This workshop is part of the PAGES 2k Network's Phase 2 activities, and follows the 3rd Asia 2k workshop held from 26-27 May 2014 in Beijing, China, which aimed to integrate paleoclimate, especially hydroclimate, data during the last 2 millennia in Asia using appropriate statistical models.
In Asia, it is very important to understand the historical variability of hydroclimate, including occurrences of severe droughts and floods, for local people’s welfare and there are many promising proxies such as tree rings, stalagmites, their isotope ratios and documentary records. However, hydroclimate field reconstruction (HFR) is a big challenge due to the heterogeneous nature of precipitation in contrast to temperature. There are still large gaps between available data distributions and current statistical models. Thus, we must seek ways to overcome the gaps by adding new data sets in Asia and/or focusing more realistic targets of HFR rather than precipitation such as moisture distribution or soil water contents.
In this workshop, preliminary multiproxy based temperature FR as well as HFR over Asia using different statistical methods will be presented based on available data sets (mainly collected during Asia2k's Phase 1) to obtain an up-to-date overview of 2k-Climate FR in Asia. Then, we will discuss gaps in the current data and models, and clarify ways to fill the gaps as we move towards a realistic and effective 2k-CFR in Asia by 2016.
Participants at the workshop will be expected to prepare their contributions to the Asia 2k project, e.g. by submitting their data to the Asia 2k database, by conducting preliminary climate reconstructions with different statistical methods, or by comaring model simulations with available data. Based on that, the workshop will then work towards finalizing the Asia 2k products.
Learn more about the Asia2k working group here.
We invite all scientists interested in actively contributing to the Asia2k goals by sharing results and data, by compiling and analyzing data, and by generating synthesis products to apply for participation.
Please fill in this application form and email to Masaki SANO ( (msano[at]chikyu[dot]ac[dot]jp))
by 1 December, 2014.
RIHN (Research Institute for Humanity and Nature), Kyoto, Japan
For more information
Contact Takeshi Nakatsuka ( (nakatsuka[at]chikyu[dot]ac[dot]jp))
Post-meeting material
Group Photo: Download here.
Program: Download the program here.