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"DEEPICE stories" was created in collaboration with the 15 PhD students of the European research project DEEPICE.

Designed as an open access educational resource, the video series is aimed at secondary school pupils and their teachers, as well as the general public, who want to learn more about ice and climate. Subtitles are available in French, Spanish, Italian and English.

In 2023, Ailsa Chung, Niklas Kappelt, Florian Painer and Lison Soussaintjean (four of the 15 PhD students) also co-guest-edited the Past Global Changes Magazine 31 (2) "Young scientists at the leading edge of ice-core research". All DEEPICE PhD students contributed to the magazine.

Below are the videos of the 15 video "DEEPICE stories" and the corresponding article by the PhD student/ author in the PAGES magazine:

What are ice sheets and where can we find them?
> Watch
Niklas Kappelt, 3rd year PhD student at the University of Lund, Sweden
"Radionuclide-decay dating in ice cores"
Niklas Kappelt, R. Muscheler and E.W. Wolff
> Read 

What is an ice core and what can it tell us?
> Watch
Ailsa Chung, 3rd year PhD student at CNRS - IGE (Institut de Géosciences de l’Environnement), Grenoble, France
"Could there be 2 million year old ice at North Patch near Dome C, Antarctica?"
Ailsa Chung, F. Parrenin, R. Mulvaney and O. Eisen
> Read 

In Thin Ice
> Watch
Piers Larkman, 3rd year PhD student at the Ca'Foscari University, Venice, Italy
"Impurities in the ice matrix: Where are they, and why does it matter?"
Piers Larkman, N. Stoll, R. Rhodes and P. Bohleber
> Read 

Earth's Frozen Archives through Deep Ice Drilling
> Watch 
Miguel Angel Sanchez Moreno, 3rd year PhD student at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark
"Mapping ice microstructure: Advancements in Large Area Scanning Microscopy techniques"
Miguel Moreno, A. Lamott, S. Kipfstuhl and D. Dahl-Jensen
> Read 

Why recent climate change is so concerning?
> Watch 
Fyntan Shaw, 3rd year PhD student at AWI Potsdam, Germany
"How best to recover water-isotope data from ice cores"
Fyntan M. Shaw, T. Laepple and V. Gkinis
> Read 

From snowflakes to ice
> Watch 
Romilly Harris Stuart, 3rd year PhD student at CNRS, LSCE (Gif-sur-Yvette, France)
"What is controlling δO2/N2 variability in ice-cores records?"
Romilly Harris Stuart and Amaëlle Landais
> Read 

Ice beyond your eyes
> Watch
Florian Painer, 3rd year PhD student at AWI, Bremerhaven, Germany
"Clathrate hydrates of air in polar ice and their importance for climate science"
Florian Painer, S. Kipfstuhl and I. Weikusat
> Read 

Ice Core paleothermometer: tracing deep time temperatures with water isotopes
> Watch
Eirini Malegiannaki, 3rd year PhD student at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark
"Challenges of water isotope measurements on ice cores"
Eirini Malegiannaki, K.M. Peensoo, P. Bohleber and V. Gkinis
> Read 

Challenges of past temperature reconstruction from ice cores
> Watch 
Inès Ollivier, 3rd year PhD student at the University of Bergen, Norway
"From precipitation to ice core: On the importance of surface processes for stable water-isotope records in East Antarctica"
Inès Ollivier, H.C. Steen-Larsen, M. Casado, B. Stenni and A. Landais
> Read

Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and trapped in old ice
> Watch
Hanne Notø, 3rd year PhD student at the University of Utrecht, the Netherlands
"Organic tracers in ice: Untapped potential for specific biomarkers of past environment"
Hanne Ø. Notø
> Read 

Ice cores : Atmospheric history in air bubbles
> Watch 
Lison Soussaintjean, 3rd year PhD student at the University of Bern, Switzerland
"In situ production of N2O in ice challenges past N2O reconstructions" 
Lison Soussaintjean, J. Schmitt and H. Fischer
> Read

Impurities in polar ice: old climate record
> Watch
Geunwoo Lee, 3rd year PhD student the University of Bern, Switzerland
"Where does the mineral dust in Greenland ice come from?"
Geunwoo Lee, T. Erhardt and H. Fischer
> Read 

Basal layers mystery
> Watch 
Lisa Ardoin, 3rd year PhD student at ULB, Brussels, Belgium
"Investigating the unexplored paleoclimatic information of Greenland Ice Sheet basal materials"
Lisa Ardoin
> Read 

Glacial-Interglacial Cycles and Mid-Pleistocene Transition
> Watch 
Daniel Gunning, 3rd year PhD student at the University of Bergen, Norway
"On the role of precession in Quaternary glacial cycles"
Daniel F.J. Gunning, K.H. Nisancioglu, E. Capron and R.S.W. van de Wal
> Read 

Ice cores and climate models
> Watch 
Qinggang Gao, 3rd year PhD student at the British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge, United Kingdom
"Exploring the origin of Antarctic precipitation for an improved climatic interpretation of ice-core records"
Qinggang Gao, L.C. Sime, M. Werner and E. Capron
> Read 

More information

The DEEPICE program is linked to the Beyond EPICA - Oldest Ice (BE-OI) project which aims to extract an ice core with a continuous climate record covering the last 1.5 million years at Little Dome C in Antarctica. The aim of the DEEPICE project is to improve interpretation of ice core climate signals and develop new experimental techniques and modelling tools to analyse the BE-OI ice core.

One of the goals of the DEEPICE program was to train the next generation of scientists to be able to clearly communicate their work/findings/results.

PAGES organized a training school in September 2023 where the DEEPICE PhD students learned about communicating science to a wide variety of audiences, including the general public, policy makers and other scientists.

These videos are a testament to the success of the entire program.

> Access the DEEPICE playlist 
> Access the Past Global Changes Magazine 31(2)