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PAGES e-news vol. 2019, no.5


1. New Past Global Changes Magazine

2. "Quick links" to current PAGES working groups

3. PAGES/WDS-Paleo scientific agreement

. Working Group news

5. PAGES Early-Career Network updates

6. Working Group meetings and deadlines

7. PAGES-supported and endorsed meetings

8. IPCC AR6 updates

9. Future Earth updates

10. WCRP updates

11. Other relevant opportunities


1. New Past Global Changes Magazine

The latest issue of Past Global Changes Magazine, titled "Paleo Constraints on Sea-Level Rise", highlights scientific advances made over the last decade of PAGES' PALSEA working group, and identifies new challenges for the sea-level, ice-sheet, and broader paleo communities.

Guest editors Natasha Barlow, Glenn Milne and Jeremy Shakun included articles which summarize our current understanding of sea-level and ice-sheet changes during past warm periods and the application of this knowledge to infer future sea-level hazard:

2. "Quick links" to current PAGES working groups

In case you missed it last month, here's a shorter way to link to PAGES' working group homepages for your presentations or to save as a bookmark:

2k Network:








Global Paleofire 2:




PEOPLE 3000:




PAGES kindly requests that if working groups or affiliated activities mention PAGES or a PAGES working group on your own webpages you include a link to the relevant PAGES website page.

3. PAGES/WDS-Paleo scientific agreement

PAGES is pleased to have signed a scientific agreement with NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information - Center for Weather and Climate, World Data Service for Paleoclimatology (WDS-Paleo). The interrelated nature of PAGES and WDS-Paleo dates back to our beginnings in 1993, and in May 2019 a formal agreement was reached.

PAGES and WDS-Paleo recognize convergence in their interests and activities, and the existence of substantial mutual collaboration, and welcome this agreement. Read the scientific partnership agreement here:


4. Working Group news

i. 2k Network: a. MULTICHRON and ARAMATE: Group leaders will conduct a workshop following a MARPA Linked Paleo Data (LiPD) data framework session at the 5th International Sclerochronology Conference in Split, Croatia (venue Hotel Ora, room TBA), on Tuesday 18 June 2019 from 18:30-20:00. Producers and users of molluskan sclerochronological data are invited to participate in this workshop to reach consensus on data reporting standards for molluskan records:

b. Iso2k: The May telecon will take place on Friday 17 May at 13:30 UTC to discuss recent progress on analyzing figures, and discuss the summer writing strategy in order to meet the August manuscript submission deadline. Contact Bronwen Konecky: (bkonecky[at]wustl[dot]edu)

c. CoralHydro2k: Save the date! The group will conduct a side meeting on 1 September 2019 at the 13th International Conference on Paleoceanography in Sydney, Australia. See point 6 for all details.

ii. C-PEAT: a. Recent workshop in Exeter: The workshop, hosted by Prof Angela Gallego-Sala, was held from 1-4 May. Scientific questions that pertain to recent carbon accumulation (post-1850) were discussed, including: where are the current carbon accumulation hotspots, what are the main drivers of the recent carbon accumulation, how can we combine peat-core and flux-tower data to better understand recent carbon accumulation, how much of the recent peat will transfer into the catotelm, etc. Two preliminary peat-core databases of recent carbon accumulation were presented to the participants: one contains an extensive list of Canadian sites while the other includes sites from around the world. The two databases will be merged and used to address the aforementioned questions; the result will be presented in a community article. The group is still seeking contributions to these two databases; see items b and c below. These discussions were followed by a brainstorm of how the paleo community can inform management, what ecosystem services are provided by peatlands, and how climate change and land-use change are impacting those peatland ecosystem services. In terms of logistics, the group also discussed applying for a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network. The venue for next year's C-PEAT workshop was announced by Dr Savonkan Chawchai (Moo), who will host the event at her home institution, Chulalongkorn University, in Bangkok. The main theme will revolve around tropical peatlands.

b. Call for short Canadian peat cores: A project led by Prof Michelle Garneau (Université du Québec à Montréal) is in progress on recent rates of C accumulation from high-boreal and subarctic peatlands of Canada. This project supported by Environment and Climate Change Canada aims to assess the significance of enhanced peat C sequestration in high-latitude Canadian peatlands in response to recent climate change. As a first stage to this initiative, 156 peat cores have been integrated in a database issued from published and unpublished data. The next step is to publish this synthesis linking recent C accumulation rates with climate data observations (1949-2017) in order to identify some potential regional sensitivity patterns in terms of temperature (GDD), seasonal precipitation and water balance. If you have peat profiles that could be used in the synthesis and that were cored after 2000 CE, please contact Prof Michelle Garneau: (garneau[dot]michelle[at]uqam[dot]ca). She will send you the spreadsheet to fill in and invite you to be a co-author on the publication. As a second step, you can also get in touch with her if you have peat profiles that have been collected in high-boreal and subarctic peatlands since 2000 CE but not dated. She accepts peat samples that her team will date (210Pb) and analyze for further geochemical properties (bulk density, etc.) at GEOTOP.

c. Call for recent carbon accumulation data from anywhere - deadline 31 July: As mentioned above, the community is putting together a global database of recent carbon accumulation (post-1850). A total of 144 profiles have been integrated to the dataset, but we know that many more are out there! We accept profiles from pristine, managed, and disturbed sites. If you wish to contribute to this dataset, please contact Julie Loisel: (julieloisel[at]tamu[dot]edu) or Angela Gallego-Sala: (A[dot]Gallego-Sala[at]exeter[dot]ac[dot]uk). Every data contributor will earn co-authorship of a community paper.

d. C-PEAT expert assessment survey: The analysis and text are almost complete. Those who participated in the survey or contributed text will receive a preliminary version of the manuscript in June.

iii. CRIAS: The group's second workshop will be held from 7-8 October 2019 in Leipzig, Germany. Deadline for abstracts is 15 June. See point 6 for all details.

iv. C-SIDE: The group's second workshop will be held from 29-31 August 2019 in Sydney, Australia. See point 6 for all details.

v. EcoRe3: PAGES' funding has been granted to the workshop titled "Assessing resilience, stability and abrupt change in long-term ecological records and building capacity for ECRs in Southern Africa" planned for February 2020 in Cape Town, South Africa. More details will be provided as soon as possible. Questions can be sent to group leader Alistair Seddon:

vi. Floods: The group is preparing registration details for the workshop from 11-13 November 2019 in Geneva, Switzerland - the first workshop of the group's second phase. Information will be provided by 1 June. See point 6 for all details.

vii. LandCover6k: a. LandCover6k workshop in connection with INQUA Congress: LandCover6k has organised meetings and workshops during the INQUA 2019 in Dublin. They will be held at the School of Archaeology, University College of Dublin, on the following dates: Tuesday 23 July: all day; Friday 26 July: afternoon; Monday 29 July: afternoon. The meetings will provide information on the working group and opportunities for presentation of results and discussion. The workshops will provide time for in-depth discussions on the work in progress and goals of LandCover6k. The detailed program during these days will be based on people attending. Therefore, leaders need to know who is interested in attending and for what reason. Detailed information on the venue and content of the meetings/workshops will be sent in June. Please contact (marie-jose[dot]gaillard-lemdahl[at]lnu[dot]se) for registration by sending an e-mail with the date(s) at which you wish to attend the meeting/workshop and information on why you wish to attend (you can tick 1 or 2 alternatives):

- member of LandCover6k wanting to discuss issues related with ongoing and future work related to LandCover6k

- non-member interested in general information on PAGES LandCover6k

- member interested in presenting their work (lecture or poster).

- non-member interested in presenting their work (lecture or poster)

b. LandCover6k General Workshop in Philadelphia: LandCover6k is planning a general workshop at the University Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. See point 6 for all details.

viii. PALSEA: The latest Past Global Changes Magazine is a product of the third phase of PALSEA. See point 1 for all details.

ix. PEOPLE 3000: During the group's next workshop from 20-24 May 2019, a public outreach titled "Archaeology and Climate-smart Food Systems: Local and Global Perspectives" will be held on Thursday 23 May from 16:00-19:00 at the Uintah County Heritage Museum. See point 6 for all details.

x. SISAL: a. Expressions of interest due 31 May to attend the group's fourth workshop from 14-18 October 2019 in Xi'an, Shaanxi, China. See point 6 for all details.

b. The deadline for data entry for the second version of the SISAL database is 30 June. Please get in touch with the relevant regional coordinator in advance of the deadline to quality control the record:

5. PAGES Early-Career Network updates

i. PAGES ECN has officially existed for a little over a year now, and what a great year it has been! Now, network leaders feel it is time to change the structure of the ECN and open up tasks to more members, as well as distribute leadership roles. They will be creating clusters (i.e. task groups) that are dedicated to specific tasks and activities, such as webinars, workshops, the blog, and others. These clusters will be operating independently from, albeit in close contact with, the steering committee. They are especially keen to include ECRs from different regions in each team.

The webinar cluster is the one thex would like to establish first. The task will be to host webinars on topics that are of interest to ECRs (e.g. career advice, job interviews, publishing, grant writing...) regularly. This will entail choosing topics and scheduling webinars, reaching out to speakers, advertising the event, and hosting it - on a regular basis. Leaders are looking for some keen people to create the webinar team now. Please send a message to (pages[dot]ecn[at]gmail[dot]com) if you are interested. Your role within the team will be made official and be featured on the PAGES website. This will be a great opportunity to connect with experts within the PAGES community and beyond, make a useful contribution to the ECR community, and gain experience and visibility.

Other opportunities will be advertised in the upcoming weeks and months. If you have ideas for new activities and services that the ECN could offer, please reach out to the leaders (email above). Areas that they would like to explore together in the future are science collaborations within the ECN, workshops and summer schools, and public outreach activities. All input welcome!

ii. PAGES-INQUA Early-Career Researchers workshop task group: Following the positive PAGES-INQUA ECR meeting on sea-level rise (26-29 August 2019, Utrecht, The Netherlands), the network proposes to organize such co-sponsored conferences every two years. The ECN proposes the topic for the next joint workshop to be held in 2020: "Long-term dynamics of coupled natural-human systems." Feedback is invited from the community, and letters of interest for joining a workshop organizing team. Suggestions and ideas are welcome for organizing the PAGES-INQUA ECR workshop, in particular creative and innovative solutions and proposals for session topics and presentation formats. They propose the creation of a dedicated task group that will oversee the organisation of the workshop in close collaboration with the identified research center or University where the workshop will take place (TBD). Contact (pages[dot]ecn[at]gmail[dot]com) for more information if you are interested in joining the task group.

iii. ECN leaders are starting an online writing support group and would like to know who's interested in joining. The idea is to host regular meetings where everybody works on a piece of writing (whatever it is, be it a thesis, manuscript, grant application, or something else entirely) in a structured way - without distractions and with each other's moral support. If you feel like the writing process can be isolating, if you find it difficult to dedicate time to your writing or stay focused, or if you simply like the company of people who are in a very similar situation as you, then this might be just the thing for you. Contact ECN Steering Committee member Stella Alexandroff if you'd like to join, and then the format will be discussed in more detail. Also please let Stella know your time zone: (s[dot]alexandroff[at]bangor[dot]ac[dot]uk)

iv. PAGES ECN and IPCC AR6: Eighteen PAGES ECN members were selected to review sections relevant to paleoscience in the upcoming IPCC AR6 report. A webinar, on how to navigate AR6 and review it efficiently, was held last week. PAGES SSC member Darrell Kaufman provided instructions to the chosen reviewers, summarizing the purpose and scope of the paleo content in each of the reviewed chapters and how it might relate to the paleo content in other chapters.

v. The Early Pages Blog: Making holiday plans? Why not take advice from water fleas and go sunbathing at a lake! When water fleas get a sun tan, paleolimnologists get excited. To learn why, check out this new and sunny post by Marttiina Rantala, where she explains the importance of sunlight in lake systems and how to find past light underwater:

If you want to share your views and experiences or make your work visible to the wider community, email: (pages[dot]ecn[dot]blog[at]gmail[dot]com) or contact leaders via Twitter (@TheEarlyPages).

vi. To receive a more comprehensive list of ECN news and announcements, sign up to the mailing list:

6. Working Group meetings and deadlines

i. 2k Network:


Side meeting at ICP13

Sydney, Australia

1 September 2019

ii. CRIAS:

2nd workshop: Integrating documentary evidence into climate reconstruction and impact studies

Leipzig, Germany

7-8 October 2019

Call for papers deadline: 15 June

iii. C-SIDE:

2nd workshop: Sea-ice database and model-data framework

Sydney, Australia

29-31 August 2019

iv. DAPS:

Applying and comparing proxy system models and data assimilation methods

College Park, MD, USA

29-31 May 2019

v. ECN (PAGES Early-Career Network):

Funding starts here - Grant writing for early-career researchers

Prague, Czech Republic

26-29 May 2019

vi. Floods Working Group:

Floods hazard in a warmer world: insight from past flood records

Geneva, Switzerland

11-13 November 2019

Deadlines: TBA

vii. LandCover6k:

a. Pollen based estimates of past land cover in South and Southeast Asia

Pondicherry, India

11-15 September 2019

Deadlines: TBA

b. 4th General Workshop

Philadelphia, PA, USA

5-7 December 2019

Deadlines: TBA

viii. PALSEA:

Using ecological and chronological data to improve proxy-based paleo sea level reconstructions

Dublin, Ireland

21-23 July 2019

ix. PEOPLE 3000:

3rd workshop: Human Paleo-biogeography and the Synchrony of Social-Ecological Systems on Earth

Vernal, UT, USA

20-24 May 2019


4th workshop: Exploiting the SISALv2 database for evaluating climate processes

Xi'an, Shaanxi, China

14-17 October 2019

Expressions of interest deadline: 31 May

xi. QUIGS:

Warm extremes – Marine isotope stage 5e and its relevance to the future

1-4 July 2019

Cambridge, UK

7. PAGES-supported and endorsed meetings

i. CLIMATE-12k workshop: How hot was the Holocene?

Sainte-Croix, Switzerland

10-13 June 2019

ii. International Meeting on Paleoclimate: Change and Adaptation

Coimbra, Portugal

17-19 June 2019

iii. 2019 Summer School on Speleothem Science (S4)

Cluj-Napoca, Romania

11-17 August 2019

iv. PaleoENSO workshop

Belitung Island, Indonesia

25-30 August 2019

v. 13th International Conference on Paleoceanography

Sydney, Australia

2-6 September 2019

vi. 25th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists

Bern, Switzerland

4-7 September 2019

vii. CLImatic MOdes of VARiability (CLIMOVAR) over the Holocene: model-data synergies to improve future projections

Barcelona, Spain

25-27 September 2019


8. IPCC AR6 updates

i. Expert review of AR6 WGI: The first order draft (FOD) of the IPCC Working Group I contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report is open for expert review until 23 June, with registration closing 16 June. Please also see this information note, which explains the Expert Review process:

To become an expert reviewer, register online and follow the instructions. You will have access to the FOD after registration:

ii. Nominations of experts for the IPCC AR6 Synthesis Report Scoping Meeting: The Scoping Meeting of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Synthesis Report will be held in Singapore on 21-23 October 2019, to develop the draft outline. The Synthesis Report will synthesize and integrate materials contained within the Assessment Reports and Special Reports of the Sixth Assessment cycle and should be written in a non-technical style suitable for policymakers and address a broad range of policy-relevant but policy-neutral questions approved by the Panel. Nominations for participation are solicited from IPCC National Focal Points, observer organizations and Bureau members. All details:

9. Future Earth updates

Future Earth Vacancy: Science Officer (Paris): The Science Officer will work in a dynamic international setting on a range of issues. Application deadline 24 May:

10. WCRP updates

i. WCRP 40th Anniversary 2019: To celebrate its 40th Anniversary, the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) will be coordinating a Climate Science Week at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, 8-13 December 2019. The week will involve a WCRP 40th Anniversary Symposium on 8 December 2019, WCRP-branded science sessions across the AGU Scientific Program, special WCRP-coordinated Town Halls to solicit community involvement in WCRP's four scientific objectives and a Union Session to bring together the wider science community to discuss how to implement the future priorities of climate science:

ii. Read the CLIVAR May 2019 Bulletin:

11. Other relevant opportunities

i. Lake Coring and Core Processing Short Course (Free) from 13-14 June 2019 at CSDCO/LacCore Facility, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities, MN, USA:

ii. Successfully Planning and Executing Your Limnogeology/Paleolimnology Project Short Course, Saturday 21 September 2019, at the Geological Society of America Annual Meeting in Phoenix, AZ, USA. Cost: $30 for students, $50 for professionals (thanks to EarthRates sponsorship):

iii. JPI Climate & JPI Oceans joint transnational call on next generation climate science in Europe for oceans: This joint call focuses on oceans and climate, using observations and Earth system models in order to address the following topics: Strengthening our understanding of climate variability and extremes resulting from the interactions with the oceans such as extratropical and tropical cyclones, and how they are affected by climate change on a range of time scales. Improving the representation of air-sea interactions, physical and biogeochemical ocean processes in Earth System Models to better represent small-scale non-linear processes as well as water, energy and carbon cycles. Model-data analyses using innovative approaches will be welcome. Improving estimates of climate change induced modifications of ocean physics and ocean chemistry, associated with biogeochemical cycles, including ocean acidification and carbon sequestration. Applications close 14 June:

iv. Debris Covered Glaciers workshop, 2-4 September 2019, London, UK: Debris covered glaciers in high mountains pose a growing hazard to nearby communities. This meeting will explore and standardize remote sensing and field-based tools to assess the response of the cryosphere to climate change, and explore how remote sensing can quantify hazards and help local communities prepare for emerging threats. All details:




PAGES - Past Global Changes  |  International Project Office

University of Bern, Main Building

Hochschulstrasse 4, 3012 Bern, Switzerland

Tel: +41 31 631 56 11  |

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