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PAGES e-news vol. 2016, no.11


1. PAGES 5th OSM updates

2. New plan for data standards

3. IPCC nominations and questionnaires

4. Recent PAGES' products

5. PAGES Working Group updates, meetings and deadlines

6. Upcoming paleo conferences

7. PAGES at AGU 2016

8. PAGES at EGU 2017

9. Future Earth updates

10. WCRP updates

11. Endorsed and affiliated groups updates


1. PAGES 5th OSM updates

Join us in Zaragoza, Spain, from 9-13 May 2017 for PAGES 5th Open Science Meeting.

Register here:

Access the list of proposed sessions here:

Abstract submission and financial support application deadlines: 20 December.

PAGES working group sessions at OSM:

i. 2k Network, Session 3: Regional and transregional climate variability over the last 2000 years

ii. Aquatic Transitions, Session 18: Human impact on global aquatic systems

iii. DICE, Session 31: Global Dust Deposition in Past, Present, and Future Climates

iv. Floods Working Group, Session 16: Multidisciplinary reconstruction of paleofloods

v. PALSEA2, Session 10: Ice-sheet and sea-level variability during late-Cenozoic warm periods

vi. PlioVAR, Session 13: Pliocene climate variability over glacial-interglacial timescales (PlioVAR)

vii. QUIGS, Session 11: Climate of Quaternary Interglacials from observations and model simulations

viii. VICS, Session 8: Volcanic eruptions: the thread connecting climate records, societal change and future climate projections?

ix. Joint initiative from GloSS, LandCover6k and Aquatic Transitions, Session 23: Regional syntheses of human-climate-environment interactions

x. Data Stewardship Integrative Activity, Session 26: Data Stewardship for paleoscience

PAGES working group meetings to be held in Zaragoza before, during or after the OSM:

i. 2k Network general meeting: 11 May

ii. Iso2k science team meeting: 14-15 May

iii. Floods Working Group annual meeting: Date TBA

iv. GPWG2 general meeting: 12 May

v. LandCover6k general workshop: 16-17 May

vi. QUIGS meeting: TBA

vii. VICS 2nd workshop: 9 May

viii. Extreme Events Integrative Activity: 10 May

Endorsed and affiliated group sessions at the OSM:

i. Varves Working Group, Session 20: From early human impacts to the Great Acceleration: A paleoscience perspective on the climate-landscape-human multiple connections; and Session 21: Sediment flux: Past peaks and troughs.

ii. Climate History Network, Session 7: Historical Climate Reconstruction and Impacts of the Common Era; and Session 8: Volcanic eruptions: the thread connecting climate records, societal change and future climate projections? The Max Weber Foundation will provide up to €650 to each of up to six researchers from the humanities selected to present at Session 8. Members in history and the humanities are encouraged to take advantage of this offer and submit an abstract of relevant research to this session. For more information, email (Martin Bauch) and (Sam White)

2. New plan for data standards

PAGES is pleased to collaborate with LinkedEarth on a grassroots effort to improve paleo data standards and encourages your involvement. Working on the theory that many hands make light work, even 15 minutes of your time can help. All details:

3. IPCC nominations and questionnaires

IPCC opened two calls to submit nominations of experts:

1. For consideration as Coordinating Lead Authors, Lead authors, and Review Editors for the "Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C" (IPCC deadline 11 December):

2. For consideration as Coordinating Lead Authors, Lead Authors, Contributing Authors, Review Editors and Expert Reviewers to contribute to the production of a Methodology Report titled "2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories" (2019 Refinement) (IPCC deadline 9 December):

IPCC also invites responses to questionnaires on policy-relevant questions and scientific and technical topics:

1. In the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report:

Please complete and submit by e-mail directly to: (ipcc-ar6topics[at]wmo[dot]int) by 30 November (midnight CEST).

2. In the IPCC Special Report on climate change, desertification, land degradation, sustainable land management, food security, and greenhouse gas fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems:

Please complete and submit by e-mail directly to: (tsu[at]imperial[dot]ac[dot]uk) by 25 November (23:59 CEST).

4. Recent PAGES' products

i. Africa2k: David Nash et al. published "African hydroclimatic variability during the last 2000 years" in Quaternary Science Reviews vol.154:

ii. Varves Working Group: The Jean-Philippe Jenny et al. paper "Urban point sources of nutrients were the leading cause for the historical spread of hypoxia across European lakes" was published in PNAS vol.113:

iii. VICS: A workshop report from the first VICS workshop, titled "How Did Climate and Humans Respond to Past Volcanic Eruptions?", was published in Eos vol.97:

5. PAGES Working Group updates, meetings and deadlines

i. C-PEAT:

"TropPeat: Low-latitude peat-forming ecosystems: past, present, future" workshop

Honolulu, Hawaii

26-28 March 2017

Deadline: TBA

ii. CVAS:

1st Workshop

Hamburg, Germany

28-30 November 2016

iii. EcoRe3:

1st Workshop "Measuring Components of Resilience in Long-term Ecological Datasets"

Bergen, Norway

27-31 March 2017

Call for applications announced early December.

Application deadline: January 2017.

iv. Forest Dynamics:

1st Workshop

Løvenholm Castle, Jutland, Denmark

21-24 March 2017

Deadline: TBA

v. GloSS:

GloSS Database meeting

Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium

30 January-1 February 2017

Abstract deadline: 15 December

vi. GPWG2:

"Natural and human-driven fire regime and early land-cover changes in Central and Eastern Europe" workshop

Frankfurt am Main, Germany

5-8 December 2016

vii. LandCover6k:

Visiting guest scientist Andrew Sluyter will give a presentation on land-use reconstructions and landscape transformations on Wednesday 23 November from 10:15-11:00 at Institute of Plant Sciences, Altenbergrain 21, 3013 Bern, Switzerland (Praktikumsraum, 1st floor, main building).

6. Upcoming paleo conferences

i. AQUA 2016: Australasian Quaternary Association Biennial Conference

Auckland, New Zealand

5-9 December 2016

ii. Workshop on Cenozoic pCO2 reconstructions

Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Palisades, NY

15-17 March 2017

Deadline: 30 November

iii. "Past Climate Changes, a key for the Future" symposium

Held during the IAMAS-IAPSO-IAGA Meeting (

Cape Town, South Africa

27 August - 1 September 2017

7. PAGES at AGU 2016

The AGU Fall Meeting will be held in San Francisco from 12-16 December 2016.

i. Arctic2k: PP11C: Polar hydroclimate in a paleoclimate context: current understanding and future challenges (see also below)

ii. 2k Network: PP51E: Climate of the Common Era

iii. DICE: PP34A: Aerosols, Clouds and Paleoclimate

iv. Floods Working Group: H42E: Shifting Extremes: Understanding Hydrological Events for Societal Benefit

v. Forest Dynamics: B51J: Alteration of disturbance-driven forest dynamics under a changing climate

vi. PALSEA2: PP44A: Ice-sheet and sea-level variability during late-Cenozoic warm periods

vii. PlioVAR: PP31E: Reconstructing and modeling late Pliocene climate variability

For more details, go to:

The Arctic2k working group will also hold a side meeting on 13 December:

8. PAGES at EGU 2017

The next EGU General Assembly will be held in Vienna, Austria, from 23-28 April 2017.

Financial support deadline: 1 December 2016

Abstract deadline: 11 January 2017 (13:00 CET)

i. 2k Network: Studying the climate of the last two millennia (Session CL1.03)

ii. C-PEAT: Tropical Peatlands (Session BG2.5/SSS6.12)

iii. Floods Working Group: Flood and weather extremes of the past (Session CL1.25/AS4.26/HS2.4.5)

9. Future Earth updates

i. Anthropocene magazine, published by Future Earth, wants your views on what's next for sustainability in this new political era. Join the conversation:

ii. Take the Utrecht University survey before 20 November: Opportunity for scientists to talk about how they view the political and social role of sustainability research.

iii. Future Earth Open Network: Sign up to see a comprehensive list of upcoming events and to post your own workshops, conferences, talks and more:

iv. Global Carbon Project: GCP, a fellow Future Earth core project, published the Global Carbon Budget 2016 on 14 November. Access the highlights, paper, data, and figures here:

v. Interested in coastal sustainability? Read about Future Earth Coasts:

10. WCRP updates

i. The CLIVAR November Bulletin:

ii. Help WCRP, PAGES' scientific partner, effectively target improvements in current communications. This survey takes 5-20 minutes, depending on how many questions answered:

11. Endorsed and affiliated groups updates 

Historical Climatology: Professors Bathsheba Demuth, Dagomar Degroot, and Tim Newfield recently interviewed highly respected historian and author Professor Bruce Campbell, from Queen's University, Belfast. Read the interview here:




PAGES - Past Global Changes  |  International Project Office

Falkenplatz 16, 3012 Bern, Switzerland

Tel: +41 31 631 56 11  |

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