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Copernicus Journals

The following email was sent to the paleoclimate list on 22 March 2023 on behalf of Irina Rogozhina calling for expressions of interest:

"Dear colleagues,

We have assembled a guest editorial team to initiate a new Special Issue (SI) focusing on past glaciations, including ice sheets and mountain glaciers, and their interplays with other Earth Systems (Icy Landscapes of the Past) as a collaboration between four Copernicus journals: Climate of the Past (CP), The Cryosphere (TC), Earth Surface Dynamics (ESurf), and Earth System Science Data (ESSD). Please, see the preliminary description of the SI below.

On behalf of the editorial team, I am calling for expressions of interest (planned articles within relevant fields, targeted journals, and anticipated submission dates) in the time window between April 2023 and May 2024 (after the EGU 2024 where we will run a dedicated cross-disciplinary session related to this SI). This information will allow our team to distribute editorial duties in such a way that all articles are handled in a prompt and efficient manner throughout the lifetime of the SI.

Editorial team:

Irina Rogozhina ( (irina[dot]rogozhina[at]ceaza[dot]cl) & (irina[dot]rogozhina[at]ntnu[dot]no)), Arjen Stroeven ( (arjen[dot]stroeven[at]natgeo[dot]su[dot]se)), Achim Beylich ( (achim[dot]beylich[at]gmail[dot]com)), Ken Mankoff ( (mankoff[at]gmail[dot]com)), Lev Tarasov ( (lev[at]mun[dot]ca)), Yusuke Suganuma ( (suganuma[dot]yusuke[at]nipr[dot]ac[dot]jp)), Nicole Schaffer (, Matthias Prange ( (mprange[at]marum[dot]de)), Atle Nesje ( (Atle[dot]Nesje[at]uib[dot]no)), Neil Glasser ( (nfg[at]aber[dot]ac[dot]uk)), and Pepijn Bakker ( (p[dot]bakker[at]vu[dot]nl)).

Please, contact me (Irina) regarding the details and article proposals.

Kind regards,

Irina (Irina Rogozhina: (irina[dot]rogozhina[at]ntnu[dot]no))

Special Issue description:

Studies of ice extent, volume and dynamics during former glaciations are important for understanding past climates and evolution of the Earth surface, and also provide analogies for present-day and future ice sheets (and glaciers) and their subglacial environments. The Special Issue Icy Landscapes of the Past brings together contributions from four Copernicus journals (Climate of the Past, The Cryosphere, Earth Surface Dynamics, and Earth System Science Data), reflecting the interdisciplinarity across scientific communities working with former glaciations from the perspectives of paleoclimatology, glacial geomorphology, Quaternary geology, and numerical modeling, among others. It provides a platform in which field-based reconstructions and model simulations can be compared and contrasted, teasing out complex couplings between the changing cryosphere-induced topographic, freshwater and sea level forcings and climate states of both warmer and colder epochs of the past. Through this SI, we aim to piece together the growing knowledge about regional responses of different geographic regions to past climate changes to obtain a global picture, thereby fostering emerging collaborations between previously disconnected geoscientific disciplines. We welcome contributions that shed light on ancient and more recent glaciations on Earth and their interaction with other components of the Earth System."

> Climate of the Past 

> The Cryosphere 

> Earth Surface Dynamics 

> Earth System Science Data