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PAGES e-news vol. 2016, no.7


1. Registration and sessions for PAGES 5th OSM and 3rd YSM

2. PAGES at the Fall AGU

3. Call for session proposals EGU

. Two new working groups

5. Working Group updates and meeting deadlines

6. Other PAGES-supported meeting deadlines

7. Recent PAGES' products

8. Are your details up to date?

9. IPCC call for experts

10. Future Earth update

11. WCRP update

12. Endorsed and affiliated groups update


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1. Registration and sessions for PAGES 5th OSM and 3rd YSM

Registration and abstract submissions are now open for PAGES 5th Open Science Meeting (OSM) and 3rd Young Scientists Meeting (YSM) in Zaragoza, Spain, May 2017.

More than 30 sessions have been confirmed. Access the list of sessions here:

Register for the OSM here:

Register for the YSM here (competitive selection process):

2. PAGES at the Fall AGU

Sessions have been finalised for the Fall AGU in San Francisco from 12-16 December 2016. Early abstract submission deadline: Today, 27 July. Final submission deadline: 3 August.

PAGES-supported sessions:

i. Forest Dynamics - B005: Alteration of disturbance-driven forest dynamics under a changing climate (Session: 12625)

Climate change and disturbance are two of the major forces shaping the dynamics of forests worldwide. Their interactive effects can be particularly consequential; climate change is expected to impact the frequency and intensity of disturbances, including drought, bark beetle outbreaks, and wildfires. Moreover, climate change may alter the resilience of forests to such disturbances, in some systems potentially resulting in shifts to alternative ecosystem states or trajectories. The result will be alteration of forest composition, biogeochemistry, and interactions with the climate system on scales ranging from single trees to biomes and from minutes to millennia. Anticipating the impacts of these changes requires both empirical and modeling studies that link mechanistic processes across spatial and temporal scales.

This session will include research incorporating current, paleo ecological, modeling, or data-model integration studies to answer critical questions concerning disturbance and climate interactions in forest ecosystems across a range of spatial and temporal scales.

ii. Floods Working Group - H092: Shifting Rivers: Trends in Flood Magnitude and Frequency (Session: 12683)

Riverine floods are among the costliest type of natural hazard, and regularly cause loss of life, damage infrastructure, and disrupt transportation and trade. Although the enhanced greenhouse effect is likely responsible for the recent observed intensification of the land-based hydrological cycle, the Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change’s Fifth Assessment Report noted a lack of evidence and thus low confidence regarding the sign of trend in flood frequency and magnitude.

This session aims to bring together hydrologists, climatologists, geologists, and paleoclimatologists that evaluate long-term (decadal and longer) changes in flooding at watershed, regional, or global scales. We welcome contributions that identify the trends and drivers of past flooding using modeling, instrumental data and/or proxy-based paleoflood reconstructions, as well as those examining how flood frequency and magnitude may change in the future. We are particularly keen to receive submissions that report new paleoflood records, as well as those that connect paleoflood evidence to decadal and centennial-scale flood trends in hydrological observations or models.

iii. DICE - PP004: Aerosols, Clouds and Paleoclimate (Session: 13714)

Aerosol and cloud radiative forcings are responsible for the large uncertainty in the overall radiative forcing over the industrial period and limit our ability to constrain climate sensitivity, but their role in paleoclimates has received limited recognition. Natural aerosols such as dust, sea-salt, ash, soot and emissions from vegetation have undoubtedly varied in Earth history, impacting radiative processes in the atmosphere, cloud formation (direct and indirect effects) and hydrological processes.

We welcome data and model contributions that consider changes in the magnitude and variability of natural aerosols and or cloud processes at all timescales (millennial to long-term). We aim to facilitate discussions between the modeling and data communities in how best to move forward in constraining pre-industrial 'pristine' climate sensitivity to aerosols and clouds, as well as move beyond CO2 forcing and temperature comparisons in improving our understanding of proxy reconstructions and model-data comparisons.

iv. 2k Network - PP007: Climate of the Common Era (Session: 13330)

This session highlights recent work on all aspects of the climate of the last 2000 years (the Common Era), using new proxy records, data syntheses, reconstruction methodologies, proxy system modeling, and paleoclimate model simulations. Contributions that combine several of the above areas or that focus on developing improved quantitative estimates of uncertainty are particularly welcome.

The session will emphasize improved estimates of past climate variability and associated atmosphere-ocean dynamics over the Common Era. New means of observing and reconstructing climate, as well as model-data comparisons over the Common Era that focus on regional or global-scale climate variability at resolutions of seasons to centuries are encouraged.

v. PALSEA2 - PP015: Ice-sheet and sea-level variability during late-Cenozoic warm periods (Session: 12933)

The behavior of ice sheets and their impact on sea level during late Cenozoic warm periods provides important information on the natural variability of ice sheets when they were in a similar configuration as today. As part of the Paleo Constraints on Sea level rise 2 (PALSEA2) PAGES/INQUA working group, this session aims to consider what the paleo record can say about rates, sources and processes of sea-level change during past warm periods such as the Holocene, the last interglaciation, other interglaciations, and the Pliocene optimum, and transitions into and out of these warm periods.

We seek contributions that draw on evidence from geologic records, and models of climate, ice sheets and glacial isostatic effects. Contributions are encouraged to synthesize results in a broader context, integrate diverse methodologies and data sources, and identify potential paths towards reconciling existing datasets and/or filling gaps in understanding past ice-sheet and sea-level behavior.

vi. Arctic2k - PP026: Polar hydroclimate in a paleoclimate context – current understanding and future challenges (Session: 14150)

The impact of Polar hydroclimate change is not only local, but also global through various feedbacks and teleconnections. However, a lack of spatiotemporal observations makes quantification and understanding of Polar hydroclimate difficult. Paleoclimate proxies can provide more holistic views of past hydroclimate in these regions. Moreover, new methods enable tracking of both amount and source of local precipitation. Progress in the use of isotopes and other proxies have enhanced our understanding of how major shifts in atmospheric circulation patterns affected hydroclimate in the past. Also, co-development of numerical approaches, successfully integrating models and experimental data, has made it possible to link hydroclimate variability to shifts in the atmospheric water cycle in a long-term context.

This session aims at highlighting recent progress on Polar and Subpolar hydroclimate in a paleoclimate context, bringing together proxies, data syntheses and model simulations. Contributions exploring the mechanisms behind Polar hydroclimate variability are particularly welcome.

vii. PlioVAR - PP028: Reconstructing and modelling late Pliocene climate variability (Session: 13453)

The Pliocene epoch (~2.6-5.3 million years ago) is arguably the best-resolved example of a climate state in long-term equilibrium with current or predicted near-future atmospheric CO2 concentrations. It was characterized by a warmer climate globally, reduced continental ice volume, and reduced ocean/atmosphere circulation intensity. Pleistocene paleoclimate studies have demonstrated the value of understanding climate variability on orbital timescales, whereby the unique spatial and temporal signatures of individual interglacials or glacial-interglacial cycles highlight sensitive regions or climate systems. Recent modeling work confirms that such variability (and regional non-synchronicity) should also be expected in the Pliocene.

As part of the PAGES PlioVAR working group, this session welcomes submissions which reconstruct and/or model mid and late Pliocene climates and environmental responses. Contributions investigating marine and terrestrial environmental change, ice-sheet behaviour, biotic responses and/or biogeochemical cycling are encouraged, so as to better understand climate forcings and feedbacks through both data analysis and data-model integration.

Two invited speakers have been confirmed: Naomi Levin (University of Michigan) and Kira Lawrence (Lafayette College).

To read more and submit abstracts to any of these sessions, go to:

3. Call for session proposals EGU

The next EGU General Assembly 2017 (EGU2017) will be held again at the Austria Center Vienna from 23-28 April 2017. Take an active part in organizing the scientific program of the conference. Deadline: 9 September.

4. Two new working groups

PAGES is pleased to announce the launch of two new working groups:

DAPS - Paleoclimate Reanalyses, Data Assimilation and Proxy System modeling:

EcoRe3 - Resistance, Recovery and Resilience in Long-term Ecological Systems:

Be involved! Join the mailing lists (link at the bottom of each intro page).

5. Working Group updates and meeting deadlines

i. Climate Variability Across Scales (CVAS)

1st CVAS workshop - "What do we know about multicentennial, multimillenial variability?"

Hamburg, Germany

28-30 November 2016

Registration deadline: 31 August

ii. Floods:

Post-meeting material from the "Cross community workshop on past flood variability", held in June, has been uploaded to the Floods calendar entry. Access videos and posters from almost 30 presenters.

iii. Global Paleofire 2 (GPWG2)

a. The group will hold the "Fire history baselines by biomes" workshop in Beguey, France, from 25-29 September:

b. "Natural and human-driven fire regime and early land-cover changes in Central and Eastern Europe" workshop

Frankfurt am Main, Germany

5-8 December 2016

Registration deadline: 15 September

iv. LandCover6k:

a. 14th International Palynological Congress

Salvador de Bahia, Brazil

23-28 October 2016

Registration deadline: 31 July

b. For all palynologists:

Welcome to the Centenary (1916-2016) of Pollen Analysis and the Legacy of Lennart von Post

Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Stockholm, Sweden

24-25 November 2016

Registration deadline: 31 July

c. 4th Landscape Archaeology Conference

Uppsala, Sweden

23-25 August 2016

Registration deadline: 1 August

d. Eighth World Archaeological Congress (WAC8)

Kyoto, Japan

28 August - 2 September 2016

Registration deadline: 10 August

e. The "Pollen-based reconstructions of past land-cover change in Latin America" meeting will be held in Salvador de Bahia, Brazil, from 29-31 October:

v. PlioVAR

PlioVAR meeting

Utrecht, The Netherlands

2 September 2016

Registration deadline: 15 August


The 4th PALSEA2 meeting will be held in Mt Hood, Oregon, USA, from 25-29 September:

vii. QUIGS

The 2nd QUIGS workshop will be held in Montreal, Canada, from 18-20 October:

6. Other PAGES-supported meeting deadlines

Workshop on the Coevolution of Climate, Population and Food Systems in North and South America

Logan, Utah, USA

8-11 November 2016

Registration deadline: 20 August

7. Recent PAGES' products

i. Aus2k: a. The Aus2k temperature paper was published again in Journal of Climate: Lead author Joelle Gergis wrote about the furore here:

b. "Southern Hemisphere rainfall variability over the past 200 years" in Climate Dynamics.

ii. C-PEAT: A short piece written by several group members after the meeting in Columbia last October has been published on the Journal of Ecology blog. It was written in response to concerns over the impact of the fires happening at the time in Southeast Asian peatlands for peatland science and conservation.

iii. CVAS: A workshop report published in EOS

iv. Euro-Med2k: "North Atlantic summer storm tracks over Europe dominated by internal variability over the past millennium" in Nature Geosciences.

v. LandCover6k: Blog article regarding the annual meeting in Utrecht in June:

vi. PALSEA2: "The analysis of Last Interglacial (MIS 5e) relative sea-level indicators: Reconstructing sea-level in a warmer world" in Earth-Science Reviews.

vii. Varves (the former PAGES working group, now an endorsed group): "Varves in marine sediments: A review" in Earth-Science Reviews.

8. Are your details up to date?

Have you moved or are you moving? Please remember to update your contact information on our People Database.

9. IPCC call for experts

At its 43rd Session (Nairobi, Kenya, 11–13 April 2016), the IPCC Panel decided to prepare a special report on climate change and the oceans and the cryosphere. The report will be developed under the joint scientific leadership of Working Groups I, II and III with support from the WGII TSU.

A call for expert nominations was issued to Governments, Observer Organizations and IPCC Bureau members requesting them to nominate via their focal points before Friday 29 July 2016 midnight CEST.

A list of focal points (contacts) for various countries can be accessed here:

To find out how to get involved, go to:

10. Future Earth update

i. Future Earth is partnering with START, the Leopold Leadership Program, and researchers at the University of Colorado - Boulder in a short survey about building sustainability science leadership capacity, to understand the skills, tools, competencies, and other capacities that researchers need in order to construct usable knowledge for sustainable development. The results will be used to design new capacity-building programs and to inform funding communities, research institutions, and partners in other sectors about where the needs lie. Take the survey (approx. 10-15 minutes) here:

ii. Read the first article in the new Future Earth blog series "Mobilising for sustainability" here:

iii. The latest newsletter from Future Earth core project IGAC:

iv. The Future Earth-PROVIA-IPCC scientific workshop, titled “Integrating science across the IPCC on climate risk and sustainable solutions: Lessons learned from AR5 to support AR6” will be held from 29-31 August 2016 in Stockholm, Sweden.

11. WCRP update

i. Call for nominations to SPARC's Scientific Steering Group (SSG): The SSG is currently comprised of 14 researchers from around the world with a wide range of expertise in atmospheric dynamics and chemistry. Deadline for nominations is 30 September.

ii. Call for nominations for WCRP/WWRP International Prize for Model Development 2016: WCRP and the World Weather Research Programme (WWRP) seek nominations by 1 October. The prize is awarded annually for an outstanding contribution to weather and climate model development by an early- to mid-career researcher.

iii. Call for nominations for the first WCRP/GCOS International Data Prize 2016: WCRP and the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) seek nominations by 1 October. The prize, awarded annually to an early- to mid-career researcher for his or her outstanding contribution to the Earth system science community, may honour achievements in data product generation, data management, data preservation, data monitoring, and other data relevant activities.

iv. CLIVAR July bulletin:

12. Endorsed and affiliated groups update

i. Climate History Network: Read the latest edition of the quarterly CHN newsletter, with latest news, workshop reports, overviews of member projects, and calls for proposals and abstracts for upcoming conferences, including their session at PAGES 5th OSM:

ii. Part 1 of the interview with Valerie Masson-Delmotte, lead coordinating author for Working Group One, the Physical Scientific Basis, in the IPCC's upcoming sixth assessment report, is now available to read here:

iii. IHOPE: Future Earth highlights core project (and PAGES' affiliate) IHOPE here:




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