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Apply for PAGES support: Deadline 28 March 2023

The next deadline for applications for new working groups (WGs), Data Stewardship Scholarships (DSS) and financial support for new workshops and meetings is 28 March 2023. Please note that an SSC member must be contacted two weeks prior to this deadline in order to discuss your plans. 

New working groups: PAGES' WGs are temporary organizations that bring paleoscientists together from around the globe to target specific aspects of PAGES’ scientific agenda. They tackle broad questions that cannot be answered by a single research team but require the integration of the wider international science community. If you would like to propose a new PAGES Working Group, please refer to the Working Group guidelines and complete the application form. PAGES welcomes applications for working groups conducting research on all timescales within paleoscience, including the deep past. Please note that you must also contact a member of the PAGES Scientific Steering Committee, discussing your plans, at least two weeks before you submit a proposal (i.e. before 17 March 2022).​ Applications received without SSC member notification will not be looked upon favorably. Apply here:

Data Stewardship Scholarships: This relatively new annual stipend/scholarship for data stewardship is available to PAGES working groups only and aims to help collate and safely store valuable research data. If your working group would like to apply for a DSS, please note that you must contact your PAGES Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) liaison to discuss your plans at least two weeks before submitting your proposal. Apply here: 

Financial support for PAGES working group meetings/workshops: PAGES working groups can apply for financial support for meetings or to plan workshops. For the call in early 2023, PAGES support of working group workshops/meetings will be a maximum of US$12,000. In rare cases, where a very good case is made, funding may be extended to a maximum of US$15,000. All applications should be submitted at least six months before the planned event date, to allow for wide promotion to the paleo community. Exceptions will be considered by the Executive Committee. The working group's designated SSC liaison person must be contacted at least two weeks before this proposal is submitted to advise them of the group's plans. Apply here:

Financial support of other meetings/workshops: Please be aware that only a limited amount of money will be available for open and educational workshops/meetings (when applicable). Organizers must be able to demonstrate how the themes and objectives of their workshop/meeting relate to PAGES' Science Structure and fit within PAGES' interests. To obtain support, workshops/meetings must be open and international, and should encourage the participation of early-career scientists (until ca. five years after PhD) and those from low- and middle-income countries. Applications should be received at least six months before the planned event date, to allow for wide promotion to the paleo community. Exceptions will be considered by the Executive Committee. Organizers must now contact a relevant member of PAGES SSC at least two weeks before this proposal is submitted to advise them of the workshop/meeting plans. Applications received without SSC member notification will not be looked upon favorably. Apply here:


If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to contact us at the PAGES IPO: (pages[at]pages[dot]unibe[dot]ch)

> Visit the "Apply for Support" page