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- PAGES E-news Vol. 2016, No.10
Tuesday, 18 October, 2016
1. PAGES 5th OSM deadlines 20 December
2. Website updates
3. Guest scientist Andrew Sluyter at PAGES
4. PAGES Working Group updates, meetings and deadlines
5. Other PAGES-supported meeting deadlines
6. Upcoming paleo conferences
7. Recent PAGES' products
8. AGU Fall Meeting scientific program released
9. Future Earth updates
10. WCRP updates
11. Endorsed and affiliated groups updates
1. PAGES 5th OSM deadlines 20 December
Join us in Zaragoza, Spain, from 9-13 May 2017 for PAGES 5th Open Science Meeting.
Register here: http://pages-osm.org/
Access the list of sessions here: http://www.pages-osm.org/osm/sessions-osm
Abstract submission and financial support application deadlines: 20 December.
2. Website updates
i. Paleoscience blogs are becoming more prominent and prolific, so we've made a new section on the Product Database. PAGES-related blog articles are now showcased here: http://pastglobalchanges.org/products/multimedia/7017-blog-articles
Would you like your blog article to be accessible via the PAGES website too? Send an email to pagespages.unibe.ch (pages[at]pages[dot]unibe[dot]ch) with all the details.
ii. Altmetric scores are now available on articles in our Product Database.
iii. A reminder to please use www.pastglobalchanges.org and replace old bookmarks.
3. Guest scientist Andrew Sluyter at PAGES
PAGES is pleased to host guest scientist Andrew Sluyter, from Louisiana State University, for the next two months. Read about his plans here: http://pastglobalchanges.org/news/all-news-items/9-latest-news/1567-guest-sci-sluyter-bern
For those in Switzerland, Sluyter will give a seminar on land-use reconstruction and landscape transformations at the Institute of Plant Sciences, University of Bern, on 23 November (starting 10:15 in Praktikumsraum, 1st floor, main building).
4. PAGES Working Group updates, meetings and deadlines
i. 2k Network
General meeting
Zargoza, Spain
11 May 2017
Deadline: TBA
ii. CVAS
1st Workshop
Hamburg, Germany
28-30 November 2016
iii. Floods
The Floods Working Group has a new database project. Contact the leaders if you're interested in this effort: http://pastglobalchanges.org/ini/wg/floods/people
iv. Forest Dynamics
1st Workshop
Løvenholm Castle, Jutland, Denmark
21-24 March 2017
Deadline: TBA
v. GloSS
GloSS Database meeting
Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
30 January-1 February 2017
Abstract deadline: 15 December
Registrations: Open soon
vi. GPWG2
"Natural and human-driven fire regime and early land-cover changes in Central and Eastern Europe" workshop
Frankfurt am Main, Germany
5-8 December 2016
vii. LandCover6k
a. Pollen-based reconstructions of past land-cover change in Latin America workshop
Salvador de Bahia, Brazil
29-31 October 2016
b. General Workshop
Zaragoza, Spain
16-17 May 2017
Deadline: TBA
viii. VICS
2nd Workshop
Zaragoza, Spain
9 May 2017
Deadline: TBA
5. Other PAGES-supported meeting deadlines
i. APN Proposal Development Training Workshop for Young Scientists in South Asia
14-16 December 2016
Application deadline: 31 October
ii. Overcoming reductionism when linking climate variability with human history – a cross-disciplinary approach in the Altai Mountains
Krasnoyarsk, Russia
10-14 April 2017
Registration deadline: 31 October
6. Upcoming paleo conferences
i. CSDCO Science Planning Workshop 1: Scientific Drilling/Coring and Earth-Life System Evolution
Arlington, Virginia, USA
13-14 November 2016
Deadline: 27 October
ii. AQUA 2016: Australasian Quaternary Association Biennial Conference
Auckland, New Zealand
5-9 December 2016
iii. Workshop on Cenozoic pCO2 reconstructions
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Palisades, NY
15-17 March 2017
Deadline: 30 November
iv. 10th International Carbon Dioxide Conference
Interlaken, Switzerland
21-25 August 2017
Registrations and abstract submissions now open.
v. AFQUA 2017: The 2nd International Conference of The African Quaternary: Environments, Ecology and Humans
Ifrane, Morocco
Late September 2017
Deadline: TBA
vi. PMIP meeting 2017
Stockholm, Sweden
25-29 September 2017
Deadline: TBA
7. Recent PAGES' products
i. Workshop product:
Jesse Morris et al. published their PAGES-supported findings on managing bark beetle impacts in Journal of Applied Ecology yesterday. http://pastglobalchanges.org/products/journal-articles/7156-man-bark-beet-imp-eco-soc-fut-res
ii. Special issue:
The PAGES-endorsed Arctic Holocene Transitions project recently published a linked series of three major review papers in a special issue of Quaternary Science Reviews.
iii. 2k Network:
"Assessing recent trends in high-latitude Southern Hemisphere surface climate" by Julie Jones et al. was published in Nature Climate Change. http://pastglobalchanges.org/products/journal-articles/7068-access-rec-trend-hi-lat-sthn-hem-sfc-clim
iv. Ocean2k:
The Marie-Alexandrine Sicre et al. corrected proof "Sea surface temperature variability in the North Western Mediterranean Sea (Gulf of Lion) during the Common Era" was recently made available in Earth and Planetary Science Letters. http://www.pastglobalchanges.org/products/7154-sea-surf-temp-var-nth-west-med-sea
v. Euro-Med2k:
Group leader Ulf Büntgen published a personal "As I See It" paper in Climate Research about the state of science in Russia. http://pastglobalchanges.org/products/journal-articles/7069-bridge-trouble-russia-ub-2016
vi. PAGES in Eos:
A workshop report from the PAGES-supported IPICS 2016 Open Science Conference was published in Eos. http://pastglobalchanges.org/products/meeting-products/7079-devel-ice-core-res-ipics-eos16
8. AGU Fall Meeting scientific program released
Access the program here: https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm16/meetingapp.cgi
9. Future Earth updates
i. Future Earth will host two webinars on 19 October - "Exploring social-ecological transformations and seeds of a good Anthropocene". 10:00 CEST - Register: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/8456634577910004995 and 17:00 CEST - Register: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/6315598466139924484. Read the latest publication on this topic: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/fee.1309/full
ii. Join Ioan Fazey, Bronwyn Hayward, Susi Moser, Petra Tschakert and other experts from the Transformations to Sustainability community for a webinar discussion on opportunities for social science in the forthcoming Special Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) on the impacts of global warming 1.5°C. Monday 31 October 16:00-17:00 CET/15:00-16:00 UTC. https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/2130491073676381697
iii. Future Earth regional workshop for Europe: Take part in this year’s workshop, offering training in trandsdisciplinary skills and co-design methodology. 22-23 November 2016 in Stockholm. Register by: 1 November. http://futureearth.org/events/future-earth-regional-workshop-europe
iv. Call for applications: Early-career researchers and professional newcomers can apply to be a member of the Knowledge-Action Networks development teams. Help shape innovative research agendas over the coming years and connect with a global network of leading academics and professionals. Read more about the application criteria, and apply, here: http://futureearth.org/news/call-applications-early-career-representatives-knowledge-action-networks Deadline: 2 November.
v. The Future Earth Open Network has launched. This online tool is a place where professionals can do essential work around sustainability research. To open account, go to: http://network.futureearth.org/home
vi. Take the Utrecht University survey: Opportunity for scientists to talk about how they view the political and social role of sustainability research. http://futureearth.org/news/participate-new-survey-social-and-political-role-sustainability-research
10. WCRP updates
i. CLIVAR October Bulletin: http://us4.campaign-archive1.com/?u=e95bd74f92719b8560b3cbed6&id=a3c1c1b1a9&e=a3ab4bafcd
11. Endorsed and affiliated groups updates
i. Climate History Network: Read the latest quarterly issue of the newsletter, which contains feature articles, latest publications, member projects, and calls for papers and proposals. http://www.climatehistory.net/news2/2016/10/6/chn-fall-newsletter-published
ii. Historical Climatology: Dagomar Degroot recently interviewed environmental historian John McNeill, discussing all things Anthropocene. http://www.historicalclimatology.com/interviews/a-conversation-with-j-r-mcneill
iii. IHOPE: Access a pdf version of the latest newsletter here: http://pastglobalchanges.org/download/docs/pdf/ihope-news-oct-16.pdf
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P: +41 31 631 56 11
pagespages.unibe.ch | http://www.pastglobalchanges.org
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