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Detailed synthesis and stewardship of land-ocean data of the Iberian region, together with instrumental observations, provide clues to the natural versus anthropogenic progression of the present warm period.

PAGES is one of the principal investigators for the project, along with Nerilie Abram, Darrell Kaufman, Luke Skinner, Chronis Tzedakis, Laia Comas Bru and Adi Torfstein.

The IBCC-lo2k project has strong ties with PAGES' activities, mainly the 2k Network, SISAL and the Data Stewardship Integrative Activity. The project will contribute to PAGES' international activities, despite its local focus on the Iberian Peninsula.

Climate modes of variability in the Iberian Peninsula will be discussed at the upcoming PAGES-supported CLIMOVAR workshop in September in Barcelona, Spain.

PAGES encourages other community members to seek additional external funding sources and hopes this success story provides inspiration for your own future funding applications.

For further information about IBCC-lo2k or the planned discussions at the CLIMOVAR workshop, contact Belen Martrat.