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PAGES e-news vol. 2016, no.3


1. PAGES website update

2. Call for PAGES OSM 2017 session suggestions

3. PAGES Romanian Paleoscience Symposium first confirmed speakers

4. Apply to become a PAGES SSC member

5. Propose a new PAGES working group

6. Apply for PAGES meeting support

7. Recent PAGES products

8. Working Group updates

9. Upcoming deadlines to attend PAGES-supported meetings

10. AGU Call for Sessions

11. PAGES at the EGU

12. Future Earth update

13. WCRP update

14. Endorsed and affiliated groups update


1. PAGES website update

Our website is back online, following a month of disruptions from a DDoS attack. The Product Database is currently unavailable but should be functioning by 30 March.

With the end of IGBP in 2015, PAGES now has a new website address.

All previous links will continue to work for the next five years, but we suggest using from now on.

2. Call for PAGES OSM 2017 session suggestions

PAGES' 5th Open Science Meeting (OSM) will take place from 9-13 May 2017 in Zaragoza, Spain. The Scientific Program Committee has announced an open call for session suggestions. The program will be comprised of plenary, parallel and poster sessions. The plenary sessions will host keynote talks intended to stimulate discussions on the role of past global change science in providing information about strategies for a sustainable world, on the engagement of stakeholders in active cutting-edge research, and on the added value of interdisciplinary approaches. The parallel and associated poster sessions will accommodate top-level ongoing research.

Please provide a provisional title, potential conveners and a brief description of your suggested session. The Scientific Program Committee will prepare the program based on your input, aiming at a fair balance between the topics. Proposals should be sent to PAGES' Executive Director, Marie-France Loutre, at (marie-france[dot]loutre[at]pages[dot]unibe[dot]ch) before 1 May 2016.

3. PAGES Romanian Paleoscience Symposium first confirmed speakers

The first round of guest speakers have been confirmed for PAGES "Central and Eastern Europe Paleoscience Symposium: From Local to Global”. To read the about the presenters and their topics, go to:

The deadline to attend the conference, in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, from 23-24 May 2016, is 1 April.

For more information and to register, go to:

4. Apply to become a PAGES SSC member

PAGES is calling for applications from scientists to serve on its Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) from 2017.

The SSC is the body responsible for overseeing PAGES activities. Scientists serve on the SSC initially for a period of three years, with the potential of renewing for an additional three-year term.

Two seats are available for this call and one of them is reserved for a Swiss colleague (Swiss National Science Foundation being one of our financial bodies).

Application deadline: 1 May

More information:

Apply here:

5. Propose a new PAGES working group

Submit a proposal for a new PAGES working group by 1 May. Ideas for working groups that would sit within the Environment sector of our new science structure are particularly encouraged in this round. More at:

6. Apply for PAGES meeting support

PAGES offers meeting support under three categories of workshop: Official PAGES Working Group, Educational, and Open Call. The next deadline for applications is 1 May. The guidelines are available at:

7. Recent PAGES products

Past Interglacials (PIGS):

Past Interglacials Working Group of PAGES. "Interglacials of the last 800,000 years” Reviews of Geophysics, 5 March 2016, doi: 10.1002/2015RG000482

Emerging from a PAGES-supported workshop, Greece, April 2014:

Quaternary Science Reviews, Volume 136, Pages 1-252, 15 March 2016.

Special Issue: Mediterranean Holocene Climate, Environment and Human Societies. Edited by Alexandra Gogou, Adam Izdebski and Karin Holmgren.

Not a PAGES product as such, but a recent paper by two former PAGES Chairs and a former working group leader, Raymond S Bradley, Heinz Wanner and Henry F. Diaz, on the Medieval Quiet Period.

8. Working Group updates

Upcoming PAGES-supported meetings in April and May (deadlines have passed, listed only for information purposes):

Aquatic Transitions: 2nd meeting, 26-28 April, Maine, USA

Contact: Jasmine Saros (jasmine[dot]saros[at]maine[dot]edu)

Connecting Paleo and Modern Oceanographic Data to Understand AMOC Over Decades to Centuries, 23-25 May, Boulder, USA

Contact: Hali Kilbourne (kilbourn[at]umces[dot]edu)

Aquatic Transitions session at 10th INTECOL IWC:

1. 10th INTECOL International Wetlands Conference

Special session: "Trends in wetland condition and ecosystem services: the value of the long term perspective"

19-24 September 2016

Changshu, China

Abstract deadline: 31 March

Contacts: Peter Gell (p[dot]gell[at]federation[dot]edu[dot]au) or Jasmine Saros (jasmine[dot]saros[at]maine[dot]edu)

LandCover6k sessions at conferences:

1. 4th Landscape Archaeology Conference LAC 2016

23-25 August 2016

University of Uppsala, Sweden

Deadline for paper & poster proposals: 1 April

Two sessions:

a. "PAGES LandCover6k: mapping past global anthropogenic land cover and land use for climate modeling"

Contact: Marie-José Gaillard (marie-jose[dot]gaillard-lemdahl[at]lnu[dot]se)

b. "Land Use and Land Cover Change (LULCC) in pre-colonial sub-Saharan Africa"

Contact: Andrea Kay (Andrea[dot]Kay[at]unil[dot]ch)

2. International Palynological Congress

23-28 October 2016

Salvador, Brazil

Session: SS23 – Pollen-based Holocene land-cover reconstructions for climate modelling – PAGES LandCover6k.

Organizers: Marie-José Gaillard, Sonia Fontana, Ralph Fyfe, Konrad Gajewski, Ulrika Herschuh, Anupama Krishnamurthy, Anne-Marie Lézine, Rob Marchant, Jack Williams & Qinghai Xu.

Abstract deadline: 14 April

Contact: Marie-José Gaillard (marie-jose[dot]gaillard-lemdahl[at]lnu[dot]se)

3. Eighth World Archaeological Congress, WAC8

28 August - 2 September 2016

Kyoto, Japan

Session T10-N: Science and Archaeology on "Holocene Land Use: A Critical Evaluation for Understanding the History of Human Land Use Dynamics"

Conveners: Marco Madella, Thomas Foster and Stefano Biagetti.

Deadline for abstract submission: 30 April

Contact: Marco Madella (marco[dot]madella[at]upf[dot]edu)

Floods Working Group session at GSA:

1. Geological Society of America (GSA) Annual Meeting 2016

25-28 September 2016

Denver, Colorado, USA

Session T59: Paleofloods and Related Fluvial Processes during the Late Quaternary: Reconstructions and Causes

Deadline for abstract submission: opens 1 April, closes 31 July

Contact: Lisa Davis (lisa[dot]davis[at]ua[dot]edu)

9. Upcoming deadlines to attend PAGES-supported meetings

Floods Working Group

"Cross community workshop on past flood variability"

27-30 June 2016

Grenoble, France

Apply by: deadline extended to 31 March

Contacts: Bruno Wilhelm (bruno[dot]wilhelm[at]univ-grenoble-alpes[dot]fr) and Stefanie Wirth (stefanie[dot]wirth[at]unine[dot]ch)

Quaternary Climate: Recent Findings and Future Challenges

28-30 April 2016

Goa, India

Abstract submission: 31 March

Registration: 20 April

Contact: Rajeev Saraswat (rsaraswat[at]nio[dot]org)


1st VICS Working Group meeting

6-8 June 2016

Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Palisades, New York, USA

Abstract deadline: 1 April


Contact: Matt Toohey (mtoohey[at]geomar[dot]de)

Regional Integration

"Dynamics of socio-ecosystems on a changing Earth: sustainability or collapse?"

30 May-1 June

Chambéry, France

Abstract deadline: 4 April

Contact: Fabien Arnaud (fabien[dot]arnaud[at]univ-smb[dot]fr)


4th PALSEA2 working group workshop

"Sea-level budgets at decadal to millennial time scales to bridge the paleo and instrumental records"

18-21 September 2016

Mt Hood, Oregon, USA

Abstract deadline: 1 May

Registrations, financial support details:

Contact: Anders Carlson (acarlson[at]coas[dot]oregonstate[dot]edu)


General Workshop (global land cover and land use)

14.06 - 16.06.2016   

Utrecht, The Netherlands

Registration deadline: 15 May

Register at:

Event website:

Contacts: Marie-José Gaillard (land-cover) (marie-jose[dot]gaillard-lemdahl[at]lnu[dot]se); Kathleen Morrison (land use) (morrison[at]uchicago[dot]edu) and Kees Klein-Goldewijk (local organizer) (C[dot]G[dot]M[dot]KleinGoldewijk[at]uu[dot]nl)

10. AGU Call for Sessions

PAGES encourages the paleo community to propose sessions for the AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco from 12-16 December 2016.

Deadline for submissions: 20 April

11. PAGES at the EGU

PAGES will have several sessions at the European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly in Vienna, Austria, 17-22 April 2016.

Flood and weather extremes of the past (Session: CL1.13/AS4.28/HS2.4.7) - co-sponsored by the Floods working group

Conveners: Stephan Dietrich, Bruno Wilhelm. Co-conveners: Markus Czymzik, Ruediger Glaser, Gerrit Lohmann, Stefanie Wirth and Markus Stoffel.

Processes and Impacts of climate change in the Arctic realm: from past to future (Session: IE4.2/CL4.03/CR1.11/OS1.15) - co-organized by Sea Ice Proxies working group

Convener: Anne de Vernal. Co-Conveners: Paul G. Myers, Michal Kucera, Georg Schwamborn, Paul Knutz, Brice Rea, Marit-Solveig Seidenkrantz, Hugues Goosse, Eric Wolff.

Stratospheric aerosol, volcanic eruptions and their radiative effects (Session: AS3.5/CL2.07) - co-organized by VICS working group

Convener: G.W. Mann. Co-conveners: Matthew Toohey, Larry Thomason, Claudia Timmreck.

Studying the climate of the last two millennia (Session: CL1.07) - co-sponsored by the PAGES 2k project

Convener: Lucien von Gunten. Co-conveners: Sebastian Wagner, Jürg Luterbacher, Anne Hormes, Fidel González-Rouco.

Peatland palaeo-ecology through time (Session: BG6.4/SSS3.8) - co-organized by C-PEAT working group

Conveners: Angela Gallego-Sala, Michelle Garneau, Minna Valiranta.

Global Soil and Sediment transfers in the Anthropocene (Session: GM6.5/SSS2.23) - organized by GloSS working group

Convener: Thomas Hoffmann. Co-Conveners: Veerle Vanacker, Markus Fuchs, Rajiv Sinha, Hans von Suchodoletz.

Floods Working Group:

A 'splinter meeting' has been organized at the EGU on Wednesday 20 April, 15:30-17:00 - Room 0.90 (Yellow Floor).

This splinter meeting aims at introducing the PAGES Floods WG to the whole geoscience community.


Short course, SC53: Theory and application of the REVEALS model for pollen-based quantitative reconstructions of land cover

Convener: Marie-José Gaillard

Tue, 19 April, 08:30–12:00 / Room -2.61

Contact: Marie-José Gaillard (marie-jose[dot]gaillard-lemdahl[at]lnu[dot]se)

12. Future Earth update

The editorial from Nature on 1 March talks about the role PAGES’ parent organization Future Earth can play.

13. WCRP update

1. CLIVAR seeks an Executive Director for the International Project Office in Qingdao, China.

2. CLIVAR Open Science Conference

    “Charting the course for climate and ocean research”

    18-25 September 2016

    Qingdao, China

    Abstract submission, poster clusters and travel grant deadlines: extended to 25 March.

14. Endorsed and affiliated groups update


IPICS was mentioned in The Guardian article from 9 March about the conference in Hobart, Australia, and the hunt for the million-year-old ice core.

The IPICS 2016 Steering Committee meeting was held alongside the Open Science Conference. Minutes from the IPICS SC meeting can be found here:

This blog article published on has been their most popular post to date.

Did the Spanish Empire Change Earth's Climate?


PAGES - Past Global Changes  |  International Project Office

Falkenplatz 16, 3012 Bern, Switzerland

P: +41 31 631 56 11  |  F: +41 31 631 56 06  |

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