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PAGES e-news vol. 2016, no.5


1. Pre-register for PAGES 5th OSM and 3rd YSM

2. Working Group updates and deadlines

3. Recent PAGES products

4. Future Earth update

5. WCRP update

6. Endorsed and affiliated groups update


1. Pre-register for PAGES 5th OSM and 3rd YSM

Pre-registration is now open for PAGES 5th Open Science Meeting (OSM) and 3rd Young Scientists Meeting (YSM) in Zaragoza, Spain, in May 2017. Pre-register to receive OSM and YSM meeting updates.

Read more about, and pre-register for, the OSM here:

Read more about, and pre-register for, the YSM here:

2. Working Group updates and deadlines

i. LandCover6k

a. General Workshop

Utrecht University, The Netherlands

15-16 June 2016 (2 full days, arrive 14 June, depart 17 June)

- The detailed program:

- Registration is closed. However, interested colleagues are welcome to contact Marie-José Gaillard (marie-jose[dot]gaillard-lemdahl[at]lnu[dot]se) before 31 May. There might be places left.

b. Landscape Archaeology Conference

Uppsala, Sweden

23-26 August 2016

- The LandCover6k session is B1 Land-use and anthropogenic land-cover change over the Holocene - information of value for climate and environmental research, organized by Marie-José Gaillard, Andrea Kay, Leanne Phelps et al. The session includes 10 lectures and 5 posters. Please visit the LAC website for more details and registration to the conference

Deadline for early bird registration: 15 June

c. 14th International Palynological Congress

Salvador, Brazil

23-28 October 2016

New deadline for abstract submission: 22 May

- Submit your abstract to the LandCover6k session at

SS23 – Pollen-based Holocene land-cover reconstructions for climate modelling – PAGES LandCover6k. Organizers: Marie-José Gaillard, Sonia Fontana, Ralph Fyfe, Konrad Gajewski, Ulrika Herschuh, Anupama Krishnamurthy, Anne-Marie Lézine, Rob Marchant, Jack Williams & Qinghai Xu

d. Eighth World Archaeological Congress (WAC8)

Kyoto, Japan

28 August - 2 September 2016

Deadline for abstracts: extended to 31 May

- LandCover6k: Session T10. Science and Archaeology on "Holocene Land Use: A Critical Evaluation for Understanding the History of Human Land Use Dynamics"

Contact person: Marco Madella (marco[dot]madella[at]upf[dot]edu)

e. For all palynologists:

Welcome to the Centenary (1916-2016) of Pollen Analysis and the Legacy of Lennart von Post

Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Stockholm, Sweden

24-25 November 2016

- Flier with more information on the Symposium and pre-registration (deadline 31 July):

- Program:

ii. Floods

a. Floods has a new working group leader: Juan Antonio Ballesteros Canovas has taken over from Stefanie Wirth. Find out more about Ballesteros here:

b. Take part in a conference session:

Geological Society of America (GSA) Annual Meeting 2016

Denver, Colorado, USA

25-28 September 2016

Session T59: Paleofloods and Related Fluvial Processes during the Late Quaternary: Reconstructions and Causes

Deadline for abstract submission: 12 July

Contact: Lisa Davis (lisa[dot]davis[at]ua[dot]edu)

c. Scientific Committee member Manfred Mudelsee is giving two summer courses in Climate Time Series Analysis in Bad Gandersheim, Heckenbeck, Germany, from 8-12 August 2016 (basic course) and 15-19 August 2016 (advanced course).

Registration deadline: 15 July

Registration and more information:

iii. PlioVAR

PlioVAR working group will have a short meeting at the end of the International Conference on Paleoceanography (ICP), Utrecht, Netherlands in early September. They are liaising with the conference organisers on the final date, time and venue.


The aim of the meeting will be to outline initial developments in marine data synthesis and integration, discuss where new data is required/emerging, and discuss potential milestones to meet the PlioVAR objectives. PlioVAR have also proposed a session for the AGU Fall Meeting to continue to review the progress towards understanding Pliocene climate variability.


PlioVAR are looking for people to start the process of synthesising existing data in order to present preliminary findings at ICP. The initial plan is to start by region. Please email (erin[dot]mcclymont[at]durham[dot]ac[dot]uk) if you would like to help to develop syntheses of marine data for one or more of the following oceans/regions: Arctic, North Atlantic, South Atlantic, Southern Ocean, Pacific, Indian. If you’re an early career researcher please don’t feel shy about putting yourself forward.

iv. Climate Variability Across Scales (CVAS)

a. 1st CVAS workshop - "What do we know about multicentennial, multimillenial variability?"

Hamburg, Germany

28-30 November 2016

Deadline: 31 August

b. The mailing list for CVAS is up and running. Read more about the group and join the mailing list here:

v. Forest Dynamics

The mailing list for the new working group Forest Dynamics is now functional. Read more about the group's plans and join the mailing list to be involved:


2nd QUIGS workshop "Glacial terminations: Timing and Shape"

Geotop & Faculté des Sciences, Université du Québec

Montréal, Canada

18-20 October 2016

Expressions of interest: 30 June

3. Recent PAGES products

i. PAGES 2k Network: A new contribution to the PAGES 2k Network from Hugues Goosse, titled "Reconstructed and simulated temperature asymmetry between continents in both hemispheres over the last centuries" has been published in Climate Dynamics.

ii. A special issue, titled "Millennial-scale climate variability in the American tropics and subtropics" has been published in Climate of the Past. This is the result of two PAGES-supported meetings in Colombia and Brazil under the project LaACER (LatinAmerican ACER - Millennial-scale climate variability over the last glacial period in tropical and subtropical America).

iii. A special issue of Marine & Freshwater Research, edited by Peter A. Gell and C. Max Finlayson, titled "Understanding Change in the Ecological Character of Internationally Important Wetlands", is an outcome of a 2013 PAGES-sponsored workshop held in Queenscliff, Australia.

iv. PAGES 2k Network: The paper "Technical note: The Linked Paleo Data framework – a common tongue for paleoclimatology", written by Nicholas P. McKay and Julien Emile-Geay, was published in Climate of the Past 12 on 29 April.

4. Future Earth update

On 10 May, Future Earth was approved as an IPCC observer organization.

5. WCRP update

Poster gallery for “Connecting Paleo and Modern Oceanographic Data to Understand AMOC Over Decades to Centuries” workshop in Boulder, USA, 23-25 May.

6. Endorsed and affiliated groups update

IHOPE: CCSAR report on climate impacts on heritage and the archaeological record. Environmental historian Tim Newfield of Princeton University has written a new survey piece on violent events that caused global cooling in the sixth century AD.

Ice Core Young Scientists: Short videos, called "Frostbytes", from Ice Core Young Scientists assist in our understanding of the work they are doing. Check out all four, with more coming soon.

ICDP: Workshop on Deep Drilling of Lake Chad. We plan to gather an international group of scientists to define drilling strategies and scientific avenues for a coring project in the Chad Basin. This ICDP-funded workshop will be hold in Aix-en-Provence, France from 21-23 September 2016. We invite interested Earth and environmental scientists to apply via a form available at The deadline for applications is 1 July. Detailed information available from Florence Sylvestre, CEREGE, France (sylvestre[at]cerege[dot]fr)





PAGES - Past Global Changes  |  International Project Office

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P: +41 31 631 56 11  |  F: +41 31 631 56 06  |

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