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The PAGES 2k Network has proceeded in three phases: Phase 1 (2008-2013), Phase 2 (2014-2016) and Phase 3 (2017-2021*).


2. Paleo Executive Summary (ES) Statements: Paleoscience is mentioned in a total of 27 ES statements. These ES statements are the basis for the distillation for the report as presented in the Technical Summary and Summary for Policy Makers.


New initiatives of WDS-Paleo, including bulk data download and the Paleoenvironmental Standard Terms (PaST) Thesaurus of measured variables, help to make these data FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, re-usable).




Due to COVID-19 disruptions, postal services in some countries have been affected.


This is a great opportunity to reach out to the next generation and get them excited about your topic.


Working Group II of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which assesses scientific literature relating to impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability, has revised the timeline


Are you considering hosting or attending an online meeting?

PAGES would like to bring these resources to your attention on how to get the best from your event.

These tips may provide you with the boost you need to go virtual, whether you intend to be a host or a participant.


PAGES is pleased to announce a biennial Early-Career Award (ECA) for excellence in collaborative scholarship, including research, communication, outreach, leadership, networking, community service, and international collaboration.


PAGES' former working group Dust Impact on Climate and Environment (DICE) has released the special issue "Holocene Dust Dynamics" in The Holocene.