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We would like to draw your attention to a job vacancy announcement. PAGES is looking for an accomplished Science Officer to join our team in Bern, Switzerland.

Applications are accepted until position is filled (review of applications will start on 15 September 2022).


It is certain that the mean surface temperature of the Earth will continue to increase under realistic emission scenarios, yet comparatively little is known about future changes in climate variability.


Early this year Heikkilä M, Ribeiro S, Weckström K and Pieńkowski AJ produced a paper on the Arctic coastal zone.


The Carbon in Peat on Earth through Time (C-PEAT) working group has announced its intention to revive workshops, but with a new format. As communicated by C-PEAT leaders in July 2022:

"This year's workshop will have 2 main themes:


A CCHRI-Max-Planck publication has been published.


A paper in 2022 has been published by the Climate Variability Across Scales (CVAS) working group.

Authors: Procyk R, Lovejoy S and Hébert R 


There are a number of deadlines coming up that PAGES would like to highlight in this month’s newsletter, including mobility fellowships for African, Latin American and Caribbean early-career scientists, Early Career Award nominations and Expressions of Interest to host the 2025 OSM and YSM.


PAGES has a number of upcoming deadlines: