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PAGES e-news vol. 2021, no.1


1. PAGES SSC and EXCOM updates and call for new members

2. PAGES 30th anniversary memories - deadline 31 January

3. Have your say in the PAGES Survey - deadline 14 February

4. Two new PAGES working groups - DiverseK and Human Traces

5. 4th PAGES webinar: HDRG - 8 February

6. Deadlines for new working group and workshop support applications

7. IPCC AR6 updates

8. Working group news

9. PAGES Early-Career Network (ECN) updates

10. Recent products

11. vEGU21: Gather Online - EGU General Assembly 2021 updates

12. PAGES working group meetings and deadlines

13. PAGES-supported and endorsed meetings

14. Endorsed and affiliated groups updates

15. Future Earth updates

16. World Climate Research Programme updates

17. Other news and opportunities


1. PAGES SSC updates and call for new members

a. On 1 January, PAGES welcomed Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) member Zhimin Jian as the new SSC Co-chair. Zhimin takes over from Mike Evans, who has been the PAGES Co-Chair since 2017. We thank Mike for his leadership and guidance over the past years and look forward to his continued input as an Executive Committee (EXCOM) member. Zhimin joins Willy Tinner as Co-chair and also becomes an EXCOM member.

b. On 1 January, five new members joined the SSC: Eugenia Ferrero, Aixue Hu, Keely Mills, Pradeep Srivastava, and ECN representative Tamara Trofimova. PAGES welcomes them to the committee and looks forward to their contributions. Find out more about our SSC:

c. Would you like to be a member of the SSC and help guide PAGES' activities in the future? Applications are due 2 April 2021 for the term starting in January 2022. The term runs for three to six years. All details:

2. PAGES 30th anniversary memories - deadline 31 January

Did you miss the previous deadline for contributions asking for memories and funny moments? There is still a chance to share your stories. The deadline for contributions has been extended to 31 January 2021.

As part of the celebrations for our 30th anniversary, a special issue of Past Global Changes Magazine will be published in mid-2021. We're calling on current and past working group members, working group leaders, SSC, EXCOM and ECN members, guest scientists, and workshop attendees to contribute.

Please send a short text (max. 100 words) and, if you wish, an accompanying photo with caption (preferably at least 300 dpi) about a particularly memorable or funny experience with PAGES to (pages[at]pages[dot]unibe[dot]ch), using the subject line "30th anniversary contribution". Alternatively, you can also just send a photo and caption. Please make sure any identifiable people in the photos have given their permission.

We look forward to showcasing your stories and images in the magazine and on a dedicated 30th anniversary page on PAGES' website.

3. Have your say in the PAGES Survey - deadline 14 February

This survey intends to collect suggestions from the paleo community regarding PAGES' activities in the coming years. It consists of three sections – About you, PAGES' priorities, and what PAGES can do for you – and should take about 10 minutes to complete. The survey is anonymous, and the results will be presented in the 30th anniversary magazine issue. We look forward to receiving your feedback by 14 February:

4. Two new PAGES working groups - DiverseK and Human Traces

DiverseK: This working group, which launched in December 2020, is a network of environmental and social scientists working to develop recommendations for the most pressing environmental and social justice issues. Find out more and join its activities:

Human Traces: This recently launched working group focuses on the long legacy of pre-Anthropocene human impacts. How do they manifest themselves in different parts of the world, and in different stratigraphic records? Human Traces aims to address the knowledge gap about spatial and temporal variations in early human impacts, with the overarching goal to create a global synthesis of human traces in geologic archives. Find out more and join its activities:

5. 4th PAGES webinar: HDRG - 8 February

The PAGES-affiliated Hominin Dispersals Research Group (HDRG) will conduct the 4th PAGES webinar, on 8 February at 18:00 UTC. Ariane Burke will present "The impact of climate change on the structure of human populations during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) in Western Europe: implications for biological and cultural evolution." All details:

6. Deadlines for new working group and workshop support applications

Applications for new PAGES working groups and applications for financial support to hold a workshop or meeting are due 12 April 2021. You must contact a PAGES SSC member at least two weeks before the deadline to advise them of your plans.

Information about creating a new working group:

Information about applying for financial support to conduct a workshop or meeting from October 2021 onwards:

7. IPCC AR6 updates

i. Literature deadline for WGI

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Executive Committee has reviewed changes to the Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) strategic planning schedule. Among other changes, the IPCC has extended the cut-off date for scientific literature to be included in the contribution of the AR6 of Working Group I – The Physical Science Basis – to 31 January. To review the changes in the AR6 schedule, go to:

ii. Review the SOD of WGII

The second order draft (SOD) of the Working Group II contribution to AR6 – Climate Change 2021: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability – is open for expert review until 29 January. The government and expert review of the SOD is a key element of the IPCC assessment process. The purpose of this review is to help ensure that the report provides a balanced and comprehensive assessment of the latest scientific findings. Register with the IPCC before 22 January and submit reviews here: More information on the process of the expert review can be found here:

iii. Review the SOD of WGIII

The second order draft (SOD) of the Working Group III contribution to AR6 – Mitigation of Climate Change – runs from 18 January until 14 March. Register with the IPCC before 7 March:

8. Working group news

i. Mailing lists

Did you know all PAGES working groups have designated mailing lists? Stay up to date directly. Access details for all mailing lists here:

ii. 2k Network:

Watch this space! The 2k Network will host a town hall for the broader 2k community in mid- to late February. Details will be made available as soon as possible.

iii. Arctic Cryosphere Change and Coastal Marine Ecosystems (ACME):

The postponed 2020 workshop "Towards reliable proxy-based reconstructions: community perspectives and criteria for the ACME database" has been tentatively rescheduled for October 2021. See point 12 for all details.

iv. Carbon in Peat on EArth through Time (C-PEAT):

a. The community paper "Expert assessment of future vulnerability of the global peatland carbon sink" was published in Nature Climate Change, as well as several outreach papers. See point 10 for all details.

b. The joint PAGES-INQUA workshop on tropical peatland processes and ecosystem services, scheduled for March 2021 in Bangkok, Thailand, has been tentatively rescheduled for the last quarter of 2021. See point 12 for all details.

v. Climate Reconstruction and Impacts from the Archives of Societies (CRIAS):

a. The group's third workshop, planned for 19-20 March 2021 in Hong Kong, will now be held online. See point 11 for all details.

b. Interested researchers are encouraged to offer reviews or submit relevant manuscripts for the Climate of the Past special issue "International methods and comparisons in climate reconstruction and impacts from archives of societies." For those of you who proposed manuscripts, note that the closing date is still April, but earlier submissions would be much appreciated. Editors are Sam White, Qing Pei, Andrea Kiss, Rudolf Brazdil, Martin Bauch, Heli Huhtamaa, and Chantal Camenisch:

vi. Cycles of Sea-Ice Dynamics in the Earth system (C-SIDE):

The call for contributions to the group's Climate of the Past special issue "Reconstructing Southern Ocean sea-ice dynamics on glacial-to-historical timescales" continues; submission deadline is 31 December 2021, extendable if necessary. The special issue editors are Karen Kohfeld, Xavier Crosta, Alice Marzocchi, Juliane Müller, Marit-Solveig Seidenkrantz, and Laurie Menviel:

vii. Climate Variability Across Scales (CVAS):

a. The online seminar series continues until March. "Climate variability across scales: from the butterfly’s wings to the age of the Earth" is a series of eight lectures. Three new recordings, from Christian Grams, Tine Nilsen, and Michel Crucifix, are now available on PAGES' YouTube channel. See point 10 for links to the available recordings and point 12 for the upcoming program, which includes seminars on 20 and 21 January.

b. The workshop "Beyond Palaeoclimate Ping Pong: Improving estimates of past climate variability by consistent data-model comparison" will be held in July in Heidelberg, Germany. See point 12 for all details.

viii. LandCover6k:

a. New PMIP "Fast Track initiative Eurasia" in collaboration with LandCover6K: The initiative aims to use the datasets produced by LandCover6k currently available (published or soon to be published) to evaluate and revise the land-use information in the HYDE database (Klein Goldewijk et al. 2017) in order to 1) assess whether the empirical LandCover6k information on past land use and land cover make a significant difference in HYDE, and 2) perform several transient climate-model runs with and without land use from the LandCover6k revised HYDE database over the last 8000 years using several Earth System Models (by members of the PMIP community). The ultimate goal is to test whether or not Holocene land-use change and related land-cover change over the Holocene have been a significant climate forcing. For more information, contact Sandy Harrison: (s[dot]p[dot]harrison[at]reading[dot]ac[dot]uk) and Marie-José Gaillard: (Marie-Jose[dot]gaillard-lemdahl[at]lnu[dot]se)

b. Group leaders would like to bring the recent paper by Wieczorek and Herzschuh to the community's attention. "Compilation of relative pollen productivity (RPP) estimates and taxonomically harmonised RPP datasets for single continents and Northern Hemisphere extratropics":

c. The group's 4th General Workshop will hopefully be held in the second half of 2021. Given current circumstances, the organizers at the University of Pennsylvania, USA, are assessing the possibilities. Announcements will be made when available. See point 12 for all details.

ix. PALeo constraints on SEA level rise (PALSEA):

a. The Peter Chutcharavan and Andrea Dutton paper "A Global Compilation of U-series Dated Fossil Coral Sea-level Indicators for the Last Interglacial Period (MIS 5e)" is open for comments in Earth System Science Data Discussions until 8 February:

b. The PALSEA workshop: Improving understanding of ice-sheet and solid-Earth processes driving paleo sea-level change will be held from 13-15 (tentative dates) September 2021 in Palisades, NY, USA. See point 12 for all details.

x. PalEOclimate and the PeopLing of the Earth (PEOPLE 3000):

The "Understanding long-term human-environment feedback loops through the integration of archaeology, paleoclimate and ecological models" workshop originally planned to be held in Arica, Chile, will be held online in March 2021, with an in-person meeting later in the year. See point 12 for all details.

xi. PAGES-PMIP Working Group on Quaternary Interglacials (QUIGS):

a. The next in-person workshop, in Cassis, France, will be held from 21-23 September 2021. See point 12 for all details.

xii. Speleothem Isotopes Synthesis and AnaLysis (SISAL):

a. The group's fifth workshop will take place in Israel in October 2021. See point 12 for all details.

xiii. Volcanic Impacts on Climate and Society (VICS):

a. The planned March workshop in Aarhus, Denmark, has been postponed. See point 12 for all details.

b. The deadline for submissions to the VICS special issue "Interdisciplinary studies of volcanic impacts on climate and society" in Climate of the Past has been extended to 31 May. Information on the special issue can be found here: Group leaders encourage comments on papers currently open for discussion.

9. PAGES Early-Career Network (ECN) updates

i. Scientific interview project

The ECN is looking for expressions of interest for people to serve on a production committee for a new, yet-to-be-named interview project. The interview series will showcase short interviews (~10 minutes) between an early-career and more senior scientist in their native language. This is a science communication project, which aims to introduce young people (primarily high school students but also Bachelor students) to science as a career path. At this point they are looking for people to assist in the technical/production aspects of this endeavor. This includes considering: recording format (including whether audio-visual or solely audio); editing services for closed caption and translation (captions to be provided in English to reach a broader audience); and platforms for advertising and distribution. An interest in science communication would be great as any participation is voluntary. Credit will be given to those who participate. Please contact Deirdre Ryan by 11 February if you or people you now are interested:

ii. East Africa webinar series

Five presenters will hold webinars under the theme "The paleoresearch landscape in Africa - Lessons learnt from East Africa", a series organized by ECN regional representatives in Africa. See point 10 for links to the available recordings and point 12 for the upcoming program.

iii. Spanish webinar recording

The recording of the PAGES Early-Career Network webinar "Ser científica en Latinoamerica y no fallar en el intento: Mujeres en Ciencia" (Succeeding as a female scientist in Latin America) is now available. See point 10 for all details.

iv. Mailing list

To receive a more comprehensive list of ECN news and announcements, sign up to the mailing list:

10. Recent products


Working group members, led by Julie Loisel and Angela Gallego-Sala, published "Expert assessment of future vulnerability of the global peatland carbon sink" in Nature Climate Change. Additional outreach articles were also published in The Conversation and Carbon Brief. Access all three articles here:

ii. CVAS

Three new recordings are available from the group's seminar series - from Christian Grams "Synoptic to sub-seasonal surface climate variability in the Atlantic-European region: the role of weather regimes", Tine Nilsen "Decadal climate variability and the scaling paradigm", and Michel Crucifix "The challenge of centennial variability". Access them all via the CVAS playlist on PAGES' YouTube channel:

iii. ECN

a. Recordings for the first three of five presentations in the East Africa webinar series are now available on the ECN YouTube channel - Dr Rahab Kinyanjui "Phytolith research in East Africa: Major milestones, opportunities and challenges"; Dr Emmanuel Ndiema "Quaternary research in Kenya: Building collaborations that favor technology and knowledge transfer"; and Prof Dr Daniel Olago "The policy relevance of paleoresearch in Africa". Access all links:

b. Dharma A. Reyes Macaya, from ONG Conciencia Sur, recently discussed, in Spanish, the most important problems for women in science in a webinar hosted by the ECN's Central-South American Regional Representatives. Access the Facebook Live recording:

iv. Guest scientist paper

Guest scientist Giri Kattel, based in China, visited the PAGES International Project Office in October 2017. A paper resulting from his time with us was published late last year in Environmental Research Communications. Access "Are freshwater systems in lower Mekong basin (southeast Asia) resilient? A synthesis of social-ecological system" here:

Find out more about our guest scientists here:

11. vEGU21: Gather Online - EGU General Assembly 2021 updates

Early registration rates are available until 31 March for the vEGU21: Gather Online General Assembly which will be held entirely online from 19-30 April 2021. PAGES 2k Network, CVAS, SISAL, and VICS working groups, and the PAGES-endorsed Varves Working Group have sessions. All details:

12. PAGES working group meetings and deadlines

i. ACME:

Towards reliable proxy-based reconstructions: community perspectives and criteria for the ACME database

Helsinki, Finland (TBC)

2 days in October 2021 (dates TBC)

Deadlines: TBA

ii. C-PEAT:

Joint PAGES-INQUA workshop on tropical peatland processes and ecosystem services

Bangkok, Thailand

Late 2021 (dates TBC)

Deadlines: TBA

iii. CRIAS:

State of the Art of Historical Climatology in International Perspective


19-20 March 2021

Registration deadline: TBA

iv. C-SIDE:

Integrating sea-ice proxies, model simulations, and complementary records of glacial-interglacial climate change

Bordeaux, France

May 2021 (dates TBC)

Deadlines: TBA

v. CVAS:

a. Seminar series: Climate variability across scales: From the butterfly’s wings to the age of the Earth


November 2020 to March 2021

b. Beyond Palaeoclimate Ping Pong: Improving estimates of past climate variability by consistent data-model comparison

Heidelberg, Germany, and online

4-7 July 2021

vi. ECN:

a. Webinar series: The paleoresearch landscape in Africa - Lessons learnt from East Africa


Until February 2021

No registration necessary

b. PAGES-INQUA ECR workshop: Past Socio-Environmental Systems (PASES)

La Serena, Chile

November 2021 (dates TBC)

Deadlines: TBA

vii. LandCover6k:

4th General Workshop: New Land-Cover and Land-Use Datasets for evaluation and improvement of Anthropogenic Land-Cover Change Scenarios

Philadelphia, PA, USA

Dates and deadlines: TBA

viii. PALSEA:

Improving understanding of ice-sheet and solid-Earth processes driving paleo sea-level change

Palisades, NY, USA

Tentative dates: 13-15 September 2021 (TBC)

Deadlines: TBA

ix. PEOPLE 3000:

a. Understanding long-term human-environment feedback loops through the integration of archeology, paleoclimate and ecological mode


2 days in March 2021 (dates TBC)

Deadlines: TBA

b. Understanding long-term human-environment feedback loops through the integration of archeology, paleoclimate and ecological mode

Arica, Chile

September or October 2021 (dates TBA)

Deadlines: TBA


Glacial Terminations: processes and feedbacks

Cassis, France

21-23 September 2021

Deadlines: TBA

xi. SISAL:

Assessing the role cave monitoring data can play in improving climatic interpretations from speleothem records

Jerusalem, Israel

18-22 October 2021

Deadlines: TBA

xii. VICS:

Moving forward by looking back

Aarhus, Denmark

8-10 March 2021

Update: Postponed

New dates and deadlines: TBA

13. PAGES-supported and endorsed meetings

PAGES is pleased to have an association with the following workshops and conferences and has provided either financial support or an endorsement.

i. Varves Working Group seminar series



ii. Climate Change, The Karst Record Online (KROnline)


December 2020 to March 2021

iii. Carpathian-Balkan Paleoscience Workshop 2020 (CBPW2020)

Sacel, Maramures, Romania

October 2021 (dates TBC)

Deadlines: TBA

iv. Environmental histories and interdisciplinary perspectives on resilience in the tropical Andes


June 2021 (dates TBC)

Deadlines: TBA

v. Sustainability Research and Innovation Congress (SRI2021)

Brisbane, Australia, and online

12-15 June 2021

Early-bird registration deadline: 31 March

vi. 19th International Swiss Climate Summer School

29 August - 3 September 2021      

Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland

Application deadline: 28 February

vii. IPICS 3rd Open Science Conference

Crans Montana, Switzerland

10-15 October 2021

Deadline for abstract submission and travel support applications: 30 April

viii. Synergy between palaeo-scientists, ecologists and stakeholders for biodiversity conservation in Madagascar

Ranomafana, Madagascar

2-5 March 2022

Deadlines: TBA

ix. IAL-IPA joint meeting "Lakes as Memories of the Landscape"

San Carlos de Bariloche, Patagonia, Argentina

20-24 March 2022

Deadlines: TBA

x. Climate Change, The Karst Record (KR9 Conference)

Innsbruck, Austria

July 2022 (dates TBC)

Deadlines: TBA

xi. The 20th International Swiss Climate Summer School

Grindelwald, Switzerland

28 August - 3 September 2022

Deadlines: TBA

14. Endorsed and affiliated groups updates

Find out more about PAGES' endorsed and affiliated groups here:

i. CarpClim

The PAGES-endorsed Carpathian Climate and Environment Working Group (CarpClim) workshop is planned for October 2021. The program remains the same and the new dates will be announced as soon as possible. See point 13 for all details.

ii. Climate History Network

Read the December 2020 Newsletter:


Jobs announced: 15 PhD research positions in ice core-related climate science available within MSCA-ITN DEEPICE project. The DEEPICE project (Research and training network on understanding Deep icE corE Proxies to Infer past antarctiC climatE dynamics), funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 programme (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions - Innovative Training Network) calls for applications for 15 fully funded PhD positions (early-stage researcher, ESR) to be filled by October 2021, with attractive complementary training activities and associated research and travel budgets. DEEPICE aims to train a new generation of scientists working on issues related to past climate change in Antarctica by taking advantage of the unique scientific dynamic of the on-going EU H2020 "Beyond EPICA-Oldest Ice Core" project (2019-2025) which aims at extracting a 1.5 million years old ice core in Antarctica. All details:


The PAGES-endorsed 3rd International Partnership in Ice Core Sciences (IPICS) Open Science Conference will be held from 10-15 October 2021 in Crans Montana, Switzerland. Abstract submission, registration, and travel support application is now open. See point 13 for all details.

v. Varves Working Group (VWG)

The Varves Working Group seminar series continues, to maintain and stimulate discussion within the varve community in the absence of meeting at conferences. The next presentations are Nick McKay "New tools for quantifying and propagating age uncertainty in varve records" on 28 January at 15:00 UTC followed by Arne Ramisch "Using the VARved sediments DAtabase (VARDA) to improve Bayesian age-depth modeling" on 11 February at 15:00 UTC. See point 13 for all details.

15. Future Earth updates

i. Sustainability Research and Innovation Congress (SRI2021)

a. Early-bird registration closes 31 March for SRI2021 to be held online and in Brisbane, Australia, from 12-15 June 2021. See point 13 for all details.

b. The call is launched to host SRI2022. Hosting SRI2022 is a unique opportunity for networks, universities, research institutions, government agencies, corporations, granting agencies, professional societies, non-profit organizations and other change-makers in sustainability aspiring to strengthen their global profile and thought leadership. The event will build on the outcomes and lessons learned from SRI2021, pushing forward an ambitious agenda for elevating the sustainability sector globally. All details:

ii. Mountain Research Initiative (MRI)

Read the December Newsletter:

16. World Climate Research Programme updates

i. Workshop in February

The WCRP-CLIVAR Workshop on Climate Interactions among the Tropical Basins will be held online from 24-26 February 2021. There is a session on paleo proxies that could be of interest for the PAGES community. Other topics may also be relevant. Registration is free and required. All details:


Read the CLIVAR January Bulletin:

17. Other news and opportunities

i. Opportunities from the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)

a. The second order draft of the chapters and the first order draft of the summary for policymakers of the assessment on values will be open for external review from 15 January to 19 March 2021. To ensure the highest scientific quality and policy relevance of the assessment, the Multidisciplinary Expert Panel is seeking the widest-possible participation from experts from all relevant disciplines and backgrounds. To ensure consistency with and continuity from the first external review, those who participated in the first review are particularly invited to send comments. Information on how to register as a reviewer and access the documents will be shared at the beginning of the review period.

b. As a preparatory process for IPBES 8 (to be held in June 2021), drafts of documents are made available for review until 5 February. This opportunity to review is mainly targeted at IPBES members and intended to facilitate the consideration of the scoping reports and task force work plans at IPBES 8. The following documents are open for review:

- Scoping report for a thematic assessment of the interlinkages among biodiversity, water, food and health (nexus assessment).

- Scoping report for a thematic assessment of the underlying causes of biodiversity loss and the determinants of transformative change and options for achieving the 2050 Vision for Biodiversity (transformative change assessment).

- Work on building capacity, strengthening the knowledge foundations and supporting policy: Interim work plans for the intersessional period 2021-2022.

Registration and more information:

ii. UN call for Civil Society: Stories on Climate Action

The United Nations is calling civil society organizations to share their climate action stories of positive impact. As the world confronts the pandemic and embarks on recovery, there is growing recognition that the recovery must be a pathway to a green and sustainable society. Submit your story here: #UNwithCivilSociety

iii. EGU pilot for journal Article Processing Charges (APCs)

A pilot about APCs (flat rate of EUR2000 gross/paper) is being conducted by the journals Geoscientific Model Development and Climate of the Past for manuscripts submitted from 1 January 2021. All details:

iv. Climate Change and History Research Initiative

The "Historical pandemics" webinar series from the spring is now on the website: CCHRI hopes to soon add the recordings from the fall series "Past answers to current concerns. Approaches to understanding historical societal resilience".

v. Micropalaeontological Society's Science Quiz

Following the postponement of the Holiday Quiz, organizers invite you to the general science quiz on 21 January at 20:00 UTC. The event will feature general science question rounds, a picture round and a music round. No specific microfossil taxonomy knowledge is required! Tickets are £3.50 for member and £6 for non-members. Any profits will go to the TMS student grants. Sign up here:




PAGES - Past Global Changes  |  International Project Office

University of Bern, Main Building

Hochschulstrasse 4, 3012 Bern, Switzerland

Tel: +41 31 631 56 11  |

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