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New publications are available in this series.

Are you passionate about peatlands and/or climate change?

There is a new initiative at the New York Times focusing on a long-term project on peatlands, and they want to hear from you. 


Regular online seminar series by PAGES working groups and endorsed & affiliated groups. 


Does your heart pound for paleoscience? Know others who feel the same?

Propose a new PAGES working group to address a scientific question in an internationally coordinated way. The application deadline is Thursday 31 March 2022.


In February 2022, a new working group joins the PAGES family with the title PlioMioVAR: Pliocene and Miocene climate variability over glacial-interglacial timescales


Members of the PEOPLE 3000 working group have published a paper in which they present "a synthetic, global-scale archaeological radiocarbon database composed of 180,070 radiocarbon dates that have been cleaned according to a standardized sample selection criteria."


Published in Earth and Space Science, Belem A et al. have written a paper on "Paleoclimatology and Paleoceanography Perspectives on Integrated, Coordinated, Open, Networked (ICON) Science" in Earth and Space Science


In case you missed it in the PAGES February 2022 newsletter, The PALEOLINK project of the 2k Network has published two papers. 


The publication in Nature Geoscience titled "Impact of warmer climate periods on flood hazard in the European Alps" is the result of a successful consortium within the Past Global Changes (PAGES) Floods Working Group.




The 6th PAGES Open Science Meeting (OSM) will take place online from 16-20 May 2022.

Deadline for abstract submission has been extended to 11 February 2022.