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OSM financial support 2025

PAGES has made very limited financial support available to participate in the PAGES Open Science Meeting (OSM).  

Who can apply for this support?

This support is only available to scientists from low- and middle-income countries (including BRICS countries) and to early-career scientists (until ca. 5 years after PhD) to attend the OSM in Shanghai 2025.

How will the applications be assessed?

The Grantees of this financial support will be selected on the basis of the quality of the abstract that is submitted to the OSM and its relevance to PAGES scientific scope, as well as on their CV, in a highly selective process.

What is the deadline to apply?

The deadline to apply for financial support is 1 December 2024 (the same deadline as abstract submission). 
Applications received after the deadline will not be considered.

How can I apply?

Please complete the word application form (download from below) and return it, together with your CV no longer than 2 pages as one single document via email to
Important! Applications with multiple attachments will not be considered.


Please contact the PAGES International Project Office (IPO) via email if you have any questions:

> Download the application form (Word)