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PAGES e-news vol. 2017, no.1


1. PAGES 5th OSM update

2. Apply to become a PAGES SSC member

3. New working group and workshop support proposals due 3 April

4. New Past Global Changes Magazine

5. PALSEA2 paper third in 2016 media mentions

6. Floods Working Group metadata collection

7. PAGES Working Group meetings and deadlines

8. Upcoming PAGES-supported meetings

9. Recent PAGES products

10. PAGES at EGU 2017

11. Future Earth updates

12. WCRP updates

13. Endorsed and affiliated groups updates

14. Other paleo news


1. PAGES 5th OSM update

PAGES is pleased to announce over 1000 abstracts have been received for the 5th Open Science Meeting in Zaragoza, Spain, from 9-13 May 2017. Notifications will be sent in the second week of February. Early registration deadline is 20 February. Register here:

PAGES working group meetings to be held in Zaragoza before, during or after the OSM:

i. 2k Network General Meeting: 11 May

ii. Iso2k Science Team Meeting: 14-15 May

iii. Floods Working Group Annual Meeting: 13 May

iv. GPWG2 General Meeting: 12 May

v. LandCover6k General Workshop: 16-17 May

vi. QUIGS Meeting: 10 May

vii. VICS 2nd Workshop: 9 May

viii. Extreme Events Integrative Activity: 10 May

2. Apply to become a PAGES SSC member

PAGES is calling for applications from scientists to serve on its Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) from January 2018. The SSC is the body responsible for overseeing PAGES activities. Scientists serve on the SSC initially for a term of three years, with the potential of renewing for an additional term. Three positions are available for this call. Application deadline: 3 April. Read more:

3. New working group and meeting support proposals due 3 April

i. Does your heart pound for paleoscience? Know others who feel the same? Propose a new working group addressing an international paleoscience theme. Read more:

ii. PAGES offers meeting support under three categories of workshop: Official PAGES' working group, Open Call and Educational. Read more:

4. New Past Global Changes Magazine

The latest edition of Past Global Changes Magazine is now available online. Titled "Climate Change and Cultural Evolution", this issue aims to highlight how social decisions in the face of environmental change had long-lasting consequences for the evolution and development of prehistoric societies.

Have you noticed a new feature? Articles in this issue (and in all future issues) are assigned digital object identifier (DOI) numbers, providing a permanent link to the article location on the internet.

5. PALSEA2 paper third in 2016 media mentions

The PAGES' PALSEA2 working group paper "Temperature-driven global sea-level variability in the Common Era" was the third most-featured climate paper in world media in 2016. Written by lead author Robert Kopp, and published in PNAS, the paper appeared in 228 news stories from 186 outlets, was tweeted by 200 users, and posted on 21 Facebook walls. Congratulations to all involved! Read more about the top 10 climate papers for news and social media attention here: Access the PALSEA2 paper here:


6. Floods Working Group metadata collection

PAGES' Floods Working Group would like to assemble a worldwide overview of the existing (published) flood records based on historical or natural archives. This metadata collection will serve to promote all these records to a broad community (through the FWG website and at the OSM). It will also serve as a first step for the database project of the FWG and as a basis for a review paper on flood reconstructions. Read more and find out how to submit your findings:

7. PAGES Working Group meetings and deadlines

i. Aquatic Transitions:

South East Asia-Oceania workshop

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

15-17 February 2017

ii. C-PEAT:

"TropPeat: Low-latitude peat-forming ecosystems: past, present, future" workshop

Honolulu, Hawaii

26-28 March 2017

Application deadline: 17 February

iii. EcoRe3:

1st Workshop "Measuring Components of Resilience in Long-term Ecological Datasets"

Bergen, Norway

27-31 March 2017

Application deadline: 27 January

iv. DAPS:

Proxy system modeling and data assimilation in paleosciences workshop

Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium

29 May-1 June 2017

Expressions of interest due: 31 January

v. Forest Dynamics:

1st Workshop

Løvenholm Castle, Jutland, Denmark

21-24 March 2017

Deadline: TBA

vi. GloSS:

Database meeting

Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium

30 January-1 February 2017

Deadline: You may still be eligible to register and present a poster. Contact Veerle Vanacker: (veerle[dot]vanacker[at]uclouvain[dot]be)

vii. LandCover6k:

LandCover6k workshop and training course for scientists working in Asia

Shijiazhuang, China

6-11 March 2017

viii. PlioVAR:

Towards a synthesis of late Pliocene climate variability recorded in marine sediment archives workshop

Durham, UK

19-21 April 2017

Deadline: TBA

ix. QUIGS:

Interglacials of the 41kyr-world and of the Middle Pleistocene Transition

Molyvos, Greece

28-30 August 2017

Deadline: TBA

x. Warmer Worlds:

PAGES Integrative Activity 1st workshop "Lessons learnt from paleoscience on a possible 1.5-2°C warmer world in the future"

Bern, Switzerland

5-7 April 2017

Deadline: 29 January

8. Upcoming PAGES-supported meetings

i. Climate Change: The Karst Record VIII (KR8) Conference

Austin, Texas, USA

21-24 May 2017

Abstract deadline extended to: 27 January

ii. Pollen-Climate Methods Inter-comparison Project (PC-MIP) Workshop

Caux, Switzerland

13-15 June 2017

Deadline: 28 February

iii. Toward a Global Synthesis of Stable Isotope Records from Speleothems

Dublin, Ireland

21-23 June 2017

Applications open now

iv. 10th International Carbon Dioxide Conference

Interlaken, Switzerland

21-25 August 2017

Abstract deadline: 28 February 2017

v. 1st PMIP Phase 4 meeting

Stockholm, Sweden

25-29 September 2017

9. Recent PAGES products

i. Aquatic Transitions: Group members discuss the importance of understanding how lake systems have and will continue to function when subjected to multiple stressors, in a paper recently published in WIREs Water

ii. Floods: Workshop report "Using Archives of Past Floods to Estimate Future Flood Hazards" published in Eos, as a result of the Cross Community Workshop on Past Flood Variability, held in Grenoble, France, from 27–30 June 2016.

iii. Former co-chair Hubertus Fischer discusses the role of PAGES in a short video produced by Future Earth.

10. PAGES at EGU 2017

The next EGU General Assembly will be held in Vienna, Austria, from 23-28 April 2017.

i. 2k Network: Studying the climate of the last two millennia (Session CL1.03)

ii. C-PEAT: Tropical Peatlands (Session BG2.5/SSS6.12)

iii. Floods Working Group: Flood and weather extremes of the past (Session CL1.25/AS4.26/HS2.4.5)

iv. CVAS: Climate Variability Across Scales (Session: NP3.3/CL5.19)


11. Future Earth updates

i. Job vacancy: Future Earth is looking for an Executive Director to be based in Montreal. Deadline: 3 February.

ii. Major grants for sustainability science: Future Earth has received awards totaling more than USD 2 million from the Gordon and Betty Moore and NOMIS Foundations. The awards will support research on oceans, natural assets and the water, energy, food nexus. Stay tuned for more information about how to apply to this grants program.

iii. A reminder about the Future Earth Open Network: Join this international community as it builds the knowledge needed for global sustainability. Find projects to join, such as the Knowledge-Action Networks, and other people in your field.

iv. Future Earth Implementation Plan for 2016-2018:

v. Two end-of-2016 reflection pieces: 1. Owen Gaffney's essay on the major findings and events that shaped global sustainability:

2. Slideshow with a small sample of the news and blogs on Future Earth's website in 2016:

12. WCRP updates

i. Read the January WCRP News:

ii. Have your say on WCRP communications. Survey closes 20 January:

13. Endorsed and affiliated groups updates

i. PMIP: Save the date! An important PMIP4 meeting will be held in Stockholm, Sweden, from 25-29 September. The meeting will be organized with the PMIP working group leaders, to best represent PMIP activities and foster common PMIP activities on key subjects, as well as PMIP linkages with other MIPs in CMIP6. The preliminary meeting agenda will be circulated soon.

14. Other paleo news

i. NOAA-NCEI and the World Data Service for Paleoclimatology have initiated a new web-based Search application. The application provides improved search and download capabilities via a graphical user interface (GUI), plus a web service (including API) allowing users to obtain dataset metadata in XML or JSON format. The user can choose to search across one or many archives and data publishers. The web service URL is:

and will soon replace the existing Search capabilities on the NOAA/WDC Paleoclimatology website.



PAGES - Past Global Changes  |  International Project Office

Falkenplatz 16, 3012 Bern, Switzerland

Tel: +41 31 631 56 11  |

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