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Special issues
Special issues
Climate of the Past Discussions
This study is also a contribution to the Swedish strategic research area MERGE (ModElling the Regional and Global Earth system; www.merge.lu.se) and to the Past Global Change (PAGES) project and its working group LandCover6k (http://pastglobalchanges.org/landcover6k).
Special issues
Quaternary International
> Quantitative Land-Cover Reconstructions for China over the Past 6000 Years
Editorial: Xu Q, Gaillard M-J, Zheng Z, Fang X and Kaplan J O
Quaternary International, 641 (20), 1-5, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2022.10.016, 2022
This Special Issue is also a contribution to LandCover6k, a working group endorsed by PAGES (Past Global Changes) who we thank for financial support of several workshops and in turn received support from the Swiss National Science Foundation, the Swiss Academy of Sciences, the US National Science Foundation and the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Special issues
Climate of the Past
This article is part of the special issue “Paleoclimate data synthesis and analysis of associated uncertainty (BG/CP/ESSD inter-journal SI)”. It is not associated with a conference.
The work profited from discussions at the Climate Variability Across Scales (CVAS) working group of the Past Global Changes (PAGES) program.
Special issues
Climate of the Past
This article is part of the special issue “Interdisciplinary studies of volcanic impacts on climate and society”. It is not associated with a conference.
This paper also benefitted from discussion at events of the Past Global Changes (PAGES) working group “Volcanic Impacts on Climate and Society” (VICS).
Special issues
Climate of the Past
This special issue arises from the efforts of an international PAGES working group called Cycles of Sea-Ice Dynamics in the Earth System (C-SIDE), which aims to (a) reconstruct sea-ice conditions in the Southern Ocean over the last 130 000 years, (b) compare these reconstructions with complementary paleo-environmental data documenting changes in the Southern Ocean, and (c) use these data along with model simulations to improve our understanding of Earth system processes. The C-SIDE working group has chosen the last glacial–interglacial cycle (or last 130 000 years) as a focus because this timescale allows us to evaluate the role of sea ice on major climate transitions including glacial inception, when carbon was sequestered in the ocean, and deglaciation, when ocean carbon reserves were released to the atmosphere. The time frame also encompasses the penultimate interglacial when Antarctica was c. 2 °C warmer than today – a useful “process” analogue for future warming scenarios. At this time, the working group has held two workshops (October 2018 in Vancouver, Canada, and August/September 2019 in Sydney, Australia) to achieve these goals.
> Impact of Southern Ocean surface conditions on deep ocean circulation during the LGM: a model analysis
Fanny Lhardy, Nathaëlle Bouttes, Didier M. Roche, Xavier Crosta, Claire Waelbroeck, and Didier Paillard
Clim. Past, 17, 1139–1159, https://doi.org/10.5194/cp-17-1139-2021, 2021
> Sea ice dynamics in the Bransfield Strait, Antarctic Peninsula, during the past 240 years: a multi-proxy intercomparison study
Maria-Elena Vorrath, Juliane Müller, Lorena Rebolledo, Paola Cárdenas, Xiaoxu Shi, Oliver Esper, Thomas Opel, Walter Geibert, Práxedes Muñoz, Christian Haas, Gerhard Kuhn, Carina B. Lange, Gerrit Lohmann, and Gesine MollenhauerClim. Past, 16, 2459–2483, https://doi.org/10.5194/cp-16-2459-2020, 2020
Special issues
Climate of the Past
The special issue from the PAGES CRIAS working group aims to promote communication among researchers in historical climatology in different world regions by clarifying and comparing approaches.
Accepted papers
> Evaluating the utility of qualitative personal diaries in precipitation reconstruction in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries
Alice Harvey-Fishenden and Neil Macdonald
> Synthetic weather diaries: concept and application to Swiss weather in 1816
Stefan Brönnimann
> Climate records in ancient Chinese diaries and their application in historical climate reconstruction – a case study of Yunshan Diary
Siying Chen, Yun Su, Xiuqi Fang, and Jia He
> Climate indices in historical climate reconstructions: A global state of the art
David J. Nash, George C. D. Adamson, Linden Ashcroft, Martin Bauch, Chantal Camenisch, Dagomar Degroot, Joelle Gergis, Adrian Jusopović, Thomas Labbé, Kuan-Hui Elaine Lin, Sharon D. Nicholson, Qing Pei, María del Rosario Prieto, Ursula Rack, Facundo Rojas, and Sam White
> Could phenological records from Chinese poems of the Tang and Song dynasties (618–1279 CE) be reliable evidence of past climate changes?
Yachen Liu, Xiuqi Fang, Junhu Dai, Huanjiong Wang, and Zexing Tao
> Climate-driven desertification triggered the end of the Ancient Silk Road
Guanghui Dong, Leibin Wang, David Dian Zhang, Fengwen Liu, Yifu Cui, Guoqiang Li, Zhilin Shi, and Fahu Chen
Planned papers
> Enjoying the ice. Dutch Winter landscapes, weather and climate in the Golden Age, 17th century
Alexis Metzger
> Climate variability and grain production in Scania, c. 1702–1911
Martin Karl Skoglund
Special issues
Biology Letters
This special feature "Ecological resilience: from theory to empirical observations using long-term datasets" was organized by the PAGES EcoRe3 Working Group.
> Special feature: measuring components of ecological resilience in long-term ecological datasets
Seddon AWR (2021)
> Identifying drivers of forest resilience in long-term records from the Neotropics
Adolf C, Tovar C, Kühn N, Behling H, Berrío JC, Dominguez-Vázquez G, Figueroa-Rangel B, Gonzalez-Carranza Z, Islebe GA, Hooghiemstra H, Neff H, Olvera-Vargas M, Whitney B, Wooller MJ & Willis KJ (2020)
> Palaeo-trajectories of forest savannization in the southern Congo
Aleman JC, Blarquez O, Elenga H, Paillard J, Kimpuni V, Itoua G, Issele G & Staver AC (2019)
> Resilience: nitrogen limitation, mycorrhiza and long-term palaeoecological plant–nutrient dynamics
Bonsall MB, Froyd CA & Jeffers ES (2020)
> Detecting past changes in vegetation resilience in the context of a changing climate
Calder WJ & Shuman B (2019)
> Resilience of lake biogeochemistry to boreal-forest wildfires during the late Holocene
Chipman ML & Hu FS (2019)
> Long-term fire resilience of the Ericaceous Belt, Bale Mountains, Ethiopia
Gil-Romera G, Adolf C, Benito BM, Bittner L, Johansson MU, Grady DA, Lamb HF, Lemma B, Fekadu M, Glaser B, Mekonnen B, Sevilla-Callejo M, Zech M, Zech W & Miehe G (2019)
> Unveiling tipping points in long-term ecological records from Sphagnum-dominated peatlands
Lamentowicz M, Gałka M, Marcisz K, Słowiński M, Kajukało-Drygalska K, Druguet Dayras M & Jassey VEJ (2019)
> A palaeolimnological perspective to understand regime-shift dynamics in two Yangtze-basin lakes
Min X, Rong W, Xuhui D & Xiangdong Y (2019)
> Stable or seral? Fire-driven alternative states in aspen forests of western North America
Morris JL, DeRose RJ, Brussel T, Brewer S, Brunelle A & Long JN (2019)
Special issues
Earth System Science Data
This special issue is supported by PALSEA (a PAGES-INQUA working group) and by WARMCOASTS (ERC StG 802414). The last interglacial (125 ka) represents the last warm period of the Earth's history when climate was warmer than present. Understanding sea-level changes in the last interglacial is important for unravelling future ice melting scenarios. Although the age, elevation, and geological characteristics of last interglacial sea-level proxies have been reported in the literature, thus far few organized data collections have been compiled. With this special issue, editors want to invite regional experts on last interglacial sea-level proxies to review existing (and new) last interglacial sea-level data for specific regions.
> Find out more about the PALSEA working group
Accepted articles
> A standardized database of Marine Isotope Stage 5e sea-level proxies in southern Africa (Angola, Namibia and South Africa)
J. Andrew G. Cooper and Andrew N. Green
> Last interglacial sea levels within the Gulf of Mexico and northwestern Caribbean Sea
Alexander R. Simms
> Last interglacial (MIS 5e) sea-level proxies in southeastern South America
Evan J. Gowan, Alessio Rovere, Deirdre D. Ryan, Sebastian Richiano, Alejandro Montes, Marta Pappalardo, and Marina L. Aguirre
> A review of MIS 5e sea-level proxies around Japan
Evan Tam and Yusuke Yokoyama
> Last Interglacial sea-level proxies in East Africa and the Western Indian Ocean
Patrick Boyden, Jennifer Weil-Accardo, Pierre Deschamps, Davide Oppo, and Alessio Rovere
> Last interglacial sea-level history from speleothems: a global standardized database
Oana A. Dumitru, Victor J. Polyak, Yemane Asmerom, and Bogdan P. Onac
> Marine terraces of the last interglacial period along the Pacific coast of South America (1° N–40° S)
Roland Freisleben, Julius Jara-Muñoz, Daniel Melnick, José Miguel Martínez, and Manfred R. Strecker
> A standardized database of Marine Isotopic Stage 5e sea-level proxies on tropical Pacific Islands
Nadine Hallmann, Gilbert Camoin, Jody M. Webster, and Marc Humblet
> A global compilation of U-series-dated fossil coral sea-level indicators for the Last Interglacial period (Marine Isotope Stage 5e)
Peter M. Chutcharavan and Andrea Dutton
> The last interglacial sea-level record of Aotearoa New Zealand
Deirdre D. Ryan, Alastair J. H. Clement, Nathan R. Jankowski, and Paolo Stocchi
Submitted articles
> Last Interglacial sea-level proxies in the Western Mediterranean
Ciro Cerrone, Matteo Vacchi, Alessandro Fontana, and Alessio Rovere
> A Global Database of Marine Isotope Stage 5a and 5c Marine Terraces and Paleoshoreline Indicators
Schmitty B. Thompson and Jessica R. Creveling
> Last interglacial sea-level proxies in the Korean Peninsula
Woo Hun Ryang, Alexander R. Simms, Hyun Ho Yoon, Seung Soo Chun, and Gee Soo Kong
> A review of Last Interglacial sea-level proxies in the Western Atlantic and Southwestern Caribbean, from Brazil to Honduras
Karla Rubio-Sandoval, Alessio Rovere, Ciro Cerrone, Paolo Stocchi, Thomas Lorscheid, Thomas Felis, Ann-Kathrin Petersen, and Deirdre D. Ryan
> A standardized database of Last interglacial (MIS 5e) sea-level indicators in Southeast Asia
Kathrine Maxwell, Hildegard Westphal, and Alessio Rovere
Special issues
Climate of the Past
The Volcanic Impacts on Climate and Society (VICS) working group, part of the Past Global Changes (PAGES) project, supports research focused on reconstructing the history of past volcanism, and its impact on the climate system and societies. This special issue provides authoritative statements on the state-of-the-art knowledge of historically and scientifically important eruptions from an interdisciplinary perspective and set an agenda for future research into links between volcanism, climate and society.
Published articles
> Volcanism and climate change as drivers in Holocene depositional dynamic of Laguna del Maule (Andes of central Chile – 36° S)
Matías Frugone-Álvarez, Claudio Latorre, Fernando Barreiro-Lostres, Santiago Giralt, Ana Moreno, Josué Polanco-Martínez, Antonio Maldonado, María Laura Carrevedo, Patricia Bernárdez, Ricardo Prego, Antonio Delgado Huertas, Magdalena Fuentealba, and Blas Valero-Garcés
> The response of annual minimum temperature on the eastern central Tibetan Plateau to large volcanic eruptions over the period 1380–2014 CE
Yajun Wang, Xuemei Shao, Yong Zhang, and Mingqi Li
> Cryptotephra from the Icelandic Veiðivötn 1477 CE eruption in a Greenland ice core: confirming the dating of 1450s CE volcanic events and assessing the eruption's climatic impact
Peter M. Abbott, Gill Plunkett, Christophe Corona, Nathan J. Chellman, Joseph R. McConnell, John R. Pilcher, Markus Stoffel, and Michael Sigl
> Simulation of ash clouds after a Laacher See-type eruption
Ulrike Niemeier, Felix Riede, and Claudia Timmreck
Expected articles
> On the phenomenon of the blue Sun: https://doi.org/10.5194/cp-2020-117
> The unidentified volcanic eruption of 1809: why it remains a climatic cold case: https://doi.org/10.5194/cp-2021-4
> Find out more about the VICS working group
Special issues
Global and Planetary Change
This Special Issue, which comprises 18 peer-reviewed papers, is the outcome of the Floods Working Group (FWG) session entitled “Multidisciplinary reconstruction of paleofloods” held at the PAGES OSM Conference (Past Climate Changes – Open Sciensce Meeting) from 9-13 May 2017 in Zaragoza, Spain.
> Pluridisciplinary analysis and multi-archive reconstruction of paleofloods
Lothar Schulte, Daniel Schillereff, Juan I. Santisteban and Fabienne Marret-Davies
Research articles
> Pluridisciplinary analysis and multi-archive reconstruction of paleofloods: Societal demand, challenges and progress
Lothar Schulte, Daniel Schillereff and Juan I. Santisteban
> Integration of multi-archive datasets for the development of a four-dimensional paleoflood model of alpine catchments
Lothar Schulte, Oliver Wetter, Bruno Wilhelm, Juan Carlos Peña, Benjamin Amann, Stefanie B.Wirth, Filipe Carvalho and Antonio Gómez-Bolea
> Geomorphic control on regional glacier lake outburst flood and debris flow activity over northern Tien Shan
V. Zaginaev, D. Petrakov, S. Erokhin, A. Meleshko, M. Stoffel, J.A. Ballesteros-Cánovas
> Extreme ENSO-driven torrential rainfalls at the southern edge of the Atacama Desert during the Late Holocene and their projection into the 21th century
Cristina Ortega, Gabriel Vargas, Maisa Rojas, José A. Rutllant, Práxedes Muñoz, Carina B.Lange, Silvio Pantoja, Laurent Dezileau and Luc Ortlieb
> Holocene land cover change in south-western Amazonia inferred from paleoflood archives
Umberto Lombardo, Javier Ruiz-Pérez, Leonor Rodrigues, Adrien Mestrot, Francis Mayle, Marco Madella, Sönke Szidat and Heinz Veit
> Pleistocene fluvial catastrophes in now arid NW areas of Mongolian Inland drainage basin
A.R. Agatova and R.K. Nepop
> Holocene floods in a complex fluvial wetland in central Spain: Environmental variability, climate and time
Juan I. Santisteban, Rosa Mediavilla, Luis Galán de Frutos and Ignacio López Cilla
> A 2000 year record of palaeofloods in a volcanically-reset catchment: Whanganui River, New Zealand
Ian C. Fuller, Mark G. Macklin, Willem H.J. Toonen, Jonathan Turner and Kevin Norton
> Reliability check of flash-flood in Central Bohemia on May 25, 1872
Libor Elleder, Jakub Krejčí, Stanislav Racko, Jan Daňhelka, Jolana Šírová and Ladislav Kašpárek
> A 500-year flood history of the arid environments of southeastern Spain. The case of the Almanzora River
Carlos Sánchez-García, Lothar Schulte, Filipe Carvalho and Juan Carlos Peña
> Climatic and social factors behind the Spanish Mediterranean flood event chronologies from documentary sources (14th–20th centuries)
Mariano Barriendos, Salvador Gil-Guirado, David Pino, Jordi Tuset, Alfredo Pérez-Morales, Armando Alberola, Joan Costa, Josep Carles Balasch, Xavier Castelltort, Jordi Mazón and Josep Lluis Ruiz-Bellet
> Synchronous droughts and floods in the Southern Chinese Loess Plateau since 1646 CE in phase with decadal solar activities
Xuefeng Yu, Yi Wang, Shiyong Yu and Zhihai Kang
> Flood hazard assessment of the Rhône River revisited with reconstructed discharges from lake sediments
Guillaume Evin, Bruno Wilhelm and Jean-Philippe Jenny
> A millennium-long perspective of flood-related seasonal sediment yield in Mediterranean watersheds
J.P. Corella, G. Benito, B. Wilhelm, E. Montoya, V. Rull, T. Vegas-Vilarrúbia and B.L. Valero-Garcés
> Holocene-long record of flood frequency in the Southern Alps (Lake Iseo, Italy) under human and climate forcing
William Rapuc, Pierre Sabatier, Fabien Arnaud, Antoine Palumbo, Anne-Lise Develle, Jean-Louis Reyss, Laurent Augustin, Edouard Régnier, Andrea Piccin, Emmanuel Chapron, Jean-Pascal Dumoulin and Ulrich von Grafenstein
> Convergent human and climate forcing of late-Holocene flooding in Northwest England
D.N. Schillereff, R.C. Chiverrell, N. Macdonald, J.M. Hooke, K.E. Welsh, G.Piliposian and I.W. Croudace
> Flood occurrence change-point analysis in the paleoflood record from Lake Mondsee (NE Alps)
Hansjörg Albrecher, Martin Bladt, Dominik Kortschak, Franz Prettenthaler and Tina Swierczynski
> Simulated and reconstructed atmospheric variability and their relation with large Pre-industrial summer floods in the Hasli-Aare catchment (Swiss Alps) since 1300 CE
J.C. Peña and L. Schulte