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PAGES newsletter November 2023

In the November issue of the PAGES newsletter, the IPO is thrilled to share the publication of the latest Past Global Changes Magazine on "Young scientists at the leading edge of ice-core research" which can be accessed online. In addition, there are a number of interesting new publications by working groups and other PAGES community members, and a few reminders about deadlines for upcoming events. 

  1. Past Global Changes Magazine is available to read online
  2. Become a PAGES SSC member
  3. PAGES' 7th Open Science Meeting (OSM) updates
  4. Working group news
  5. PAGES Early-Career Network (ECN)
  6. Supported and endorsed workshops, endorsed, affiliated and past working groups' news
  7. Future Earth
  8. Other news and opportunities 

1. PAGES Magazine is available to read online

The latest edition of Past Global Changes Magazine is available to read online. This issue on "Young scientists at the leading edge of ice-core research" contains 26 science highlights on ice cores and new developments in analytical techniques, and is guest edited by members of two early-career research networks, DEEPICE and ICYS. “Ice cores have become one of the golden standards in paleoclimate research. Because of the physical nature of their proxy records, their capacity to record past greenhouse (and non-greenhouse) gas concentrations, and their high time-resolution, they have become the focus of multiple PAGES working groups”. > Access the magazine 

2. Become a PAGES SSC member

PAGES holds an annual call for applications from scientists to serve on its Scientific Steering Committee (SSC). Scientists who serve on the SSC normally do so for a period of three years, with the potential of renewal for an additional term. The next deadline for applications will be on 11 March 2024. The SSC represents a broad spectrum of disciplines and nationalities, and includes scientists at different career stages. > More information 

3.  PAGES' 7th Open Science Meeting (OSM) updates

The PAGES' 7th OSM will be taking place from 21–24 May 2025 in Shanghai, China, and online. The Scientific Program Committee (SPC) will be opening the Call for Sessions on 1 December. Details on other important dates and deadlines, including registration, are now available online. Further details will follow as soon as these become available. > Calendar 

4. Working group news

i. 2k Network - Iso2k 

Konecky B et al. have published a paper in Nature Geoscience on “Globally coherent water cycle response to temperature change during the past two millennia”. The Iso2k project is a contribution to Phases 3 and 4 of the 2k Network. > Access article 

ii. Climate Variability Across Scales (CVAS) 

A new paper has been published by Laepple T et al. in Nature Geoscience on "Regional but not global temperature variability underestimated by climate models at supradecadal timescales". The authors included members of both the CVAS and 2k Network working groups and originated from studies at a CVAS workshop in Heidelberg, Germany. > Access article 

iii. Human Traces 

The webinar recordings for Nicolás Zanetta’s talk on “The metal revolution for Sustainable Development: missing the local scale” and Dr. Silvana Halac on “Tackling the evolution and dynamics of the Anthropocene from sedimentary records in artificial lakes of Central Argentina: The water quality challenge” are available to watch online. > Watch 

5. PAGES Early-Career Network (ECN) 

i. Article - what does it mean to be an ECR?

After a question posed to the ECN community earlier this year about what everyone would like to see from the ECN going forward, responses were gathered and the ECN steering committee is working on implementing some changes/new activities for next year. The steering committee found that one of the most interesting things to come out of the survey was the diversity in response to the question 'In your own words, what would you consider to be the meaning of 'early-career researcher'?'. The diversity in answers has prompted the group to write up a short article for the PAGES magazine (responses anonymous). If you responded to the survey and would like to be acknowledged by name in the article, or if you have any other comments/thoughts, please email Georgy Falster at (georgina[dot]falster[at]anu[dot]edu[dot]au) by 30 November

ii. Humboldt International Climate Protection Fellowships

The ECN would like to remind members that applications for the International Climate Protection Fellowship from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, aimed at researchers from non-European developing and transition countries, close on 1 February every year.  Applications should focus on combating climate change, adaptation strategies, preserving ecosystems and biodiversity, or on the sustainable use of the seas and oceans. > Details 

6. Supported and endorsed workshops, endorsed, affiliated and past working groups' news

PAGES is pleased to have an association with the following groups and has provided either financial support or endorsement for the workshops and conferences.
> Find out more about PAGES' endorsed and affiliated groups
> Apply for workshop or conference endorsement
> See PAGES former working groups

i. Climate History Network (CHN

The November bulletin of events and publications in climate history are available to read online here.  

ii. Carbon in Peat on Earth through Time (C-PEAT)

C-PEAT members are organizing a workshop dedicated to peatland science during the AGU Fall Meeting which will take place from 11-15 December in San Francisco, USA. The main goals of the C-PEAT workshop are to share updates, discuss research ideas, continue ongoing efforts, and connect with other peatland scientists. Lunch will be served, but space is limited to 45 in-person participants. The workshop will take place directly after the oral session on peatlands (B42A, B42B), 14 December, from 12:30-18:00 PST. The group encourages participation in putting together the agenda and asks if anyone would like to share project results, new ideas or lead a discussion. Please RSVP via the link by 30 November. > RSVP 

iii. The International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP

The ICDP invites scientists from upcoming scientific drilling projects to apply for the ICDP Training Course on Continental Scientific Drilling taking place from 12-17 May, 2024 at the Geocenter KTB in Windischeschenbach (Germany). This training course will touch upon relevant aspects of continental scientific drilling, outreach, project planning and management, and much more. The course is recommended for early-career researchers, including master and doctorate students and postdocs involved in the running of upcoming scientific drilling. Deadline for application is 1 January 2024. For the successful candidates, expenses including those for travelling, visa, meals and accommodation will be covered by ICDP. > More information

7. Future Earth  

i. Read the October newsletter  

ii. Sustainability Research and Innovation Congress (SRI2024) 
The SRI2024 will take place in Helsinki and Espoo, Finland, from 10-15 June 2024. The call for contributions is now open and will close on 30 November. The various SRI2024 Themes and Contribution Types can be found online here. Before you submit your proposal, please review the submission guidelines. > More details 

iii. Future Earth Community at COP28
The Future Earth (FE) secretariat is putting together a shared calendar of events to bring greater visibility to the Future Earth community's presence at COP28 and cross-promote across Future Earth communication channels (and networks). If you, or someone you know, are part of the FE community and planning to participate in COP28, please let FE know using this form

iv. Various IPBES calls
There are still a number of Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) calls out, including a Call for Experts - Methodological Assessment on Monitoring Biodiversity and Nature's Contributions to People, Fellowship Program - Methodological Assessment on Monitoring Biodiversity and Nature's Contributions to People, Fellowship Program - Task Force on Scenarios and Models. To apply for any of these, you will be required to first fill out a FE Nomination Form and then complete an application on the IPBES platform. The deadline for these calls is 19 December. Please contact for details and information.

v. 3rd World Biodiversity Forum - From Science to Action 
The event will be taking place from 16-21 June 2024 in Davos, Switzerland. There will be 64 different sessions for which you can submit an abstract. Abstract submission deadline is 19 November. > Abstract submission 

vi. Climate Parables Live at AGU in San Francisco
In partnership with the AGU, Future Earth's Anthropocene Magazine will be hosting a performance featuring several of their best stories set in the future and "performed by master storytellers and accompanied by stunning animations, a live string quartet, and more." The idea behind Climate Parables: Reporting from the Future is to explore answers to the question of what the future we actually want to live in, could look like, and features stories from "some of the most talented climate-fiction writers". > Go to event 

8. Other news & opportunities

i. Mountain Research Initiative > Newsletter October

ii. PAGES IPO Executive Director co-author of a new paper in Climate of the Past
A new paper has been published by Bouchet M et al. in Climate of the Past on "The Antarctic Ice Core Chronology 2023 (AICC2023) chronological framework and associated timescale for the European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica (EPICA) Dome C ice core". The PAGES IPO congratulates all authors, including co-author and PAGES Executive Director, Marie-France Loutre. > Access article 

iii. EGU General Assembly 2024
The EGU24 will be taking place from 14-19 April 2024 in Vienna, Austria. The call for abstracts opened on 1 November and will close on 10 January 2024. There are a number of PAGES sponsored, endorsed and working group sessions taking place, including CVAS on "Climate Variability Across Scales", Floods WG on "Flood trends in cultural riverine landscapes. Reconstruction and simulation of temporal and spatial patterns of past floods, atmospheric variability and human action", SISAL on "Speleothem and karst records - Reconstructing terrestrial climatic and environmental change", QUIGS on "Glacial/Interglacial variability over the last 1.5 Myr", and VICS on "Volcano-climate impacts and the stratospheric aerosol layer". If your PAGES working group is hosting a session, please do let the PAGES IPO know via email ( (pages[at]pages[dot]unibe[dot]ch)), so we can add your session to the calendar. > Calendar 

iv. 3rd INQUA-MARE: Tropical Realm workshop
The workshop will be taking place from 9-11 January 2024 in San José, Costa Rica and online. The aim of the workshop is "to bring together paleocoeanography researchers studying recent (Holocene) sediment records from the Arctic, Antarctic and the Tropics, as these regions are linked by thermohaline circulation and atmospheric teleconnection." Registration is free and the deadline for abstract submission is 1 December. > Calendar 

v. Climate Time Series Analysis online course 
The 47th online course in climate time series analysis will be taking place from 4-14 December. It is specifically tailored to the needs of PhD students and postdocs, who wish to learn about an important combination of disciplines (climate change and time series analysis), but have had so far not much exposure to in-depth statistical teaching. Deadline for registration is 24 November. You can find more information, including registration costs and registration links on the calendar entry here

PAGES - Past Global Changes  |  International Project Office
University of Bern, Main Building
Hochschulstrasse 4, 3012 Bern, Switzerland
Tel: +41 31 684 56 11 (pages[at]pages[dot]unibe[dot]ch)  |
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