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Over the past four years, the PAGES ECN has been growing and adding new activities and products. One of them is the Science cluster.

This cluster was launched with the aim to build a big multidisciplinary network for scientific collaboration and is intended to provide a platform for ECRs to meet and discuss potential synergies and collaborations, in particular with respect to writing collaborative papers, applying for joint project funding, or even thinking about starting a new PAGES Working Group.

It has been a while since the cluster was officially launched and after many challenges, the group is ready to welcome more members aboard! 

The group would like to invite anyone interested to participate in further developing the Science cluster through ideas and collaboration with each other.

If you are interested, please fill out this form.

You will be added to our Slack workspace and invited to networking meetings within the cluster where we can exchange ideas for potential collaboration and science projects.

If you have questions, please reach out to (science[dot]pages[dot]ecn[at]gmail[dot]com).

NB: This cluster will serve as a platform for bottom-up and self-organized collaborations. We aim to connect ECRs and offer support where we can, but we do not provide any training, funding, language corrections or project ideas as a group.

> Find out more about the ECN science cluster

> Find out more about the ECN