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- Submissions Open: The Camp Century Ice and Sediment Core 57 Years Later - Special Issue - Climate of The Past and The Cryosphere, Copernicus
Wednesday, 1 March, 2023
A combined Special Issue "dedicated to new science related to the 1966 Camp Century ice and sediment core" in both Climate of the Past and The Cryosphere, has been launched.
"The goal of this Special Issue is to bring together, in one volume, modern scientific analyses relevant to the Camp Century ice and sediment core."
Both Copernicus Journals, Climate of the Past and The Cryosphere, are open access and open review.
Submissions are now open.
"In 1966, drillers at Camp Century reached the bottom of the Greenland Ice Sheet and kept going collecting almost 4 meters of frozen sediment from below meters of silty ice. While the ice core, the first to penetrate a continental ice sheet to the bed, has been thoroughly analyzed, the basal ice and sub-ice sediment have not. A combined European-American team is now studying these materials under both EU and US NSF support. Initial results from the team concerning the sediment were published in PNAS in 2021."
Co-editors: Paul Bierman, Jean-Louis Tison, Nanna Bjørnholt Karlsson, and Denis-Didier Rousseau
Find out more about the Special Issues:
> https://www.the-cryosphere.net/articles_and_preprints/scheduled_sis.html
> https://www.climate-of-the-past.net/articles_and_preprints/scheduled_sis.html
If you are interested in finding out more about the Camp Century story, you can read the story and an interview with Andrew Christ and Paul Bierman in PAGES Horizons magazine, volume 2.
> Access article
From a Cold war project to the future of the ice sheet
You’re about to embark on a journey to Camp Century, a journey to Camp Century, a nuclear-powered U.S. Army a nuclear-powered U.S. Army base built in 1959 and 1960. base built in 1959 and 1960. It was a grid of thousands It was a grid of thousands of feet of snow tunnels of feet of snow tunnels dug into the Greenland Ice dug into the Greenland Ice SheetSheet**. You might feel like . You might feel like you’re watching an old James you’re watching an old James Bond movie or even enter-Bond movie or even entering a science fiction novel, ing a science fiction novel, right?! Yet, the science born right?! Yet, the science born out of this military adven-out of this military adventure is anything but fiction. ture is anything but fiction. Recently, alarming secrets Recently, alarming secrets about the potential future about the potential future of the Greenland Ice Sheet of the Greenland Ice Sheet have come to light from sed-have come to light from sediment at the bottom of an iment at the bottom of an ice core collected beneath ice core collected beneath the base.