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Spatial and Temporal Distributions of Live Salt-Marsh Foraminifera in Southern New Jersey: Implications for Sea-Level Studies

A new paper has been published by PALSEA working group members.

In their article published in Journal of Foraminiferal Research, Walker JS et al. evaluated small-scale Geological spatial and temporal (seasonal and interannual) variability of live foraminifera assemblages from four high marsh monitoring stations along a salinity gradient in southern New Jersey over three years.

The authors maintain that "A detailed understanding of how live foraminifera assemblages compare to dead or total (live + dead) assemblages and the influence of environmental variables on foraminiferal distributions is essential for their use as a proxy to reconstruct sea level."

They find that the value of salt-marsh foraminifera are reliable sea-level indicators.  

> Access article 

The group also has a paper for open peer review on “Quantifying the Uncertainty in the Eurasian Ice-Sheet Geometry at the Penultimate Glacial Maximum (Marine Isotope Stage 6)” by Pollard OG et al. in The Cryosphere.

> Access open peer review

> Find out more about the PALSEA working group