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- PAGES Newsletter July 2023
Wednesday, 19 July, 2023
In the July newsletter, you will find a call for expressions of interest in submitting articles to the PAGES Magazine in the Northern Hemisphere spring 2024 issue on paleo-earthquakes and -tsunamis. In addition, PAGES will be hosting its 9th webinar on “Ethics in publishing and combatting predatory practices in science” which takes a closer look at ethical implications of current publishing models and the impact of predatory journals and conferences. There is also a host of interesting recordings and papers available from PAGES working groups, past and present, and affiliated and endorsed groups.
- Past Global Changes Magazine
- Mobility Fellowships for African, Latin American and Caribbean early-career scientists
- Next deadline for new working groups and workshop/meeting support
- 9th PAGES webinar on "Ethics in publishing and combatting predatory practices in science"
- Working group news
- PAGES Early-Career Network (ECN)
- Supported and endorsed workshops, endorsed, affiliated and past working groups' news
- Future Earth
- World Climate Research Programme (WCRP)
- Other news and opportunities
1. Past Global Changes Magazine
i. The PAGES Magazine scheduled for Northern Hemisphere spring 2024 will focus on paleo-earthquakes and -tsunamis. PAGES is inviting contributions on this topic from the broader paleoscience community. For more details, you can read the call here.
ii. For those who missed the announcement in May, the most recent Past Global Changes Magazine on “Advancing past socio-environmental systems science" is available to read online. This issue addresses how humans, social elements, and natural processes interact with each other and the environment through time. Understanding interactions and feedback mechanisms in these so-called past socio-environmental systems (SES) helps society to adapt, build resilience and develop more sustainable practices. > Access the magazine
2. Mobility Fellowships for African, Latin American and Caribbean early-career scientists
The call for applications for both the PAGES-IAI Fellowship Program aimed at Latin American and Caribbean early-career scientists and the Inter-Africa Mobility Research Fellowship Program aimed at African early-career scientists is still open; the deadline is 18 August. The fellowships aim to contribute to the development of collaborative research and the promotion of paleoscience networks in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean.To see examples of past fellowship awardees, visit the website here. > More information
3. New working groups and meeting support deadline
The next deadline for new working groups, working groups wishing to apply for a next phase, meeting and/or workshop support, is 11 September. Please remember to contact an SSC member at least two weeks prior to submission of the application. > More information
4. 9th PAGES webinar: Ethics in publishing and combatting predatory practices in science
PAGES will be hosting its 9th webinar on “Ethics in publishing and combatting predatory practices in science” on 7 September at 14:00 UTC with Dr. Ramón Feenstra (Universitat Jaume I de Castelló, Spain) and Dr. Asfawossen Asrat Kassaye (Botswana International University of Science and Technology, Botswana). Speaking from their experiences on research ethics in universities, and as part of international academic organizations, Dr Feenstra and Dr Asrat Kassaye will provide their views on ethical implications of current publishing models and the impact of predatory journals and conferences. > Calendar
5. Working group news
i. Mailing lists
Did you know all PAGES working groups have designated mailing lists? Stay up to date directly. > Details for all mailing lists
ii. Arctic Cryosphere Change and Coastal Marine Ecosystems (ACME)
Congratulations to the ACME working group for successfully applying for a second phase. The second phase will officially begin in August 2023. “The overarching goal for Phase II will be to provide a reconstruction of Arctic coastal ecosystem status under a warmer climate (Holocene thermal maximum, ca. 1-2 K higher than 20th century) using the “good data” criteria refined in ACME Phase I. The proxy-specific criteria for data and metadata quality and statistical treatment were established in ACME Workshops I (Tvärminne, 2021) and II (Copenhagen, 2022). They encompass common microfossil, biogeochemical and molecular proxies for sea ice, primary productivity, freshwater and terrestrial influence, and ecosystem status (ACME Phase I publication #2, in preparation). The product will have an Arctic-wide coverage, but will probe system-specific responses, covering coastal systems with glacier influence, shelf systems with permafrost influence, coastal systems with landfast vs. drift ice influence.” > Visit the ACME webpage
iii. Clivash2k
A new paper by Thomas ER et al. has been published in Earth System Science Data on “Ice core chemistry database: an Antarctic compilation of sodium and sulfate records spanning the past 2000 years”. This paper is a contribution of phase 3 of CLIVASH2k (a PAGES 2k Network working group project). Dieter Tetzner was funded as part of the PAGES Data Stewardship scholarship awarded to Elizabeth R. Thomas. > Access the article
iv. Synthesizing human traces in the stratigraphic record (Human Traces)
The last seminar with Dr. Shanjia Zhang (Postdoc at Lanzhou University, China) on “Detecting the imprint of human impact on the environment during the prehistoric and historical period in the middle-eastern Silk Road” is available to watch online.
The series will commence again on 25 September with Nicolás Zanetta presenting "The metal revolution for Sustainable Development: missing the local scale" and on 20 October, Dr. Silvana Halac will talk about "Tackling the evolution and dynamics of the Anthropocene from sedimentary records in artificial lakes of Central Argentina: The water quality challenge". > All details
v. Pliocene and Miocene climate variability over glacial-interglacial timescales (PlioMioVAR)
McClymont EL et al. have published a paper in Reviews of Geophysics on "Climate Evolution Through the Onset and Intensification of Northern Hemisphere Glaciation". > Access the article
6. PAGES Early-Career Network (ECN)
To receive a comprehensive list of ECN news and announcements, sign up to the mailing list. https://listserv.unibe.ch/mailman/listinfo/pages.ecn.pages
The newsletter highlights news especially relevant to ECRs. If you find other announcements that should be shared with the ECN, please feel free to send it directly to the mailing list (pages.ecn.pageslists.unibe.ch (pages[dot]ecn[dot]pages[at]lists[dot]unibe[dot]ch)) and/or to the Steering Committee (pages.ecngmail.com (pages[dot]ecn[at]gmail[dot]com)) for inclusion in the monthly newsletter.
7. Supported and endorsed workshops, endorsed, affiliated and past working groups' news
PAGES is pleased to have an association with the following groups and has provided either financial support or endorsement for the workshops and conferences.
> Find out more about PAGES' endorsed and affiliated groups
> Apply for workshop or conference endorsement
> See PAGES former working groups
i. New affiliated group: ICDP
PAGES is pleased to announce an affiliation with the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP). This non-profit organization for Earth system research uncovers geological "secrets from beneath our continents through targeted scientific drilling". The four prime science themes for the next decade cover Geodynamic Processes, Geohazards, Georesources and Environmental Change. > Visit the ICDP website
ii. Carpathian Climate and Environment Working Group (CarpClim)
CarpClim will be co-hosting the 7th Conference on Regional Climate and Environmental Dynamics: Geoscience In The Carpathian And Black Sea Region (GCBS 2023). The hybrid event will take place from 14–17 September in Vatra Dornei, Suceava County, Romania. There will be a host of topics of interest, including, but not limited to: Characteristics and extents of former glaciation in the Carpathians; Lake and marine sediments as paleoenvironmental archives; Past climate changes and vegetation history; Sea level changes and deltaic system dynamics; and many more. The deadline for late registration is 1 September. > Calendar
iii. Research and training network on understanding Deep icE corE Proxies to Infer past antarctiC climatE dynamics (DEEPICE)
The next PAGES Magazine on ice cores and new developments in analytical techniques, scheduled to come out towards the end of the year, is being guest edited by four DEEPICE early-career researchers (ECRs). The four ECRs joined the PAGES team in Bern, Switzerland, for a month. In September, they will be attending the 3rd DEEPICE Training School in Communication where 15 ECRS will receive training on skills in different settings and for various purposes, including communicating science results to the general public; communicating science to teachers and students; communicating results to (science) journalists; and communicating results to policymakers and federal offices. > Find out more about the ECRs
iv. Carbon in Peat on Earth through Time (C-PEAT)
The final C-PEAT workshop held in three different hubs from 8-12 May was a big success. The workshop booklet, which includes schedules, participant info, abstracts, the recorded talks, and more, can be accessed online here. If you wish to download the booklet, please email Nicole: sanderson.nicoleuqam.ca for authorization.
v. PALeo constraints on SEA level rise (PALSEA)
a. PALSEA leaders Alessio Rovere, Jacky Austermann, Jeremy and Natasha Barlow have announced that they will be handing over the leadership baton to Tamara Pico, Matteo Vacchi, Lauren Gregoire and Juliet Sefton (ECR rep). This change will be effective from the INQUA2023 congress. There are no scheduled workshops for 2023, but the new leadership looks forward to developing new activities from 2024. > Read more
b. A new paper by Barnett RL et al. has been published in Science Advances on “Constraining the contribution of the Antarctic Ice Sheet to Last Interglacial sea level”. > Access the article
vi. The Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project (PMIP)
PMIP WINGS (Web-based INteractive Global Seminars) will be taking a Northern Hemisphere summer break. The webinars will be back on 19 September at 09:00 UTC on Modeling/reconstructing (centennial scale) temperature variability with Thomas Laepple (Alfred Wegener Institute) and Qiong Zhang (Stockholm University). > Calendar
8. Future Earth
i. Read the Future Earth June newsletter here
Please note that the next Future Earth Newsletter will go out in September. In the meantime, Future Earth encourages those interested to please join the new Member Portal to check updates from Future Earth.
ii. Future Earth Delegation to COP28
As an observer organization, Future Earth will have a delegation to UNFCCC COP28 which in Dubai from 30 November–12 December. If you are interested in being a delegate (either virtual or on-site) please fill in this form by 28 July.
9. World Climate Research Programme (WCRP)
CLIVAR > Read the June bulletin
10. Other news & opportunities
i. Mountain Research Initiative (MRI) > Read the June Newsletter
ii. African Dendrochronological Field school
From 24 July–2 August, the PAGES-supported African Dendrochronological Field school will be taking place in Kitwe, Zambia. The workshop will focus on "dating of tree-rings and interpretation of past events on the Land surface. From this training workshop, we will build chronologies that will be used for climate reconstruction. Intellectual capacity will be built to enable continuous study of the tropical trees." > Calendar
iii. AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting
The AGU will be taking place from 11–15 December in San Francisco, USA. Currently, abstract submissions are open and the deadline for submissions is 2 August. If you are a PAGES working group and would like PAGES to add your session to the calendar/website, please contact PAGES directly. > More information
iv. EGU - Call for Session Proposals
The next EGU will be taking place from 14–19 April 2024 at the Austria Center Vienna (ACV), and will be in hybrid format. The organizing committee invites those interested to take an active part in organizing the scientific program of the conference. The deadline for suggesting sessions is 14 September 2023. > Submit a a session proposal
v. Micropaleontological data survey
Lukas Jonkers, along with colleagues at the MARUM Center for Marine Environmental Sciences at the University of Bremen, and PANGAEA, are carrying out a pilot project funded by the German Science Foundation on handling data with complex semantic structure (NFDI4Earth). They invite interested participants to complete a survey designed to improve data standards in micropaleontological data. "As a community we are in the fortunate position that large amounts of microfossil data are publicly available in data repositories. This renders data Findable and Accessible. However, the remaining two aspects of FAIR data, Interoperable and Reusable remain challenging because we lack community-defined (meta)data standards and requirements. This reduces the reproducibility of research, renders synthesis cumbersome and has led to many errors in archived data sets." Read more and access the survey online here.
vi. PAGES Executive Director co-author of a newly published paper
A paper, co-authored by PAGES Executive Director, Marie-France Loutre, has been published in Quaternary Science Reviews on "Precession and obliquity forcing of the South African monsoon revealed by sub-tropical fires". > Access the article
PAGES - Past Global Changes | International Project Office
University of Bern, Main Building
Hochschulstrasse 4, 3012 Bern, Switzerland
Tel: +41 31 684 56 11
pagespages.unibe.ch (pages[at]pages[dot]unibe[dot]ch) | pastglobalchanges.org
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