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PAGES e-news vol. 2020, no.4


1. New Past Global Changes Magazine

2. PAGES 6th OSM and 4th YSM updates

3. IPCC WG1 Second-Order Draft review extension

4. PAGES and WDS-Paleo webinar 27 and 28 May

. Working Group news

6. PAGES Early-Career Network updates

7. Recent products

8. AGU Fall Meeting 2020 - propose a session by 23 April

9. EGU General Assembly - online 4-8 May

10. PAGES working group meetings and deadlines

11. PAGES-supported and endorsed meetings

12. Endorsed and affiliated groups updates

13. Future Earth updates

14. WCRP updates

15. WDS-Paleo updates

16. Other news and opportunities


1. New Past Global Changes Magazine

Conservation policies for preserving biodiversity under ongoing climate change require historical data and hindcasting models to better understand modern processes and more accurately predict potential future changes. The latest Past Global Changes Magazine "Past Plant Diversity and Conservation" is multidisciplinary and aims to highlight possible contributions of paleodata to conservation initiatives, as these data contain a wealth of information about past climate changes in terms of trends, abruptness, and velocity, and on plants' diversity down to their infraspecific level:

2. PAGES 6th OSM and 4th YSM updates

PAGES' premier science conferences, the Open Science Meeting (OSM) and Young Scientists Meeting (YSM), are held every four years. The 6th OSM and 4th YSM will be held in Agadir, Morocco, from 16-22 May 2021. The YSM will be held from 16-18 May and the OSM from 18-22 May. Regional field trips and excursions of varying durations will be offered after the OSM.

The Scientific Program Committee (SPC) thanks everyone who submitted a session proposal. They will be in contact with conveners soon, and the program will be announced shortly thereafter.

Abstract submission and registration opens 1 July 2020. All details:

3. IPCC WG1 Second-Order Draft review extension

New deadlines 29 May and 5 June 2020: The IPCC has been monitoring the COVID-19 pandemic and related measures undertaken by governments. They support the strong and swift action undertaken worldwide, but note this has serious implications for the timely completion of the IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report.


IPCC has extended the government and expert review of the Second Order Draft of the Working Group I (WGI) contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report (AR6), originally scheduled to run until 26 April 2020, by six weeks to Friday 5 June 2020. You must register by 29 May and ensure all review comments are uploaded to the review system by 11:59 CET Friday 5 June 2020.

To facilitate a robust review of the paleoscience information, which is integrated throughout the report, a comprehensive list of the paleoscience contents is available. The paleoscience content list was assembled by PAGES SSC Member Darrell Kaufman with help from members of PAGES' Early-Career Network (ECN) and students at Northern Arizona University, USA. All details and links to help your review are here: All details:

Community feedback is needed to focus the key messages from paleosciences and to assure that the report presents the most current, comprehensive, and balanced treatment of the policy-relevant topics.

Access a webinar and slides prepared for the group review by APECS. These date back to the First-Order Draft (FOD) but still could be useful for people taking part in the SOD review who are interested in the review's procedures. This group review was coordinated by Marta Moreno ( (marta[dot]moreno-ibanez[at]outlook[dot]com)):

4. PAGES and WDS-Paleo webinar 27 and 28 May

PAGES webinar by the WDS-Paleo on Wednesday 27 May at 14:00 UTC, with replay and live Q&A on Thursday 28 May at 17:00 UTC (connection details to be announced later):

Promoting FAIR principles at NOAA’s World Data Service for Paleoclimatology

The primary mission of the World Data Service for Paleoclimatology (WDS-Paleo) is to ensure that global paleoclimatology proxy and derived reconstruction data are maintained in a permanent archive that is easily and openly accessible to the world science community and to other users. New initiatives of the WDS-Paleo, including bulk data download and the Paleoenvironmental Standard Terms (PaST) Thesaurus of measured variables, help to make these data FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, re-usable). Explore these features and get tips to improve your searches by using the new tour of Paleo Data Search at Join us for this briefing to learn how to use these new capabilities and to discuss new directions in data stewardship, both to meet new WDS-Paleo data contribution requirements and to access data more efficiently and effectively.

Join the webinar live on Wednesday 27 May at 14:00 UTC to learn how to use these new capabilities, both to meet new WDS-Paleo data contribution requirements and to access data more efficiently and effectively. The webinar video will be replayed on Thursday 28 May at 17:00 UTC, followed by a live Q&A session. All details:


5. Working Group news

i. Mailing lists: Did you know all PAGES working groups have designated mailing lists? Stay up to date directly. Access details for all mailing lists here:

ii. ACME: In light of the current COVID-19 situation, the first ACME workshop, which was supposed to take place 1-2 May prior to EGU 2020, has been postponed. Organizers are currently working on alternative plans and will make further announcements as soon as they know more. See point 10 for all details.

iii. C-PEAT: a. May 2020 Meeting Update: Because of the coronavirus pandemic, the workshop committee has decided to cancel the meeting in May 2020 and reschedule it for a later date. Further information will be provided as soon as possible. See point 10 for all details.

b. GSA 2020 Annual Meeting: Please consider submitting a paper to the following session - T153. Soils and Long-Term Environmental Change. GSA will be held from 25-28 October 2020 in Montreal, QC, Canada. The electronic abstract-submission form opens 1 April. This session integrates soils and environmental change across disciplines and methods from pedology to remote sensing, geochemistry, geomorphology, paleoecology, and archaeology. Studies could include carbon sequestration, anthropogenic impacts, soil formation over time, and soil geoarchaeology. Session Chairs: Sam Krause (Texas State University), Rolfe Mandel (University Kansas), Julie Loisel (Texas A&M), Tim Beach (UT Austin):

iv. CRIAS: The group will hold its third workshop "State of the Art of Historical Climatology in International Perspective" from 25-26 September 2020 in Hong Kong. Abstracts are due 30 April. See point 10 for all details.

v. C-SIDE: The group's third workshop will be held in May 2021 (2021) in Bordeaux, France. PAGES has provided some financial support. See point 10 for all details.

vi. CVAS: New dates! The workshop "Beyond Palaeoclimate Ping Pong: Improving estimates of past climate variability by consistent data-model comparison" which was scheduled for 2-5 June 2020 in Heidelberg, Germany, has been moved to 3-6 December 2020. See point 10 for all details.

vii. EcoRe3: a. Working group members have a new paper in Biology Letters. See point 7 for all details.

b. The group's final workshop scheduled for March 2020 in Cape Town, South Africa, has been postponed. See point 10 for all details.

viii. GPWG2: Members of the former working group Global Paleofire Working Group 2 recently published a paper which explores the relative importance of Holocene land cover, land use, dominant functional forest type, and climate dynamics on biomass burning in temperate and boreo-nemoral regions of central and eastern Europe over the past 12 kyr. See point 7 for all details.

ix. LandCover6k: a. Meeting cancelled: The land-use mapping workshop for South and Southeast Asia planned for 9 May 2020 has been cancelled. See point 10 for all details.

b. The group will hold the session "Quantitative reconstruction of Holocene land-use and land-cover change: advances and applications" at the joint 15th International Palynological Congress (IPCXV 2020) and the 11th International Organisation of Palaeobotany Conference (IOPC-XI 2020) from 12-19 September 2020 in Prague, Czech Republic. All details:

c. The group will hold the session "The PAGES LandCover6K Land Use Group in Africa: Benefits and Drawbacks of a Global Initiative" at the Society of Africanist Archaeologists (SAfA) Conference from 21-24 September 2020 in Oxford, UK. All details:

d. Register your interest by 30 June (new date) to attend the group's 4th General Workshop to be held from 9-10 October 2020 in Philadelphia, USA. All are welcome. Information about funding will be announced as soon as possible. See point 10 for more details.

x. OC3: A paper resulting from an Ocean Circulation and Carbon Cycling (OC3) working group meeting in Cambridge, UK, in 2018 is available in Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology. Authors use an intermediate complexity climate model to present a detailed investigation on how changes in tidal dissipation would affect the global meridional overturning circulation. See point 7 for all details.

xi. PALSEA: Group leaders are monitoring the situation regarding plans for the next PALSEA meeting (joint with SERCE) tentatively scheduled for 14-16 September 2020 at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory in New York, USA, which will focus on "Improving understanding of ice sheet and solid earth processes driving paleo sea level change." This meeting aims to bring together ~45 scientists - junior and senior - working across a range of specialties in sea level and ice sheet data and modeling fields to unify understanding of solid Earth deformation and ice sheet evolution over various space and time scales. Over the three-day event, presentations and discussions will be centered around these topics, and to seek ways to address data stewardship in the sea level modeling community, and have a half-day field trip, outreach event, and conference dinner. An announcement will be made in June as to whether abstract submission will be opened or if the meeting will be pushed back to next year, so please stay tuned. See point 10 for further details.

xii. PEOPLE 3000: The May 2020 meeting has been postponed due to the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic and the organizing committee has decided to tentatively reschedule the workshop to ensure the safety of participants. It is planned to take place 31 August to 5 September 2020. See point 10 for all details.

xiii. QUIGS: The next workshop will be held in September 2020 in Cassis, France. PAGES has provided some financial support. See point 10 for all details.

xiv. SISAL: a. A review of the "Main Controls on the Stable Carbon Isotopes of Speleothems" by Jens Fohlmeister et al. was recently published in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. Authors show that vegetation above the cave and temperature (through its effect on soil respiration rate) are the most important drivers of speleothem d13C values. However, commonly observed differences between contemporaneous speleothems from the same cave can be explained by prior calcite precipitation above the cave. See point 7 for all details.

b. The group has the paper "SISALv2: A comprehensive speleothem isotope database with multiple age-depth models" by Laia Comas-Bru et al. open for review until 11 May in Earth System Science Data:

c. The planned workshop in November 2020 in Jerusalem, Israel, has been postponed until 2021. See point 10 for all details.

xv. VICS: The group will hold a workshop from 30 September to 2 October 2020 in Aarhus, Denmark. PAGES has provided some financial support. See point 10 for all details.

6. PAGES Early-Career Network updates

i. The ECN Steering Committee (ECN SC) has extended its call for new members until 16 April. The primary tasks of the SC group include coordination and broad visioning of the ECN. All details:

ii. Abstract submission and grant requests close 8 May for the joint PAGES-INQUA ECR workshop "Past Socio-Environmental Systems (PASES)" to be held from 9-13 November 2020 in La Serena y Coquimbo, Chile. See point 10 for all details.

iii. Register by 20 May - Call for ECR Reviewers for the IPCC Working Group II Second Order Draft AR6: PAGES ECN, alongside the Mountain Research Initiative (MRI), the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS), the Permafrost Young Research Network (PYRN) and the Young Earth System Scientists (YESS) community, are calling for early-career researchers to participate in a group review of the Second Order Draft (SOD) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Sixth Assessment Report (AR6).

The Second Order Draft (SOD) of the IPCC AR6 WGII report will be open for expert review from 7 August to 2 October 2020. The Working Group II (WGII) contribution to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) is due to be finalized in 2021. Participants will be asked to review a minimum of 10 to 20 pages of the report (with the possibility to review the entire report provided by the IPCC). Reviews are not anonymous – the name, affiliation, and country of residence of each reviewer will be included in the Annex of Reviewers of the WGII report as recognition for their valuable contribution, apart from the valuable training and experience with the scientific review process for reports addressed to policy makers. All details and registration form:

iv. The Early Pages Blog: Blog leaders are looking for multiple contributors to a post on (work-)life during the COVID-19 pandemic. They would like to capture how ECRs around the world are living at the moment. Many ECRs are far from their home countries and support groups, and for some work may be the only way to distract themselves. Conversely, for others it might be difficult to stay productive in these times, e.g. because they have children or other dependents to care for. Short contributions describing your own experience (ca 300-600 words, although this is flexible) are encouraged. Contact the blog leaders for further information: (pages[dot]ecn[dot]blog[at]gmail[dot]com). Follow the blog on Twitter: ​@TheEarlyPages​

v. To receive a more comprehensive list of ECN news and announcements, sign up to the mailing list:

7. Recent products

i. Data Stewardship: PAGES has been acknowledged in a new paper by Darrell Kaufman et al., titled "A global database of Holocene paleotemperature records", published in Scientific Data:

ii. EcoRe3: Carole Adolf et al. recently published "Identifying drivers of forest resilience in long-term records from the Neotropics" in Biology Letters. Authors use 30 long-term, high-resolution palaeoecological records from Mexico, Central and South America to address two hypotheses regarding possible drivers of resilience in tropical forests as measured in terms of recovery rates from previous disturbances:

iii. GPWG2: Angelica Feurdean et al. published "Fire hazard modulation by long-term dynamics in land cover and dominant forest type in eastern and central Europe" in Biogeosciences:

iv. OC3: Sophie-Berenice Wilmes et al. published "Glacial ice sheet extent effects on modeled tidal mixing and the global overturning circulation" in Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology:

v. SISAL: Jens Folmeister et al. published "Main Controls on the Stable Carbon Isotopes of Speleothems" in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta:

8. AGU Fall Meeting 2020 - propose a session by 23 April

Propose a session for the AGU Fall Meeting to be held in San Francisco, CA, USA, from 7-11 December 2020. Due to COVID-19, AGU has extended the deadline to submit a Fall Meeting session, town hall, workshop and innovative session proposal until 23 April:

9. EGU General Assembly - online 4-8 May

The European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly in Vienna, Austria, in May 2020 has been cancelled. Organizers are now offering an online meeting titled EGU2020: Sharing Geoscience Online (#shareEGU20), a week-long series of online activities held during the first week of May that support the community by fostering scientific communication.

What exactly happens from 4-8 May and is there anything taking place beforehand?

Scientific sessions encourage the upload of presentation materials from 1 April to 31 May. The same period is valid for comments by the community and replies by the authors. Please use these two months for a continued exchange. Then, during the EGU2020: Sharing Geoscience Online week from 4-8 May, scientific sessions offer a text-based live chat during the sessions' allocated time blocks. This chat is in addition to the two-month exchange period. The text-based live chat does neither involve live presentations nor video or audio chats, in order to remain inclusive for all attendees. The text-based chat is an opportunity for attendees of a session to discuss the uploaded presentation materials and abstracts of that session. All details:

Times of the PAGES working group and endorsed group chat sessions - all times in CET (UTC+2):

i. 2k Network: CL1.18 Studying the climate of the last two millennia (Session ID: 36726). Chat Fri 8 May, 08:30–12:30:

ii. ACME: CR7.1 Cryosphere change impacts on marine ecosystems and biogeochemical cycling - bridging reconstructions, observations and modelling (Session ID: 34970). Chat Thu 7 May, 16:15–18:00:

iii. CVAS: CL4.2 Future insights from a constantly varying past, and climate variability across scales (Session ID: 36761). Chat Fri 8 May, 14:00–15:45:

iv. Floods Working Group: HS2.4.2 Extreme hydrological events of the Past (Session ID: 35539). Chat Thu 7 May, 14:00–15:45:

v. LandCover6k: BG3.32 Holocene land-use and land-cover change: advances and applications - from quantifying vegetation change to estimating human impacts on biodiversity (Session ID: 35254). Chat Thu 7 May, 10:45–12:30:

vi. PALSEA: SSP1.2 New and re-interpreted Pleistocene sea-level records from around the Globe (Session ID: 36473). Chat Wed 6 May, 08:30–10:15:

vii. VICS: ITS2.13/AS4.29 Characterizing, understanding, predicting the radiative effects of major volcanic eruptions and their impacts on climate and societies (Session ID: 35738). Chat Wed 6 May, 08:30–12:30:

viii. Former working group contribution: GPWG2: Highlight: What paleofire records can say about the present and future of fire on Earth (D575). Chat Wed 6 May, 14:00–15:45. This is part of BG3.17 The Role of Fire in the Earth System: Understanding Interactions with the Land, Atmosphere, and Society (Session ID 35224). Chat Wed 6 May 14:00-18:00:

ix. Endorsed group session: Varves Working Group: CL5.1 Geochronological tools for environmental reconstructions (Session ID: 36764). Chat Wed 6 May, 08:30–10:15:

10. PAGES working group meetings and deadlines

i. ACME:

Towards reliable proxy-based reconstructions: community perspectives and criteria for the ACME database

Vienna, Austria

1-2 May 2020

Update: Workshop postponed

New dates: TBA

ii. C-PEAT:

Tropical peatland processes and ecosystem services workshop

Bangkok, Thailand

13-17 May 2020

Update: Workshop postponed

New dates: TBA

iii. CRIAS:

State of the Art of Historical Climatology in International Perspective

Hong Kong

25-26 September 2020

iv. C-SIDE:

Integrating sea-ice proxies, model simulations, and complementary records of glacial-interglacial climate change

Bordeaux, France

May 2021

Deadlines: TBA

v. CVAS:

Beyond Palaeoclimate Ping Pong: Improving estimates of past climate variability by consistent data-model comparison

Heidelberg, Germany

New dates: 3-6 December 2020

vi. ECN:

PAGES-INQUA ECR workshop: Past Socio-Environmental Systems (PASES)

La Serena, Chile

9-13 November 2020

Abstract submission and grant request deadline: 8 May

vii. LandCover6k:

a. Land-use mapping workshop for South and Southeast Asia

Philadelphia, PA, USA

9 May 2020

Update: Workshop cancelled

b. 4th General Workshop: New Land-Cover and Land-Use Datasets for evaluation and improvement of Anthropogenic Land-Cover Change Scenarios

Philadelphia, PA, USA

9-10 October 2020

Register your interest by: 30 June (new date)

viii. PALSEA:

Improving understanding of ice-sheet and solid-Earth processes driving paleo sea-level change

Palisades, NY, USA

14-16 September 2020

Abstract deadline: 1 July 2020

ix. PEOPLE 3000:

Understanding long-term human-environment feedback loops through the integration of archeology, paleoclimate and ecological mode

Arica, Chile

Tentative new dates: 31 August to 5 September 2020


Assessing the role cave monitoring data can play in improving climatic interpretations from speleothem records

Jerusalem, Israel

9-13 November 2020

Update: Workshop postponed

New dates: TBA
in 2021

xi. QUIGS:

Glacial Terminations: processes and feedbacks

Cassis, France

22-24 September 2020

Open abstract submission/registration: early May 2020

Deadline for abstract submission and travel support: early June 2020

xii. VICS:

Moving forward by looking back

Aarhus, Denmark

30 September to 2 October 2020

Deadlines: TBA

11. PAGES-supported and endorsed meetings

PAGES is pleased to have an association with the following workshops and conferences and has provided either financial support or an endorsement.

i. Environmental histories and interdisciplinary perspectives on resilience in the tropical Andes

Bogotá, Colombia

6-7 August 2020

Update: Meeting postponed

Potential new dates: 11-12 February 2021

ii. The 19th International Swiss Climate Summer School

Grindelwald, Switzerland

23-28 August 2020

iii. Carpathian-Balkan Paleoscience Workshop 2020 (CBPW2020)

Sacel, Maramures, Romania

31 August to 4 September 2020

Early-bird registration deadline: 1 May

iv. IAL-IPA joint meeting "Lakes as Memories of the Landscape"

San Carlos de Bariloche, Patagonia, Argentina

21-25 March 2021

Call for sessions deadline: 15 May

v. Sustainability Research and Innovation Congress

Brisbane, Australia

New dates: 12-15 June 2021

vi. Synergy between palaeo-scientists, ecologists and stakeholders for biodiversity conservation in Madagascar

Venue TBC, Madagascar

4 days in June or July 2021

vii. Climate Change, The Karst Record (KR9 Conference)

Innsbruck, Austria

12-15 July 2020

Update: Meeting postponed

Potential new dates: 11-14 July 2021

viii. IPICS 3rd Open Science Conference

Crans Montana, Switzerland

18-23 October 2020

Update: Meeting postponed

Potential new dates: 10-16 October 2021

12. Endorsed and affiliated groups updates

i. CarpClim: The newly endorsed Carpathian Climate and Environment Working Group (CarpClim) will hold a workshop in September 2020, supported by PAGES. The early-bird registration deadline is 1 May. See point 11 for all details.

ii. Climate History Network: In the latest episode of Climate History, co-hosts Dagomar Degroot and Emma Moesswilde interview two of the world's leading paleoclimatologists: Valerie Trouet of the University of Arizona and Amy Hessl of the University of West Virginia. In a free-flowing conversation, they discuss their pioneering study of ancient tree rings, and explain what it reveals about the past and future of climate change:

iii. IPICS: The PAGES-supported 3rd International Partnership in Ice Core Sciences (IPICS) Open Science Conference scheduled for 18-23 October 2020 in Crans Montana, Switzerland, has been postponed until October 2021. The potential dates in 2021 could be 10-16 October, but confirmed dates will be advised as soon as possible. See point 11 for all details.

iv. PMIP: The planned June PMIP4 Meeting in Nanjing has been rescheduled for 23-30 October 2020:

v. Find out more about PAGES' endorsed and affiliated groups here:

13. Future Earth updates

i. The Compound Events working group of the Future Earth Risk KAN will hold its first webinar on 16 April at 14:00 UTC (16:00 CET, 10:00 EDT, 7:00 PDT). All details:

ii. Future Earth is pleased to announce a call for proposals of Research demonstrators for COP26, in a partnership between Future Earth and the European Space Agency. This is an open call to the Future Earth community for the production of research demonstrators to strengthen the impact of Future Earth science at the UNFCCC COP26 meeting. Up to €25,000 is available per project to show how research data can be used in a real-world situation by end users, to make an impact on policy and/or as a step towards commercial or operational uptake of the research. The deadline for applications is 11 May. Future Earth is aware of the postponement of COP26. This call with the published deadlines will go ahead as planned with an extended delivery window to February 2021. All details:

iii. Call for Expressions of Interest to host the Global Land Programme (GLP) IPO beginning 2022: The GLP Scientific Steering Committee invites calls from internationally-active institutes to host the International Programme Office (IPO) of the Global Land Programme (GLP) starting in 2022. GLP is a Global Research Project of Future Earth. The ideal institute will have an international reputation for cutting-edge sustainability research with a focus on human-environment interactions. The successful bid stands to gain higher visibility, exposure at an international level, and recognition as a world leader in the land systems science community. Hosting the International Programme Office will also assist the institute to align with international priorities and new developments. In return, the host institution must be prepared to commit resources to the international coordination of the land systems science research community. Deadline for three-page "expression of interest" from interested institutes is 1 June. Learn more and download the call:

iv. The inaugural Future Earth and Belmont Forum Sustainability Research and Innovation Congress (SRI2020) planned for 14-17 June 2020 in Brisbane, Australia, has now been rescheduled to 12-15 June 2021. All accepted sessions will be automatically rolled over into the new Congress program, so you will not need to submit a new proposal. For those who have submitted applications for Popcorn Sessions and Demonstrations, you are invited you to re-submit your proposal in the near future. See point 11 for all details.

v. Read the Mountain Research Initiative March Newsletter:

14. WCRP update

i. The World Meteorological Day 2020 highlights the theme of 'Climate and Water', with a focus on "managing climate and water in a more coordinated and sustainable manner because they are inextricably linked." All details:

ii. Read the CLIVAR April Bulletin:

15. WDS-Paleo updates

The primary mission of the World Data Service for Paleoclimatology (WDS-Paleo) is to ensure that global paleoclimatology proxy and derived reconstruction data are maintained in a permanent archive that is easily and openly accessible to the world science community and to other users. New initiatives of the WDS-Paleo, including bulk data download and the Paleoenvironmental Standard Terms (PaST) Thesaurus of measured variables, help to make these data FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, re-usable).

PAGES and WDS-Paleo, which signed a scientific agreement in 2019, will hold a joint webinar on 27 May to provide updates on these new initiatives, both to meet new WDS-Paleo data contribution requirements and to access data more efficiently and effectively. See point 4 for all details.

16. Other news and opportunities

i. Nature Careers Community article "Boosting the signal in scientific talks": A few modest adjustments to the planning and delivery of talks can help scientists share ideas with their peers more effectively, say Scott St. George and Michael White. Read the article in Nature:

ii. Floodplains: a natural system to preserve and restore (EEA Report No 24/2019) - The preservation and restoration of Europe’s largely degraded floodplains, must be better prioritised according to a European Environment Agency (EEA) report. The report says floodplains have a key role to play in improving biodiversity, water, and climate change mitigation and adaptation. Read more:

iii. Deadline extended - Expressions of interest to host the WDS IPO now due 31 May: World Data System (WDS) is an Interdisciplinary Body of the International Science Council (ISC; formerly ICSU). The WDS International Programme Office (WDS-IPO) was created in March 2011. Since then, it has been hosted by the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) in Tokyo, Japan, under two five-year Letters of Cooperation between the ISC and NICT. The current agreement ends on 31 March 2021 and, in light of this, ISC and the WDS Science Committee (WDS-SC) invite Expressions of Interest from interested parties to host the WDS International Programme Office.

The establishment, funding model, and governance of the new office is expected to build on the examples of the current WDS-IPO and the recently established WDS International Technology Office. However, creative suggestions are welcomed, including partial or shared hosting, or other innovative solutions.

Expressions of Interest should be completed using this online form: Please note that it is not expected for potential hosts to have precise details in place by this deadline; rather, they should state their interest and what they may be able to offer. Further negotiations will then take place between ISC and selected bidding organizations, in consultation with the WDS-SC, to finalize the hosting arrangements. Contact the WDS-IPO with any questions: (ipo[at]icsu-wds[dot]org)

iv. Register your interest by 22 April to attend the PalaeoSIG Science Communication and Writing Virtual Workshop from 13-14 May 2020. This online workshop aims to provide training and practice in writing effectively about palaeoecological research for non-specialist audiences, and produce accessible summaries of 50 influential palaeoecology articles. All details:



PAGES - Past Global Changes  |  International Project Office

University of Bern, Main Building

Hochschulstrasse 4, 3012 Bern, Switzerland

Tel: +41 31 631 56 11  |

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