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Members of the DiverseK (Integrating diverse knowledge systems for environmental policy) working group have published a new article in Science of The Total Environment.


PAGES is pleased to announce the third volume of its paleoscience magazine for teenagers, young adults, and people of all ages interested in Earth’s history.


The latest issue of Past Global Changes Magazine on "(Paleo)-Earthquake and -Tsunami Science" is now available to read and download online.

Access the magazine


By Gabriel I, Plunkett G, Abbott PM, Behrens M, Burke A, Chellman N, Cook E, Fleitmann D, Hörhold M, Hutchison W, McConnell JR, Óladóttir BA, Preiser-Kapeller J, Sliwinski JT, Sugden P, Twarloh B and Sigl M.


In 2021, PAGES launched an annual stipend/scholarship for data stewardship. This stipend is available to PAGES working groups to help collate and safely store valuable research data.


A new paper has been published by Falster G et al. in Nature on "Forced changes in the Pacific Walker circulation over the past millennium". 


By: Switzer AD, Christensen J, Aldridge J, Taylor D, Churchill J, Watson H, Fraser MW and Shaw J


Former PAGES SSC member and Co-Chair, Willy Tinner, together with Gerhard Lang and Karl-Ernst Behre, have released a new publication on "Quaternary Vegetation Dynamics of Europe".


The latest Past Global Changes Magazine is available to read online.