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The current issue of Past Global Changes Magazine on "Advancing past socio-environmental systems science" is now out.

If you are interested in receiving a hard copy of this upcoming magazine issue you must:

The deadline to confirm your details of the magazine is 26 May 2023

Why has PAGES changed its magazine distribution policy?

PAGES is committed to providing access to paleoscience in an accessible and informative way. Past Global Changes Magazine is a free magazine with this aim, published twice annually, and delivered in hard copy format, free of charge, to those who are interested.

Until 2022, PAGES relied on the People Database to compile the list of those interested in receiving a hard copy of the magazine. However, the IPO frequently received a high volume of returned magazines to postal addresses that were no longer correct. 

Considering this, and the commitment to a more sustainable and environmentally conscious way of ensuring magazines arrive on the doorstep of those who wish to receive them, the decision was made to change the magazine distribution policy.

Will readers have to update their profile or fill in the webform every time? 

Yes. Unfortunately, this is the only way we can ensure that addresses are updated and that magazines are not being sent aimlessly around the world and back to the IPO. However, the action required is minimal if your address is up to date, and requires only marginally more effort if you need to update your address.

We will send ample notification of an upcoming volume to remind you to log in and update your settings. 

We would like to encourage those of you who prefer hard copies to please consider "donating" your hard copy to a coffee/tea/social room, kitchen, etc. where a larger audience may benefit from access to the magazine in hard copy format. Alternatively, PAGES also offers the option of creating a profile for an institution/library/department, etc. (i.e. non-human) to order a hard copy of the magazine. These profiles will automatically receive a copy, without having to update address for every new issue. 

Past Global Changes Magazine Volume 31, No. 1, May 2023

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More information

If you have questions, issues or would like any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us via email: (pages[at]pages[dot]unibe[dot]ch)

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