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PAGES e-news vol. 2017, no.12


1. Concern for former SSC member Ricardo Villalba

2. Changes to PAGES funding

3. Recent products

4. Working Group news

. Working Group meetings and deadlines

6. PAGES-supported meetings

7. A workshop of interest for our German subscribers

8. PAGES at AGU Fall Meeting 2017

9. PAGES at EGU General Assembly 2018 - abstract deadline 10 Jan

Future Earth updates

11. WCRP updates

12. Endorsed and affiliated groups updates

13. Other relevant information


1. Concern for former SSC member Ricardo Villalba

PAGES is concerned with the situation regarding our paleoscience colleague Ricardo Villalba. The prominent glaciologist, who served on the Scientific Steering Committee from 2004-2009, has been charged with "abuse of authority" for allegedly favoring a mining company when designing Argentina’s national glacier inventory when he was the leader of IANIGLA. The scientific basis for this charge is questionable. To learn more, go to the Science news story here, which includes a link to the petition to support him: The story has also been covered in Nature: Alternatively, you can access the petition directly here:

2. Changes to PAGES funding

PAGES' funding situation is about to change. Since the organization's inception in 1991, the US National Science Foundation has provided half of our funding. Until 2016, the Swiss National Science Foundation provided the other half. From 2017, Swiss support comes from the Swiss Academy of Sciences. The last round of US support will finish in August 2018. The International Project Office and SSC are working on ways to boost our income via other funding sources. We may not be able to, at all times, financially support workshops at the level we would like. Nevertheless, IPO activities will continue, such as maintaining the website, advertising events, promoting working group products and publishing the Past Global Changes Magazine. If you have any suggestions for potential future funders, contact the IPO: (pages[at]pages[dot]unibe[dot]ch)

3. Recent products

i. 2k Network: Christoph Dätwyler et al. published "Teleconnection stationarity, variability and trends of the Southern Annular Mode (SAM) during the last millennium" in Climate Dynamics:

ii. LandCover6k: Kees Klein Goldewijk et al. published "Anthropogenic land use estimates for the Holocene – HYDE 3.2" in Earth System Data Science:

iii. OC3: Read about the group's recent workshop in Eos:


4. Working Group news

i. Floods: a. The group's white paper is now availabe online. Click the link at the top of the page:

b. The group has been structured into three work packages. Read more on their home page (link above).

ii. LandCover6k: a. The working group has been granted a three-year extension to complete its goals. The webpages will be updated in January 2018 to show the new plans:

b. Group leader Marie-José Gaillard and PAGES Executive Director Marie-France Loutre will be keynote speakers at the QRA Annual Discussion Meeting in January 2018. It is still possible to register to attend:

c. Group members will conduct the session "Quantitative pollen-based reconstructions of plant cover for environmental and archaeological research" at the 10th European Palaeobotany & Palynology Conference in Dublin, Ireland, from 12-17 August 2018. Abstracts due: 31 January.

iii. PALSEA2: The call for papers for the Quaternary Science Reviews PALSEA2 special issue, titled “PALeo constraints on SEA level rise (PALSEA): ice-sheet & sea-level responses to past climate warming” is open. Submission deadline is 1 April 2018. This is a virtual special issue (VSI), meaning that each paper will be handled immediately and published online as soon as accepted. Submission website for this journal: To ensure manuscripts are correctly identified for inclusion in this special issue, select the name "VSI: PALSEA2" when uploading. Full submission details:

iv. QUIGS: The working group has been granted a three-year extension to complete its goals. The webpages will be updated in January 2018 to show the new plans:

v. SISAL: The working group is closing data entry on 31 December for what will be SISAL_v1, a database to be published next year. For types of data/isotopic records from speleothems to be included, go to: Contact your SISAL regional coordinators for information on how to add your data:

5. Working Group meetings and deadlines

i. C-PEAT:

Short-Term Peatland Patterns, Processes, and Sensitivity to Rapid Climate Change

College Station, TX, USA

May 2018 (dates TBA)

Deadlines: TBA

ii. DICE:

The Role of Dust in Climate Change: A biogeochemistry perspective workshop

Las Cruces, Chile

8-10 January 2018

iii. EcoRe3:

2nd workshop: Resilience, disturbance and functional traits

Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

8-9 May 2018

Application deadline: 14 February 2018

iv. GloSS:

Database meeting

Kanpur, India

April 2018 (dates TBA)

Deadlines: TBA

v. GPWG2:

a. African Fire History and Fire Ecology: Building Understanding and Capacity through Collaboration and Knowledge Exchange

Nairobi, Kenya

20-22 July 2018

Deadlines: TBA

b. Diverse knowledge systems for fire policy and biodiversity conservation

Egham, UK

4-7 September 2018

Deadlines: TBA

vi. LandCover6k:

European Land-use at 6000BP

Barcelona, Spain

21-23 May 2018

Deadlines: 10 February

vii. OC3:

3rd workshop: Ocean circulation and carbon cycling during the last deglaciation: global synthesis

Cambridge, UK

13-16 September 2018

Deadlines: TBA


Joint cross-cutting initiative meeting: Climate, ice sheets and sea level during past interglacial periods

Galloway, NJ, USA

24-27 September 2018

Deadlines: TBA

ix. PEOPLE 3000:

Increasing population, social complexity, climate change and why societies might fail to cope with these interrelated forces

San Rafael, Argentina

14-18 May 2018

Deadlines: TBA


3rd workshop: Analyses of the SISAL database: regional patterns in isotope signatures

Agadir, Morocco

8-12 October 2018

Deadlines: TBA

xi. VICS:

3rd workshop: Progress in Volcanic Impacts on Climate and Society

Tucson, AZ, USA

12-14 January 2018

6. PAGES-supported meetings

i. 2nd AFQUA International Conference

Nairobi, Kenya

14-22 July 2018

ii. INQUA-PAGES ECR joint workshop

Impacts of sea-level rise from past to future (iSLR)

Utrecht, The Netherlands

26-29 August 2018

Deadlines: TBA

iii. GEOTRACES-PAGES joint workshop

Trace element and isotope proxies in paleoceanography: A synthesis workshop

Aix-Marseille, France

3-5 December 2018

Deadlines: TBA

7. A workshop of interest for our German subscribers

PAGES would like to bring a Future Earth workshop to the attention of our German subscribers. The 3rd German Future Earth Summit will be held in Berlin from 8-9 February 2018. Registration closes 22 December. All details:

8. PAGES at AGU Fall Meeting 2017

The 2017 Fall Meeting is underway in New Orleans, USA, and finishes on Friday 15 December. It is the largest Earth and space science meeting in the world.

PAGES sessions/presentations/meetings:

2k Network - PP009: Climate of the Common Era

Iso2k (a) - PP43D: Climate of the Common Era III: Bronwen Konecky presents "Global Synthesis of Common Era Hydroclimate using Water Isotope Proxies from Multiple Archives: First Results from the PAGES Iso2k Project"; Thursday 14 December 2017 14:10-14:25; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center; 344-345

(b) - PP53B: Water Isotope Systematics: Improving Modern and Paleoclimate Interpretations III Posters Jessica Conroy presents her poster "Salinity information in coral δ18O records"; Friday 15 December 2017 13:40-18:00; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center; Poster Hall D-F

C-PEAT: Informal meeting, Wednesday 13 December 16:00-17:30, Hampton Inn and Suites, Room Riverside I

DICE - PP037: Spatial and temporal variability of dust emissions and transport: a reference framework from paleodust archives

PALSEA2 - G003: Coastal Sea-level Rise and Isostatic Adjustment

All details:

9. PAGES at EGU General Assembly 2018

The General Assembly 2018 of the European Geosciences Union (EGU) takes place in Vienna, Austria, from 8-13 April 2018.

We encourage you to submit abstracts to one of the many PAGES sessions. Abstract deadline is 10 January 2018.

2k Network - CL1.02: Studying the climate of the last two millennia

Floods Working Group & Extremes IA - CL1.03: Flood and weather extremes of the past

CoralHydro2k - CL1.08: Tropical coral archives – Reconstructions of climate and environment beyond the instrumental record at society-relevant timescales

CVAS - IE2.1/NP3.4/AS1.8/CL2.08/CR1.9/OS1.20/ST4.7: Climate Variability Across Scales and Climate States

CVAS - SC1.25/NP8.4: Scales and scaling in the climate system

DAPS - CL1.18: Proxy system modelling and data assimilation in paleoclimatology

PALSEA2 - IE2.4/NH5.7/CL4.18/GD11.7/OS2.14: Sea-Level Changes from Minutes to Millennia

VICS - IE2.3/AS3.10/CL4.22/GMPV6.4/NH2.2: Characterizing, understanding and predicting the radiative effects and the climatic impacts of major volcanic eruptions

All details:

10. Future Earth updates

i. The first order draft (FOD) of the IPCC Methodology Report "2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories" is open for expert review until 11 February 2018. The expert review of the FOD is a key element of the IPCC assessment process, which helps ensure that the report provides a balanced and comprehensive assessment of the latest scientific findings.  The expert review process shall be objective, open and transparent, with a wide circulation that aims to involve as many independent experts as possible in the IPCC process, seeking a range of views, expertise, and geographical representation.  Being an expert reviewer allows you to comment on the accuracy and completeness of the scientific/technical/socio-economic content and the overall scientific/technical/socio-economic balance of the draft according to your own knowledge and experience. To become an expert reviewer, register online here and follow the instructions: You will have access to the FOD after registration.

ii. Emergent Risks and Extreme Events Knowledge-Action Network:

a. The first scoping workshop was held in Tokyo, Japan on 22 November. In the workshop, participants have discussed the collaboration and global partnership, research priority, and internal governance. More:

b. On the Future Earth Open Network, the Risk-KAN community platform is also established for further discussion. Please join the community "Emergent Risks and Extreme Events" if you are interested in the topic of emergent risks and extreme events. How to find the Risk-KAN community? Log in to Open Network, then on the tag bar, go to Communities/Communities Overview/Guided Search/All community type/Choose "Knowledge Action Networks"/After a second, please find "Emergent Risks and Extreme Events" in the list/Click "Join":

iii. Future Earth will have a delegation attending the IPBES-6 in Medellin, Columbia (17-24 March 2018) and wants to find out if you would like to be part of the delegation. See here the information for the delegates: Provisional agenda:

a. If you are interested in being nominated, or can recommend someone else who would be interested in getting involved, please inform (marie[dot]dacremont[at]futureearth[dot]org) by 5 January. For the purpose of making preparatory arrangements for the session, each delegate is requested to individually register for the session by filling in the online registration form: Note that the deadline for registration is 19 January.

b. If you or other colleagues will be attending IPBES-6 under other delegations, please let Future Earth know so they can ensure some connection and collaboration. Please note that Future Earth tries to encourage and support the participation of the community, however they are not able to provide financial support to nominees.

iv. Read the latest newsletter:

v. Future Earth is seeking nominations for members to join the Steering Committee of the Food-Energy-Water Nexus Knowledge-Action Network. Terms will begin in February 2018, and the deadline for nominations is 20 January. All details:

vi. Fellow Future Earth Global Research project IMBeR has a new science plan:

vii. Have you seen the Future Earth magazine Anthropocene? Become a supporting member by 31 December to double your financial impact:


11. WCRP updates

i. Abstract deadline 18 December for GEWEX Science Conference on "Extremes and Water on the Edge" (6-11 May 2018, Canmore, Canada). All details:

ii. Read the WCRP December Programme News:

iii. Read the CLIVAR December Bulletin:

12. Endorsed and affiliated groups updates

IHOPE: New regional case study: The Herring School and the Clam Garden Network: Bringing Together Culture, Ecology, and Governance to Support Sustainability of Coastal Communities of the Northwest Coast of North America. Read more:


13. Other relevant information

The 20th INQUA Congress will be held from 25-31 July 2019 in Dublin, Ireland. Deadline for proposals for scientific submissions is 31 March 2018:



PAGES - Past Global Changes  |  International Project Office

Falkenplatz 16, 3012 Bern, Switzerland

Tel: +41 31 631 56 11  |

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