 24 February 2020 17:00 CET:

3. PAGES IPO staff update

At the start of November, PAGES welcomed Shashika Sedara Hettige to the International Project Office (IPO) IT department, in the role of Information Systems Coordinator. He will work with Manuela Roten and replaces Christian Telepski, who leaves PAGES at the end of the year (see next month's e-news). Find out more about Shashika here:

4. New FAQs on our website

Have you seen the new "one-stop shop" FAQ section which answers questions related to the work of PAGES?

If you have any comments or suggestions for additional questions, please contact the IPO: (pages[at]pages[dot]unibe[dot]ch)

5. PAGES at AGU Fall Meeting 2019

The AGU Fall Meeting will be held from 9-13 December 2019 in San Francisco, CA, USA. All details:

Booth 212, Tuesday 10 December: PAGES will have a presence, under the Future Earth banner, at the Belmont Forum and Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research booth, number 212, on Tuesday 10 December from 10:00-17:30. Our Science Officer Sarah Eggleston looks forward to meeting you there. Drop by to say hello and see some of the research done by the PAGES community.

Sessions: Four PAGES working groups are conducting sessions.

i. 2k Network: PP41A - Climate of the Common Era. Thursday 12 December, 08:00-12:20, Moscone West - 2004, L2. Posters: 13:40-18:00 Moscone South - Poster Hall.

ii. C-PEAT: B22F - Understanding past, present, and future peatland responses to natural and anthropogenic drivers of change. Tuesday 10 December, 10:20-12:20, Moscone West - 3001, L3. Posters: 13:40-18:00, Moscone South - Poster Hall.

iii. PALSEA: PP23A - Centennial Session: 100 Years of Ice Sheet and Sea-level Science. Tuesday 10 December, 13:40-18:00, Moscone West - 2006, L2. Posters: Wednesday 11 December, 08:00-12:20, Moscone South - Poster Hall.

iv. OC3: PP11A - Deep-Ocean Circulation Changes and Their Impacts. Monday 9 December, 08:00-10:00, Moscone West - 2004, L2. Posters: 13:40-18:00, Moscone South - Poster Hall.

Oral presentations: Several PAGES SSC Members and working group leaders will also be giving talks. Click the calendar link above for the full list.

Side meetings: A joint TundraPEAT/C-PEAT side meeting will be held on Wednesday 11 December from 10:20 to 13:30 at Hotel Nikko (Monterey 1 Room). Lunch will be provided. If you would like to attend or propose an agenda item, please fill out the short Google form on the main calendar link above.

Awards: Two active PAGES members will be honored. PAGES 2k Network Iso2k project leader Bronwen Konecky will receive the Nanne Weber Early Career Award in the Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology Section and PALSEA working group leader Jacqueline Austermann will receive the Jason Morgan Early Career Award in the Tectonophysics Section. PAGES congratulates them both for this outstanding recognition of their work.

6. Call for abstracts EGU 2020

Have you seen all the proposed PAGES' and associated sessions at the European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly in Vienna, Austria, from 3-8 May 2020? Please consider submitting an abstract by 15 January. All details:

7. Working Group news

i. Mailing lists: Did you know all PAGES working groups have designated mailing lists? Stay up to date directly. Access details for all mailing lists here:

ii. 2k Network: CoralHydro2k project leader Kim Cobb will receive the Hans Oeschger Medal at the EGU General Assembly in Vienna, Austria, in May 2020. PAGES extends its congratulations to Kim for this worthy recognition of her paleoscience work: She continues a long tradition of active PAGES' members receiving the award:

iii. ACME: The Arctic Cryosphere Change and Coastal Marine Ecosystems working group is collecting community perspectives on the current state and future directions of arctic coastal paleoceanography via an online survey open until 15 November. ACME strongly encourages community members and paleoceanographers of all career stages and backgrounds to respond to the short questionnaire. The results of the survey will provide a basis for outlining priority research questions and directions, and give an overview of spatial, methodological, and ecological knowledge gaps identified by the community. The questionnaire is anonymous and takes about 10 minutes to complete. Find it at the bottom of the group's home page:

iv. C-PEAT: a. New paper: "Widespread drying of European peatlands in recent centuries" was published in Nature Geoscience. See point 8 for all details.

b. At the AGU Fall Meeting, the peat sessions are scheduled on Tuesday 10 December. If you would like to take part in a group dinner that evening, please email Julie Loisel at your earliest convenience to RSVP, as space is limited: (julieloisel[at]tamu[dot]edu)

v. CRIAS: Following the recent 2nd CRIAS workshop, the group has re-focused the "Call for Objects" for an online exhibition on Climate History. The deadline was also been extended to 15 November. Please consider contributing one or more objects from your research that you have wanted to introduce to a larger public: Questions can be sent to Martin Bauch (contact details in the link).

vi. CVAS: Working group leader Shaun Lovejoy was interviewed by Tommaso Alberti for the Nonlinear Processes in Geosciences (NP) Division of the European Geosciences Union (EGU) Blog. Shaun discusses his 2019 EGU Lewis Fry Richardson Medal and career:

vii. DAPS: As a follow up to the group's second workshop hackathon, a website has been created to host DAPS resources: Group leaders hope the website will become the central repository of DAPS' resources for the broader community. The current content is minimal, and needs to be filled out by people who are familiar with each resource item. To add information, either submit a request on Github (repository: or send Feng Zhu ( (fengzhu[at]usc[dot]edu)) a markdown file (or any text) that describes the resource item and he will do the updates. Find out more about DAPS here:

viii. EcoRe3: Min Xu et al. contributed a new paper on ecological regime shifts in two Chinese lakes to the group's special feature in The Royal Society Biology Letters. See point 8 for all details.

ix. LandCover6k: a. Africa coordinator: Stefania Merlo is the new coordinator for the land-use activity (archaeology-based land-use reconstructions) for the whole of Africa. Contact her for more details: (Stefania[dot]Merlo[at]wits[dot]ac[dot]za)

b. Discussion paper open review: Deadline for review has been extended until 1 December for the Harrison et al. manuscript under review for the journal Geoscientific Model Development (GMD), titled "Development and testing of scenarios for implementing Holocene LULC in Earth System Model Experiments". The strategy of LandCover6k is presented in this paper. Group leaders encourage more comments:

c. General LandCover6k Workshop/Conference 2020: Plans are in progress, dates will be communicated as soon as possible. Contact: Kathy Morrison: (kathy[dot]morrison[at]sas[dot]upenn[dot]edu)

x. OC3: The working group will hold its final meeting after the AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco, USA, on 14 December 2019. See point 10 for all details.

xi. VICS: a. Group leader Michael Sigl was interviewed for the Royal Society of Chemistry article "Frozen in time", designed for students, which discusses the lengths scientists go to for their research. You may need to register for access:

b. The deadline for article submissions for the special issue of Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, titled "Environmental and societal impacts of past volcanic eruptions - integrating the geosciences with the historical, anthropological, and archaeological sciences" is 1 December. Guest editors Felix Riede, Celine Vidal and Francis Ludlow welcome papers that ideally integrate data between sciences and so provide exceptionally rich and detailed records of volcanic activity and its environmental and societal legacies, although papers tackling past volcanic activity from specific disciplinary angles are also welcome. Contributions should focus on multidisciplinary research combining geological, historical, anthropological, archaeological, or other methods to understand a given eruption, a volcano's eruption history, or the societal impact of such events. Contact Felix Riede for more information: (f[dot]riede[at]cas[dot]au[dot]dk)

c. Submit an abstract by 25 January to the group's session "S2.13 Interdisciplinary reconstructions of the impact of past volcanic eruptions on climate and society" at the Cities on Volcanoes Conference to be held in Heraklion, Crete, Greece, from 23-27 May 2020. All details:

8. Recent products

i. C-PEAT: Graeme Swindles et al. show that European peatlands have undergone substantial, widespread drying during the last ~300 years by analyzing testate amoeba-derived hydrological reconstructions from 31 peatlands across Britain, Ireland, Scandinavia and Continental Europe:

ii. EcoRe3: "A palaeolimnological perspective to understand regime-shift dynamics in two Yangtze-basin lakes" is a new contribution to the group's The Royal Society Biology Letters special feature:

iii. Two former PAGES working groups, Varves Working Group (now a PAGES' endorsed group) and Global Soil and Sediment transfers in the Anthropocene (GloSS), are acknowledged in the paper "Human and climate global-scale imprint on sediment transfer during the Holocene" by Jean-Philippe Jenny et al. in PNAS:

9. PAGES Early-Career Network updates

i. Pre-registration is now open for the PAGES-INQUA ECR workshop "Past Socio-Environmental Systems (PASES)" to be held from 9-13 November 2020 in La Serena y Coquimbo, Chile. This is not the final registration form for the workshop. That will be launched by March 2020. See point 10 for all details.

ii. New Middle East PAGES ECN Regional Representatives: The ECN welcomes Daniel Killam, representing Israel, and Sara Saeedi, representing Iran (currently based in Germany). Please reach out to them if you have ideas to share:

iii. The Early Pages Blog: To date, The Early Pages has been viewed 21,000 times in 1000 cities in 95 countries. The blog leaders thank the authors and readers for making the blog a success. New stories are sought from ECRs in and out of academia on all kinds of topics, be it your work or your experiences and opinions regarding paleosciences, life as an ECR, academic life and others. If you would like to write a post, email the leaders to discuss potential topics: (pages[dot]ecn[dot]blog[at]gmail[dot]com). Stay tuned for upcoming posts about scientific collaboration, being a PI for the first time, and why oxygen in water is so important:

iv. Sclerochronology survey: Four members of the ECN are conducting a horizon scanning survey regarding the future priority research questions within sclerochronology and need your help. The survey takes approximately 30 minutes:

v. ECN Webinar: A reminder that the recent webinar "How to successfully publish a scientific article" presented by Thierry Corrège, editor of Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, is available on the ECN YouTube Channel:

vi. To receive a more comprehensive list of ECN news and announcements, sign up to the mailing list:

10. Working Group meetings and deadlines

i. CVAS:

Beyond Palaeoclimate Ping Pong: Improving estimates of past climate variability by consistent data-model comparison

Heidelberg, Germany

2-5 June 2020

ii. ECN:

PAGES-INQUA ECR workshop: Past Socio-Environmental Systems (PASES)

La Serena, Chile

9-13 November 2020

Pre-registration deadline: 30 January

iii. OC3:

OC3 working group final meeting

San Francisco, USA

14 December 2019

11. PAGES-supported and endorsed meetings

The 19th International Swiss Climate Summer School

Grindelwald, Switzerland

23-28 August 2020

Application deadline: 10 January 2020

12. Future Earth updates

i. Future Earth 2018-19 Annual Report: Each year, Future Earth highlights updates on its activities and successes, including new findings emerging from the Global Research Projects (of which PAGES is one), Knowledge-Action Networks, collaborations and partnerships. The 2018-19 Future Earth Annual Report is now available:

ii. SRI2020 call for session proposals: The inaugural Sustainability Research & Innovation Congress will be held in Brisbane, Australia, from 14-17 June 2020. The invitation to submit proposals closes 15 November (midnight MT). All details:

iii. ICSS2020 call for proposals: Researchers, innovators, and change-makers are invited to propose "SDG Labs on biodiversity-based solutions to sustainability challenges" for the International Conference on Sustainability Science in October 2020 in Kunming, China. Application deadline 17 November

iv. Global Land Programme: Read the GLP October E-News: Plus a reminder that GLP has made all articles in its recent special issue of Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability available free of charge for individual pdf downloads until December 2019:

13. WCRP updates

i. Climate Science Week at AGU: Find out more about activities planned at the WCRP Climate Science Week at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting from 7-13 December 2019 in San Francisco, CA, USA: In particular, WCRP would like to invite the paleoclimate community to the WCRP 40th Anniversary Symposium on Sunday 8 December. Registration is free:

ii. WCRP is calling for any historial material, particularly film footage, from the last 40 years of WCRP to be used during the Climate Science Week at AGU. Any help they can get with sourcing historical footage is much appreciated. Contact Narelle van der Wel: (nvanderwel[at]wmo[dot]int)

iii. Access the CLIVAR November 2019 Bulletin:

14. Endorsed and affiliated groups updates

i. Find out more about PAGES' endorsed and affiliated groups here:

ii. Climate History Network: Access the latest newsletter:

iii. Historical Climatology: New podcast episodes are available, including "A Conversation with Bathsheba Demuth: Histories of the Changing Arctic" and "A Conversation with Kevin Anchukaitis: Past Climate Change and Why It Matters Today". Access all episodes here:

iv. PMIP: The IPCC’s deadline for submitted papers to be cited in the Second Order Draft of the AR6 Synthesis Report is 31 December. The PMIP community would like to see some synthesis papers written about the new PMIP4 simulations within this timeframe. Chris Brierley is coordinating a multi-model PMIP4 paper for the mid-Holocene experiment and would like to reach out to other potential collaborators. The initial outline for the paper is posted on Github: If you feel that you have something to contribute to this overall synthesis of the mid-Holocene experiments, please contact Chris Brierley: (c[dot]brierley[at]ucl[dot]ac[dot]uk)

v. Varves Working Group: The group is organizing the session "High-resolution Quaternary lake sequences: a tool for precise chronologies and reconstruction of rapid environmental changes" at the 58th British Sedimentological Research Group Annual General Meeting from 13-17 December 2019 in Egham, Surrey, UK. Abstracts due 18 November




PAGES - Past Global Changes  |  International Project Office

University of Bern, Main Building

Hochschulstrasse 4, 3012 Bern, Switzerland

Tel: +41 31 631 56 11  |

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