The call for new working group, working group phase extensions, and financial support happens twice per year. The next deadline for applications is 11 September 2024.
For details on current PAGES working groups, see the list here.
Applicants must contact a relevant member of PAGES SSC at least two weeks before this proposal is submitted to advise them of your plans. Applications received without SSC member notification will not be looked upon favorably.
Please note: The online webform below will time-out after 1 hour. To avoid loss of data, prepare your proposal offline using this template (MS Word; updated on 13 February 2024) and then copy-paste text blocks into the webform.
Fields marked with * are required.
The next deadline for new working group proposals is 4 March 2024.
Before proposing a new PAGES working group, please ensure you are familiar with the guidelines. New working groups must fit within PAGES' Science Structure and scope of PAGES' interests.
You must also contact a member of the PAGES Scientific Steering Committee, discussing your plans, at least two weeks before you submit this proposal. Applications received without SSC member notification will not be looked upon favorably.
Early in your research, please identify a data liaison officer for data stewardship and archiving, to make sure data and metadata is collected according to the rules of the working group's chosen data repository, and to liaise with PAGES' Data Stewardship Integrative Activity. See here for more details.
PAGES considers supporting scoping workshops intended to develop new working groups, under the Open Call category of meeting support.
Please note: The above form will time-out after one hour, so to avoid loss of data prepare your proposal offline using the template (MS Word) above, and then copy-paste the text into the form. Upon sending, you will receive an email confirming the content of your application for your records.
Fields marked with * are required.