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- PAGES E-news Vol. 2019, No.2
Wednesday, 13 February, 2019
1. Reminder - Linking to PAGES website
2. Host PAGES 2021 OSM/YSM - apply by 28 Feb
3. PAGES welcomes new Science Officer Sarah Eggleston
4. Are your People Database details up to date?
5. Working Group news
6. Recent products
7. PAGES Early-Career Network updates
8. Working Group meetings and deadlines
9. PAGES-supported and endorsed meetings
10. Paleo content in IPCC WG1 AR6
11. Future Earth updates
12. WCRP updates
13. Endorsed and affiliated groups updates
1. Reminder - Linking to PAGES website
Help spread the word! PAGES kindly requests that if you mention PAGES or a PAGES working group on your own webpages you include a link to the relevant PAGES website page. PAGES domain name is http://pastglobalchanges.org/
2. Host PAGES 2021 OSM/YSM - apply by 28 Feb
Held every four years, PAGES’ Open Science Meeting (OSM) and Young Scientists Meeting (YSM) provide an invaluable opportunity to bring the past global change community together from around the world to share, discuss, learn, and plan for the future.
Would you and your institution like to be an integral part of these premier events in the international paleoscience calendar? The call is now open to host the next meetings in 2021, preferably in the first half of the year.
The bidding process takes place in two stages with Expressions of Interest due 28 February 2019. PAGES' Scientific Steering Committee will then invite a shortlist of selected potential hosts to submit a full bid by early September 2019. All details: http://pages-osm.org/
3. PAGES welcomes new Science Officer Sarah Eggleston
PAGES is pleased to welcome our new Science Officer Sarah Eggleston to the International Project Office (IPO) in Bern, Switzerland. Eggleston has taken over from Lucien von Gunten, who worked with PAGES for eight years.
Among her many roles, Eggleston will be responsible for the coordination of working groups and other aspects of PAGES' science agenda, as well as editing the Past Global Changes Magazine. Read more: http://pastglobalchanges.org/news/all-news-items/9-latest-news/2206-new-sci-officer-eggleston-19
4. Are your People Database details up to date?
Have you recently moved institutions or changed address? Please check your People Database entry and provide any updates to pagespages.unibe.ch (pages[at]pages[dot]unibe[dot]ch) using the email heading "Update my details". This is especially important for postal deliveries of the Past Global Changes Magazine.
5. Working Group news
i. 2k Network: The Iso2k project has held five online meetings/mini-retreats in the past two months. Group leader Bronwen Konecky estimates 50 tonnes of CO2e have been saved by meeting virtually. Find out more about Iso2k here: http://pastglobalchanges.org/ini/wg/2k-network/projects/iso2k/intro
ii. C-PEAT: a. A reminder from the working group leaders that C-PEAT Phase II runs until December 2021. Please increase the group's visibility by using the C-PEAT logo on any presentations and mentioning the group in your acknowledgements: http://pastglobalchanges.org/ini/wg/peat-carbon/intro
b. 40 responses were received for the C-PEAT expert assessment survey and the analysis has now started. The leaders thank all who participated.
iii. DAPS: Registrations of interest are now being accepted for the group's second workshop, to be held from 29-31 May 2019 in College Park, MD, USA. See point 8 below for all details.
iv. LandCover6k: Save the date! The next working group general meeting will be held at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA, from 5-7 December 2019. More information to come. Keep an eye on the LandCover6k webpage for details: http://pastglobalchanges.org/ini/wg/landcover6k/intro
v. OC3: After the successful joint IPODS and OC3 meeting in Cambridge September 2018 (workshop report here: http://pastglobalchanges.org/products/12739-ocean-circ-carb-cyc-last-deglac-synth), OC3 leaders successfully applied for a one-year extension for the final data synthesis from January 2019 to December 2019. For the extension, Janne Repschläger will be the leader and Andreas Schmittner remains an active member of the steering committee. Rajeev Saraswat and Juan Muglia have joined the steering committee. Muglia is also the database manager. Currently, the group is still working on the regional compilations. Anybody who would like to join in and/or share unpublished data is warmly welcome. During the year, the group will organize short splinter meetings associated with the big conferences (EGU, ICP and AGU). Starting with EGU, the splinter meeting will take place on Tuesday 9 April 2019 from 19:00-20:00. Though rather late in the afternoon, the meeting time will give you the chance to attend the day's meeting sessions. All OC3 info here: http://pastglobalchanges.org/ini/wg/oc3/intro
vi. PALSEA: Working group members will be the guest editors on the next issue of Past Global Changes Magazine. The issue is well underway and will be published before the INQUA Congress in July. Access all past issues of the Past Global Changes Magazine here: http://pastglobalchanges.org/products/pages-magazine/
vii. SISAL. Feedback on the following preprint for the SISAL special issue of Quaternary is welcome: Burstyn Y, Martrat B, Lopez JF, Iriarte E, Jacobson MJ, Lone MA, Deininger M. Speleothems from the Middle East: An Example of Water Limited Environments in the SISAL Database. Preprints 2019: https://www.preprints.org/manuscript/201902.0063/v1
viii. VICS: Several members of the working group leadership team are guest editors for the upcoming Special Issue of Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research on "Environmental and societal impacts of past volcanic eruptions – integrating the geosciences with the historical, anthropological, and archaeological sciences". Preferred submission deadline: 1 September 2019. All details: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-volcanology-and-geothermal-research/call-for-papers/call-for-papers-special-issue-on-environmental-and-societal
6. Recent products
i. PAGES 2k Network: Christoph Dätwyler et al. used the 2k Network proxy data and metadata in their paper "El Niño–Southern Oscillation variability, teleconnection changes and responses to large volcanic eruptions since AD 1000" published in International Journal of Climatology: http://pastglobalchanges.org/products/12791-el-nino-sthn-osc-var-telec-chg-resp-volcan
ii. GEOTRACES/PAGES: Three post-meeting reports have been written by attendees of the December 2018 joint GEOTRACES/PAGES workshop titled "Trace element and isotope proxies in paleoceanography: A synthesis". Access them all at the bottom of this page: http://pastglobalchanges.org/calendar/2018/127-pages/1754-geotraces-pages-wshop-18
iii. SISAL: Four new contributions to the "Speleothem Records and Climate" Special Issue of Quaternary:
a. Editors Laia Comas-Bru and Sandy Harrison introduce the Special Issue via the paper "SISAL: Bringing Added Value to Speleothem Research": http://pastglobalchanges.org/products/12784-sisal-bring-added-value-spel-res-19
b. Kerstin Braun et al. show evidence of migration of the African monsoon belt: http://pastglobalchanges.org/products/12768-window-africa-past-hydro-sisal-dbase
c. Jessica Oster et al. report on speleothem paleoclimatology for the Caribbean, Central America, and North America: http://pastglobalchanges.org/products/12772-speleo-paleoclim-carib-am-sisal-si-19
d. Michael Deininger et al. present an overview of speleothem δ18O records from South America: http://pastglobalchanges.org/products/12771-late-quat-var-sth-am-monsoon-sisal-si-19
iv. VICS: Group members Matthew Toohey et al. published a paper in Nature Geoscience on extratropical volcanic eruptions: http://pastglobalchanges.org/products/12774-disprop-strong-clim-forc-extratrop-volc-erup
7. PAGES Early-Career Network updates
a. Grant writing workshop: Applications due 15 February to attend the first-ever PAGES ECN Workshop "Funding starts here - Grant writing for early-career researchers" (26-29 May 2019, Prague, Czech Republic). Travel support will be available for ECRs, especially those from developing countries. All details: http://pastglobalchanges.org/ecn/meetings/127-pages/1908-ecn-grant-writing-wshop-19
b. ECN webinar: The most recent webinar "From Idea to Paper in the Paleogeosciences - Using RMarkdown to make your work easier and better looking" is now available to view on the ECN YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_Wo8xLhqoo&feature=youtu.be
c. The Early Pages Blog: i. At the age of 47, Paul Butler decided to leave a lucrative job as an IT consultant in London and move to a quiet town in North Wales to study Ocean Sciences. Butler describes what it is like to be a mature student and an early-career researcher (ECR) in their fifties in a post that is full of humour, honesty, and advice to ECRs of all ages: https://theearlypages.blogspot.com/2019/01/senior-scientist-how-to-be-ecr-in-your.html
ii. The Early Pages is looking for short experience pieces on career gaps in academia and science. If you have had gaps between contracts and are happy to share that experience with the community (e.g. how you bridged those gaps, odd or relevant jobs you might have had, and what you learned from it), please contact pages.ecn.bloggmail.com (pages[dot]ecn[dot]blog[at]gmail[dot]com) for more information.
d. ECN contribution to IPCC AR6: PAGES ECN is co-organizing the early-career effort to produce a group review of the upcoming IPCC AR6 report and would like to invite early-career researchers to participate in the review process. The deadline for registration is 1 March (23:59 GMT). All details: http://pastglobalchanges.org/ecn/intro
e. Mailing list: To receive a more comprehensive list of ECN news and announcements, sign up to the mailing list: https://listserv.unibe.ch/mailman/listinfo/pages.ecn.pages
8. Working Group meetings and deadlines
i. DAPS:
Applying and comparing proxy system models and data assimilation methods
College Park, USA
29-31 May 2019
Registration of interest deadline: 15 March
ii. ECN (PAGES Early-Career Network):
Funding starts here - Grant writing for early-career researchers
Prague, Czech Republic
26-29 May 2019
Registration deadline: 15 February
iii. Extremes Integrative Activity:
1st workshop: Climatic and hydrological extremes: linking the instrumental period of the last decades with the more distant past
Koblenz, Germany
18-20 February 2019
iv. LandCover6k:
Pollen based estimates of past land cover in South and Southeast Asia
Pondicherry, India
11-15 September 2019
Deadlines: TBA
Using ecological and chronological data to improve proxy-based paleo sea level reconstructions
Dublin, Ireland
21-23 July 2019
Abstract deadline: 27 February at 23:59 GMT
Registration deadline: 18 April
vi. PEOPLE 3000:
3rd workshop: Human Paleo-biogeography and the Synchrony of Social-Ecological Systems on Earth
Vernal, Utah, USA
20-24 May 2019
Deadlines: TBA
vii. QUIGS:
Warm extremes – Marine isotope stage 5e and its relevance to the future
1-4 July 2019
Cambridge, UK
Deadlines: TBA
viii. VICS:
4th workshop: Volcanic Impacts on Climate and Society: The Common Era and beyond
Cambridge, UK
13-16 April 2019
9. PAGES-supported and endorsed meetings
i. Past plant diversity, climate change and mountain conservation
Cuenca, Ecuador
11-15 March 2019
Abstract deadline: 15 February
Registration deadline: 28 February
ii. CLIMATE-12k workshop: How hot was the Holocene?
Sainte-Croix, Switzerland
10-13 June 2019
iii. 2019 Summer School on Speleothem Science (S4)
Cluj-Napoca, Romania
11-17 August 2019
Application deadline: 15 March
iv. PaleoENSO workshop
Belitung Island, Indonesia
25-30 August 2019
v. 13th International Conference on Paleoceanography
Sydney, Australia
2-6 September 2019
Early-bird registration deadline: 28 February
vi. 25th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists
Bern, Switzerland
4-7 September 2019
Abstract deadline extended: 18 February
vii. CLImatic MOdes of VARiability (CLIMOVAR) over the Holocene: model-data synergies to improve future projections
Barcelona, Spain
25-27 September 2019
Expressions of Interest due: 30 April
10. Paleo content in IPCC WG1 AR6
Paleoclimatology is fundamental to understanding the climate system, and is an important part of the IPCC’s assessment of climate science. Likewise, the IPCC’s assessment provides an avenue for the paleoscience community to highlight its essential role in climate science. This announcement is to inform paleoclimate scientists about a developing summary of large-scale paleoclimate indicators, and to solicit input to this product for AR6. All details: http://pastglobalchanges.org/news/all-news-items/9-latest-news/2175-paleo-in-ipcc-wg1-ar6
11. Future Earth updates
i. Future Earth announces intent to launch Earth Commission: The Earth Commission will be launched by Future Earth and the International Union for the Conservation of Nature to compile the science of the whole Earth system to inform the setting of targets for safeguarding a stable and resilient planet – similar to the 1.5 degree target for climate: http://futureearth.org/news/future-earth-announces-intent-launch-earth-commission
ii. Host Sustainability Research and Innovation 2020 - A Transdisciplinary Congress Powered by Future Earth and the Belmont Forum: Future Earth, which supports the largest global community of systems-focused sustainability researchers and innovators, and the Belmont Forum, the world’s largest consortium of transdisciplinary global change and sustainability research funders, are joining forces to establish an annual marquis congress. Applications to host the 2020 congress close 1 March. All details: http://www.belmontforum.org/news/future-earth-and-the-belmont-forum-establish-annual-congress-for-global-transformation-to-sustainability-seek-expressions-of-interest-for-hosts/
iii. Collecting inputs for the development of a post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework: The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) is in the process of collecting inputs to the development of a post-2020 global biodiversity framework and has opened up an initial discussion document on the framework for review. All details: https://www.cbd.int/post2020/. Future Earth would like to share this opportunity to provide inputs to this process as it moves forward. Email input directly, by 15 April, to secretariatcbd.int
iv. Read the January Future Earth Newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/futureearth/future-earth-september-newsletter-2471825?e=eede3c2d24
12. WCRP updates
i. Institute of Advanced Studies in Climate Extremes and Risk Management Summer School: WCRP and partners are bringing together early-career scientists and professionals to learn from each other on weather and climate extremes and disaster risk reduction and management. Applications for this highly sought after summer school (21 October to 1 November 2019, Nanjing, China) are now open: https://www.wcrp-climate.org/news/wcrp-news/1448-extremes-risk-summer-school-news
iii. Read the CLIVAR February 2019 Bulletin: https://mailchi.mp/clivar.org/clivar-february-2019-bulletin?e=a3ab4bafcd
iii. Read the Climate and Cryosphere (CliC) February 2019 Newsletter: http://www.climate-cryosphere.org/news/clic-newsletters/archive/view/listid-1-newsletters/mailid-57-ice-and-climate-newsletter-31
iv. Subscribe to the WCRP Newsletter: https://www.wcrp-climate.org/news/wcrp-newsletter
13. Endorsed and affiliated groups updates
i. PAGES welcomes a new affiliated group, Hominin Dispersals Research Group (HDRG), to the fold. Find out more here: http://pastglobalchanges.org/ini/end-aff/intro
ii. HistoricalClimatology.com: The group recently launched a new series with ActiveHistory.ca and Network in Canadian History & Environment (NICHE), where environmental historians debate whether nuclear power offers a genuine solution to the crisis of climate change. Read the series introduction: https://www.historicalclimatology.com/blog/environmental-historians-debate-can-nuclear-power-solve-climate-change?fbclid=IwAR1qlHxhLE_IuJvdMFD-7MjSPLui9zt8sJEdnUZV4ZSzrk_eBQkbVJNUmDM
iii. Varves Working Group: Guest editors Wojciech Tylmann and Bernd Zolitschka encourage contributions to the upcoming special issue on annually laminated (varved) lake sediments for the new Open Access journal Quaternary. The deadline has been extended! Please submit your manuscript by 31 March. For questions, please contact the Editorial Office (quaternarymdpi.com (quaternary[at]mdpi[dot]com)) or the guest editors. Further information: http://www.mdpi.com/si/quaternary/laminated_lake_sediments
PAGES - Past Global Changes | International Project Office
University of Bern, Main Building
Hochschulstrasse 4, 3012 Bern, Switzerland
Tel: +41 31 631 56 11
pagespages.unibe.ch | http://pastglobalchanges.org
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