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PAGES e-news vol. 2019, no.12


1. Chinese Academy of Sciences now supporting PAGES

2. Host city and dates announced for PAGES 6th OSM and 4th YSM

3. PAGES IPO staff update

4. SSC updates and new deadline to apply

5. Call for new working group applications - deadline 26 Feb

6. Call for meeting/workshop financial support applications - deadline 26 Feb

7. Last minute AGU 2019 updates

8. Call for abstracts EGU 2020

9. Working Group news

10. Recent products

11. PAGES Early-Career Network updates

12. Working Group meetings and deadlines

13. PAGES-supported and endorsed meetings

14. Endorsed and affiliated groups updates

15. Future Earth updates

16. WCRP updates


1. Chinese Academy of Sciences now supporting PAGES

PAGES is very pleased to announce the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) has joined the Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT) as an official supporter of PAGES' activities.

CAS Vice-President Zhang Yaping and PAGES Executive Director Marie-France Loutre recently ratified the cooperation agreement, which is valid for a minimum of eight years. CAS is classified as a special member of PAGES:


2. Host city and dates announced for PAGES 6th OSM and 4th YSM

PAGES' premier science conferences, the Open Science Meeting (OSM) and Young Scientists Meeting (YSM), are held every four years. We are pleased to announce the 6th OSM and 4th YSM will be held in Agadir, Morocco, from 16-22 May 2021. The YSM will be held from 16-18 May and the OSM from 18-22 May. Regional field trips and excursions of varying durations will be offered after the OSM.

PAGES thanks all parties who submitted full host bids and we look forward to welcoming you in Agadir:

3. PAGES IPO staff update

Chances are, if you have contacted the PAGES International Project Office (IPO) during the past 16 years, you may have dealt with our Information Systems Coordinator Christian Telepski. At the end of this year, Christian leaves the IPO as the longest serving staff member in the organization's history. PAGES thanks him for all his work and wishes him good luck in his new adventures. Christian's replacement Shashika Sedara Hettige joins Manuela Roten in our IT department:

4. SSC updates and new deadline to apply

a. PAGES' activities are guided by an international Scientific Steering Committee (SSC). At the end of 2019, PAGES says goodbye and thank you to two members, Michal Kucera (Germany) and Peter Gell (Australia), who provided valuable input during their six year terms. In January 2020, the SSC welcomes three new members, Aster Gebrekirstos (Germany), Elena Ivanova (Russia) and PAGES Early-Career Network (ECN) representative Stella Alexandroff (UK). This is the first time PAGES SSC has a dedicated seat for an early-career researcher.

b. PAGES' SSC will hold its annual meeting from 23-29 March 2020 in Cape Town, South Africa. A one-day paleoscience symposium is also planned for 26 March, at the University of Cape Town. The local paleoscience community is welcome to attend. All details:

c. PAGES is calling for applications from scientists to serve on its SSC from January 2021. We encourage applications from scientists in regions currently under-represented and welcome more female applicants. The application deadline is 24 February 2020:

5. Call for new working group applications - deadline 26 Feb

Does your heart pound for paleoscience? Know others who feel the same? Propose a new PAGES working group to address a scientific question in an internationally coordinated way. The application deadline is 26 February 2020.

You must contact a member of the PAGES Scientific Steering Committee to discuss your plans at least two weeks before you submit the proposal. Applications received without SSC member notification will not be looked upon favorably. All details:

6. Call for meeting/workshop financial support applications - deadline 26 Feb

PAGES offers meeting support under three categories of workshops – PAGES' working group meetings; Educational meetings; and Open call meetings. The deadline for this round is 26 February 2020.

The meeting or workshop should be scheduled to take place at least six months after the application deadline (i.e. preferably from September 2020 onwards). Applicants must contact an SSC member at least two weeks before the deadline to explain the meeting plan and how it is relevant to PAGES. All details:

7. Last minute AGU 2019 updates

We hope all attendees of AGU 2019 are enjoying proceedings currently underway in San Francisco, USA. Below are some events still to be held. Several informal meetings are still upcoming too. Find all "PAGES at the AGU" information here:

i. PAGES 2k Network: Celebrate the 10th anniversary of the 2k Network's "Climate of the Common Era" session at AGU on Thursday 12 December.

ii. PaCTS: PAGES was pleased to be involved in the first version of the paleoclimate reporting standard (PaCTS), which was published in September in Paleoclimatology and Paleoceanography ( Leaders will officially start the process for the next version at AGU. Join them on Wednesday 11 December from 16:30-17:00 in Pod 2 (Poster Hall). Information about the process for the first version of the standard can be found here:

iii. OSPA Judges needed: The Outstanding Student Presentation Award (OSPA) program needs volunteer judges for AGU 2019. OSPA connects scientists with bright, young minds. It is the foremost way to interact with students at the AGU Fall Meeting. You can provide them with valuable feedback regarding their presentation skills scientific research. Students are grateful to hear from scientists in their field and eager to learn from you. Responsibilities as an OSPA Judge: 1. Register as a judge on the OSPA portal and agree to the program Honor Code:  2. Sign up for at least three student presentations. Once logged in, click on "Find Presentations" to search by Section, Day, or even keyword. 3. Evaluate all presentations you signed up to judge. 4. Submit scores for all presentations no later than Friday 20 December at 23:59 EST. Contact (ospa[at]agu[dot]org) with any questions.

8. Call for abstracts EGU 2020

Have you seen all the proposed PAGES working group and associated sessions at the European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly to be held in Vienna, Austria, from 3-8 May 2020?

Please consider submitting an abstract by 15 January. For full session descriptions, abstract submission links, and deadlines for Public Engagement Grants and Galileo Conference proposals, go to:

PAGES' working group sessions

i. 2k Network: CL1.18 Studying the climate of the last two millennia (Session ID: 36726)

ii. ACME: CR7.1 Cryosphere change impacts on marine ecosystems and biogeochemical cycling - bridging reconstructions, observations and modelling (Session ID: 34970)

iii. CVAS: CL4.10 Climate Variability Across Scales and Climate States (Session ID: 36723)

iv. Floods Working Group: HS2.4.2 Extreme hydrological events of the Past (Session ID: 35539)

v. LandCover6k: BG3.32 Holocene land-use and land-cover change: advances and applications - from quantifying vegetation change to estimating human impacts on biodiversity (Session ID: 35254)

vi. PALSEA: SSP1.2 New and re-interpreted Pleistocene sea-level records from around the Globe (Session ID: 36473)

vii. VICS: ITS2.13/AS4.29 Characterizing, understanding, predicting the radiative effects of major volcanic eruptions and their impacts on climate and societies (Session ID: 35738)

PAGES Data Stewardship Integrative Activity sessions

i. CL5.4 Challenges and opportunities arising from palaeo-data compilations (Session ID: 36725)

ii. CL1.22 Data-model integration for a better understanding of past climatic and environmental dynamics (Session ID: 36729)

Short course

i. CVAS: SC2.12 Scales and Scaling in the Climate System (Session ID: 36396)

PAGES-endorsed session

i. PlioVAR: CL1.10 Pliocene climate variability: lessons learned for a warmer world (Session ID: 36743)

Endorsed and affiliated group sessions

i. PMIP working group "Past2Future: insights from a constantly varying past": CL4.2: Future insights from a constantly varying past (Session ID: 36761)

ii. Varves Working Group: CL5.1 Geochronological tools for environmental reconstructions (Session ID: 36764)

PAGES' SSC Member session

i. CL4.26 Using Earth system science to understand climate change and its impacts: Results of the Franco-German "Make Our Planet Great Again" research initiative and beyond (Session ID: 36746)

9. Working Group news

i. Mailing lists: Did you know all PAGES working groups have designated mailing lists? Stay up to date directly. Access details for all mailing lists here:

ii. ACME: The group's first workshop will be held before the European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly in Vienna, Austria, in May 2020. PAGES has provided some financial support. See point 12 for all details.

iii. C-PEAT: The second workshop of the group's second phase has been announced for May 2020 in Bangkok, Thailand. PAGES has provided some financial support. See point 12 for all details.

iv. C-SIDE: The group's third workshop will be held in May 2021 (2021) in Bordeaux, France. PAGES has provided some financial support. See point 12 for all details.

v. CVAS: a. The group has been extended for a second three-year phase, starting in January 2020. More information will be provided at the start of next year:

b. Deadlines for the June 2020 workshop will be announced as soon as possible. See point 12 for all details.

vi. EcoRe3: a. The group has been extended for an extra year, to finish at the end of 2020, to achieve its goals:

b. The group's final workshop will be held in March 2020 in Cape Town, South Africa. Funding has been provided for the attendance of three African early-career researchers living outside South Africa. See point 12 for all details.

vii. Floods: From 11-13 November 2019, the Earth Science Department at the University of Geneva hosted the first workshop of the group's second phase. Thirty-two researchers from 12 countries discussed how the gathered information from past flood events can contribute to a better understanding of future flood hazard. The workshop held two different sessions: (1) Linking paleofloods records with Disaster Risk Reduction schemes; and (2) Documenting floods during warm periods. Participants also discussed the different projects to be developed during this second phase, which include the collection of information to generate a paleoflood database at a world scale. The main conclusion of the discussions will be shortly published online:

viii. GPWG2: The Global Paleofire Working Group 2 has released a policy brief informing fire policy and biodiversity conservation. All details:

ix. LandCover6k: a. A land-use mapping workshop for South and Southeast Asia will be held at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA, on 9 May 2020. See point 12 for all details.

b. The group will hold a session, titled "The PAGES LandCover6K Land Use Group in Africa: Benefits and Drawbacks of a Global Initiative" at the 25th Society of Africanist Archaeologists Conference from 21-24 September 2020 in Oxford, UK. Abstracts due 31 December:

x. OC3: The working group will hold its final meeting after the AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco, USA, on 14 December 2019. See point 12 for all details.

xi. PALSEA: The group's next workshop will be held in September 2020 in Palisades, NY, USA. PAGES has provided some financial support. See point 12 for all details.

xii. PEOPLE 3000: The group's next workshop will be held in May 2020 in Arica, Chile. PAGES has provided some financial support. See point 12 for all details.

xiii. QUIGS: The next workshop will be held in September 2020 in Cassis, France. PAGES has provided some financial support. See point 12 for all details.

xiv. SISAL: a. The group has been extended for a second three-year phase, starting in February 2020. Check the homepage for updates in the new year:

b. The blog article "Palaeoclimate Data Syntheses: Opportunities and Challenges" was recently published by group members on the EGU Blogs site. See point 10 for all details.

xv. VICS: a. The group will hold a workshop in late September-early October 2020 in Aarhus, Denmark. PAGES has provided some financial support. See point 12 for all details.

b. Group leader Francis Ludlow and Joe Manning feature prominently in a TV documentary titled "Egypt’s Apocalypse Volcano" which will be aired on 16 and 18 December on the Smithsonian Channel:

A three-minute preview is available here:

The documentary is based on previous research connecting Nile flood variability and socioeconomic changes in Egypt to distant volcanic eruptions with the help of ice cores extracted from Greenland:;

10. Recent products

i. SISAL: Working group Steering Committee members Laia Comas-Bru and Nikita Kaushal wrote a blog article for the Climate: Past, Present & Future Division of the EGU discussing why reconstructing past climate states from geological records is crucial for understanding the mechanisms that caused them:

ii. PAGES ECN The Early Pages Blog: Dive head first into this story of suffocating lakes! In the latest post on The Early Pages, Maurycy Żarczyński takes us on a 2000-year journey of human societies, land use, and the influence they have had on lake ecosystems. Featuring Polish lakes, hypoxia, climate change, and wonderful illustrations by the author himself:

11. PAGES Early-Career Network updates

i. Updated website: Some changes have been made to the ECN website. A new item called "Clusters" is now available in the menu tab. Find out more about our clusters and get involved! The webinar cluster is also looking for new members. All details:

ii. Pre-register by 30 January for the PAGES-INQUA ECR workshop "Past Socio-Environmental Systems (PASES)" to be held from 9-13 November 2020 in La Serena y Coquimbo, Chile. This is not the final registration form for the workshop. That will be launched by March 2020. See point 12 for all details.

iii. The ECN was mentioned in a recent paper "Building urgent intergenerational bridges: assessing early career researcher integration in global sustainability initiatives" published in Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability:

iv. Call for Regional Representatives in Oceania: PAGES ECN is seeking additional Regional Representatives from Oceania. We would like to be better connected with ECRs in this region, so we need your help! To see a current list of RRs, visit: ​​. Please email ​pages.ecnatgmail.comif (pages[dot]ecn[at]gmail[dot]com) if you are interested in applying.

v. IPCC WGI Second Order Draft review call for participation: The community of early-career networks has been actively involved in IPCC report draft-writing and review. At this time, we are announcing a call for participation in review of the Second Order Draft (SOD) of IPCC AR6 WGI report. If you would like to participate, please follow ​this link​ to register: Please also let PAGES ECN know that you have joined the effort by emailing: (pages[dot]ecn[at]gmail[dot]com). A paper that explains the whole procedure followed for the SROCC review may be of interest to potential reviewers:

vi. To receive a more comprehensive list of ECN news and announcements, sign up to the mailing list:

12. Working Group meetings and deadlines

i. ACME:

Towards reliable proxy-based reconstructions: community perspectives and criteria for the ACME database

Vienna, Austria

1-2 May 2020

Deadlines: TBA

ii. C-PEAT:

Tropical peatland processes and ecosystem services workshop

Bangkok, Thailand

13-17 May 2020

Registration deadline: 15 March

iii. C-SIDE:

Integrating sea-ice proxies, model simulations, and complementary records of glacial-interglacial climate change

Bordeaux, France

May 2021 (2021)

Deadlines: TBA

iv. CVAS:

Beyond Palaeoclimate Ping Pong: Improving estimates of past climate variability by consistent data-model comparison

Heidelberg, Germany

2-5 June 2020

v. ECN:

PAGES-INQUA ECR workshop: Past Socio-Environmental Systems (PASES)

La Serena, Chile

9-13 November 2020

Pre-registration deadline: 30 January

vi. EcoRe3

An introduction to the analysis of palaeoecological time-series: abrupt change and resilience

Cape Town, South Africa

16-20 March 2020

Application deadline: 6 January

vii. LandCover6k:

Land-use mapping workshop for South and Southeast Asia

Pennsylvania, PA, USA

9 May 2020

viii. OC3:

OC3 working group final meeting

San Francisco, USA

14 December 2019


Improving understanding of ice-sheet and solid-Earth processes driving paleo sea-level change

Palisades, NY, USA

14-16 September 2020

Deadlines: TBA

x. PEOPLE 3000:

Understanding long-term human-environment feedback loops through the integration of archeology, paleoclimate and ecological mode

Arica, Chile

19-23 May 2020

Deadlines: TBA

xi. QUIGS:

Glacial Terminations: processes and feedbacks

Cassis, France

22-24 September 2020

Deadlines: TBA

xii. VICS:

Moving forward by looking back

Aarhus, Denmark

30 September to 2 October 2020

Deadlines: TBA

13. PAGES-supported and endorsed meetings

PAGES is pleased to have an association with the following workshops and conferences and has provided either financial support or an endorsement.

i. Climate Change, The Karst Record (KR9 Conference)

Innsbruck, Austria

11-20 July 2020

Abstract deadline: 15 February

ii. The 19th International Swiss Climate Summer School

Grindelwald, Switzerland

23-28 August 2020

Application deadline: 10 January

iii. Carpathian-Balkan Paleoscience Workshop 2020 (CBPW2020)

Sacel, Maramures, Romania

3-5 September 2020

Deadlines: TBA

iv. IPICS 3rd Open Science Conference

Crans Montana, Switzerland

18-23 October 2020

Abstract submission, registration, and travel support applications open: 1 January

14. Endorsed and affiliated groups updates

i. CarpClim: The newest addition to PAGES' endorsed groups is the Carpathian Climate and Environment Working Group (CarpClim). The purpose of CarpClim is to bring together an international group of scientists interested in the Carpathian Region, to discuss research results and promote opportunities for interdisciplinary and international collaboration. Find out more: The group will also hold its first official meeting as CarpClim in September 2020, supported by PAGES. See point 13 for all details.

ii. IPICS: The 3rd International Partnership in Ice Core Sciences (IPICS) Open Science Conference will be held from 18-23 October 2020 in Crans Montana, Switzerland. This conference is supported by PAGES. The theme is "Ice Core Science at the three Poles." This title is a reference to the pioneering work of Hans Oeschger on carbon dioxide in polar ice cores. See point 13 for all details.

iii. PMIP: The IPCC’s deadline for submitted papers to be cited in the Second Order Draft of the AR6 Synthesis Report is 31 December. The PMIP community would like to see some synthesis papers written about the new PMIP4 simulations within this timeframe. Chris Brierley is coordinating a multi-model PMIP4 paper for the mid-Holocene experiment and would like to reach out to other potential collaborators. The initial outline for the paper is posted on Github: If you feel that you have something to contribute to this overall synthesis of the mid-Holocene experiments, please contact Chris Brierley: (c[dot]brierley[at]ucl[dot]ac[dot]uk)

iv. Find out more about PAGES' endorsed and affiliated groups here:

15. Future Earth updates

i. Applications close 22 January for Future Earth Asia Regional Committee: The Regional Centre for Future Earth in Asia is calling for nominations for members of the Regional Committee (RC) for Future Earth in Asia. All details:

ii. Call for nominations close 27 January for Future Earth Regional Office for Southern Africa Steering Committee. All details:

iii. Read more about the 2019 Global Carbon Budget, published recently by the Global Carbon Project:

iv. Global Research Projects updates (PAGES is also a GRP of Future Earth):

a. Earth System Governance: Read the latest newsletter:

b. Global Land Programme: Read the GLP E-News November 2019:

c. Mountain Research Initiative: Read the November 2019 newsletter:

16. WCRP updates

i. The World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) is celebrating 40 years of international climate science. To mark this milestone, the WCRP Climate Science Week is currently being held as part of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting in San Francisco. Some events are still upcoming (at time of e-news publication). All details:

ii. Access the CLIVAR December 2019 Bulletin:



PAGES - Past Global Changes  |  International Project Office

University of Bern, Main Building

Hochschulstrasse 4, 3012 Bern, Switzerland

Tel: +41 31 631 56 11  |

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