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Regular online seminar series by PAGES working groups and endorsed & affiliated groups. 

At the PAGES IPO we are seeing a definite upward trend in the number of groups that have launched, or are already running, regular online seminar series. We believe this is a great initiative and not only provides a consistent way to stay in touch, and up-to-date, but also provides more people with an opportunity to participate and join in the group activities. These series are open to all and free to join.

Current working groups:

- Human Traces (Synthesizing human traces in the stratigraphic record)
The Human Traces working group focuses on the long legacy of pre-Anthropocene human impacts. How do they manifest themselves in different parts of the world, and in different stratigraphic records? Human Traces aims to address the knowledge gap about spatial and temporal variations in early human impacts, with the overarching goal to create a global synthesis of human traces in geologic archives.
> Overview of seminar series 
> More information on the Human Traces working group 

- PaleoEcoGen (Understanding past ecological trends)
PaleoEcoGen’s overarching aim is to improve our understanding of past critical ecological transitions based on a key and emerging proxy – ancient environmental DNA (eDNA). Ancient eDNA approaches offer the possibility to access multiple taxonomic groups simultaneously, allowing to investigate food-web’s response to past environmental change and human pressure. Metagenomic methods also provide data on functional and evolutionary biodiversity over time. These new perspectives on critical transitions will potentially allow us to identify earlier warning signals relative to other classical approaches.
> Overview of seminar series 
> More information on the PaleoEcoGen working group

Endorsed and affiliated groups

- ICYS (Ice Core Young Scientists)
Ice Core Young Scientists (ICYS) is an informal, international network of early career scientists dedicated to the study of polar and alpine ice cores and ice core-related sciences. Our purpose is to foster personal connections among young scientists from around the world, in order to build a supportive ice core science community and to inspire future collaborations.
> Overview of seminar series 
> More information on ICYS 

- Varves WG
Before the Varves Working Group was formed in 2009, it had been around 10 years since the last specific meeting of the "varve community" at the Lammi Biological station in Finland in 1999. Since then, there have been many new publications on varved sediments, some of them describing methodological developments and others forming the basis for the interpretation of climate and environmental change in post-glacial times. In many studies, the varve chronology of lacustrine and marine sediments form a solid basis for dating, not to mention the environmental and climate signal stored in varves and laminae they contain.
> Overview of seminar series 
> More information on the Varves WG

Past seminar series

- 2k Network
PAGES 2k Network is a long-running initiative studying past global changes of the last 2000 years. Their goals are to: 

  • Further understand the mechanisms driving regional climate variability and change on interannual to centennial time scales.
  • Reduce uncertainties in the interpretation of observations imprinted in paleoclimatic archives by environmental sensors.
  • dentify and analyse the extent of agreement between reconstructions and climate model simulations. 

> More information on the 2k Network working group 
> See past seminars 

The VICS working group supports research focused on reconstructing the history of past explosive volcanism, in addition to research utilizing this knowledge to better understand how the climate system responds to changes in radiative forcing, and how societies have been impacted by and responded to the resulting climatic shocks.
> More information on the VICS working group 
> See past seminars