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PAGES e-news vol. 2017, no.3


1. PAGES 5th OSM and 3rd YSM updates

2. New SISAL working group launch

3. PAGES IPO welcomes guest scientist Alan Mix

Apply to be a PAGES SSC member

5. New working group proposals due 3 April

6. New workshop/meeting support proposals due 3 April

PAGES Working Group meetings and deadlines

8. Upcoming PAGES-supported meetings

9. Recent PAGES products

10. PAGES at EGU 2017

11. Future Earth updates

12. WCRP updates


1. PAGES 5th OSM and 3rd YSM updates

The stage is set for PAGES 5th Open Science Meeting (Zaragoza, Spain, 9-13 May 2017) and 3rd Young Scientists Meeting (Morillo de Tou, Spain, 7-9 May).

i. Pay your registration fee by 20 March if you would like to be included in the abstract book. Pay using your registration details/link.

ii. Poster programs for both events have now been finalized: and

iii. Join one or more of the planned social activities - for example the football (soccer) PAGES CUP on Wednesday 10 May:

iv. Several field trips still have available places. Find the trip you'd like then update your registration details:

v. Online registration for the OSM closes 20 April:

PAGES Working Group meetings before, during or after the OSM:

i. 2k Network General Meeting: 11 May. Register by 7 April

ii. Iso2k Science Team Meeting: 14-15 May

iii. Floods Working Group Annual Meeting: 13 May

iv. GPWG2 General Meeting: 12 May

v. LandCover6k General Workshop: 16-17 May. Register by 5 April

vi. QUIGS Meeting: 10 May

vii. VICS 2nd Workshop: 9 May

viii. Extreme Events Integrative Activity: 10 May

2. New SISAL working group launch

SISAL (Speleothem Isotopes Synthesis and AnaLysis) is a new PAGES working group which brings together speleothem scientists, speleothem-process modelers, statisticians and climate modelers to develop a global synthesis of speleothem isotopes that can be used both to explore past climate changes and in model evaluation. The group's first meeting will be held in Dublin, Ireland, in June. Join the mailing list and follow their Twitter account. All details:

3. PAGES IPO welcomes guest scientist Alan Mix

PAGES will host visiting American scientist Alan Mix at the Bern office for the next month. Mix will work on PAGES' Warmer Worlds Integrative Activity and co-chair its first meeting in April. Read more:


4. Apply to be a PAGES SSC member

PAGES is calling for applications from scientists to serve on its Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) from January 2018. The SSC is the body responsible for overseeing PAGES activities. Scientists serve on the SSC initially for a term of three years, with the potential of renewing for an additional term. Three positions are available for this call. Application deadline: 3 April. Read more:

5. New working group proposals due 3 April

Does your heart pound for paleoscience? Know others who feel the same? Propose a new working group addressing an international paleoscience theme. You must contact an SSC member by 20 March to inform them of your plans:

6. New workshop/meeting support proposals due 3 April

PAGES offers meeting support under three categories of workshop: Official PAGES' working group, Open Call and Educational. You must contact an SSC member by 20 March to inform them of your plans:

7. PAGES Working Group meetings and deadlines

*See also point 1 for meetings held in Zaragoza during the OSM*

i. C-PEAT:

"TropPeat: Low-latitude peat-forming ecosystems: past, present, future" workshop

Honolulu, Hawaii

7-9 June 2017

Application deadline: 5 May

ii. DAPS:

Proxy system modeling and data assimilation in paleosciences workshop

Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium

29 May-1 June 2017

iii. EcoRe3:

1st Workshop "Measuring Components of Resilience in Long-term Ecological Datasets"

Bergen, Norway

27-31 March 2017

iv. Forest Dynamics:

1st Workshop

Liverpool, UK

21-23 March 2017

v. GPWG2:

Paleofire knowledge for current and future ecosystem management

Montreal, Canada

10-15 October 2017

Deadline: 15 April

vi. LandCover6k:

International Workshop LandUse6k-Africa

Stockholm, Sweden

24-25 April 2017

For more information, contact Marie-José Gaillard: (marie-jose[dot]gaillard-lemdahl[at]lnu[dot]se) or Kathleen Morrison: (morrison[at]uchicago[dot]edu)

vii. OC3:

Ocean Circulation and Carbon Cycling during the Last Deglaciation: Regional Syntheses of Carbon Isotope Data

Corvallis, USA

27-29 June 2017

Abstract deadline: 27 March

viii. PlioVAR:

Towards a synthesis of late Pliocene climate variability recorded in marine sediment archives workshop

Durham, UK

19-21 April 2017

ix. QUIGS:

Interglacials of the 41kyr-world and of the Middle Pleistocene Transition

Molyvos, Greece

28-30 August 2017


Toward a Global Synthesis of Stable Isotope Records from Speleothems

Dublin, Ireland

21-23 June 2017

xi. Warmer Worlds:

1st workshop "Lessons learnt from paleoscience on a possible 1.5-2°C warmer world in the future"

Bern, Switzerland

5-7 April 2017

8. Upcoming PAGES-supported meetings

i. Overcoming reductionism when linking climate variability with human history – a cross-disciplinary approach in the Altai Mountains

Krasnoyarsk, Russia

10-14 April 2017

ii. Climate Change: The Karst Record VIII Conference (KR8)

Austin, Texas, USA

21-24 May 2017

iii. Pollen-Climate Methods Inter-comparison Project (PC-MIP) Workshop

Caux, Switzerland

13-15 June 2017

iv. Decades of Quaternary Research in Eastern Africa: Implications for Sustainable Future

Mukono, Uganda

4-7 July 2017

Abstract deadline: 31 March

v. IODP-PAGES Workshop on Global Monsoon in Long-term Records

Shanghai, China

7-9 September 2017

vi. PaleoEvent Data Standards for Dendrochronology Workshop

Woodland Park, USA

10-14 September 2017

vii. 1st PMIP Phase 4 meeting

Stockholm, Sweden

25-29 September 2017

viii. Modeling isotope ratios in proxy climate records

Friday Harbour, USA

First week of October, 2017 (dates still TBA)

9. Recent PAGES' products

i. QUIGS paper in Nature: Members of the PAGES-PMIP Working Group on Quaternary Interglacials (QUIGS) published their findings on how astronomical forces lead to interglacials:

ii. PALSEA2 paper in QSR: PAGES' PALSEA2 working group published a paper which uses foraminifera preserved in new and existing cores of dated salt-marsh sediment:

iii. Abstract volume from PAGES' "Central and Eastern Europe Paleoscience Symposium: From Local to Global" (Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 22-26 May 2016):

10. PAGES at EGU 2017

The next EGU General Assembly will be held in Vienna, Austria, from 23-28 April 2017.

i. 2k Network: Studying the climate of the last two millennia (Session CL1.03)

ii. C-PEAT: Tropical Peatlands (Session BG2.5/SSS6.12)

iii. Floods Working Group: Flood and weather extremes of the past (Session CL1.25/AS4.26/HS2.4.5)

iv. CVAS: Scaling, multifractals and Nonlinear dynamics in the atmosphere, ocean, climate and environment (Session: NP3.3/CL5.19)

plus CVAS Short Course (Session: SC7/CL6.01/NP9.1)


11. Future Earth updates

i. If you missed it, Future Earth recently wrote a statement affirming its commitment to supporting international collaboration and the free movement of scientists. PAGES fully supports this statement:

ii. Future Earth appoints 13 new members to its Science and Engagement Committees:

iii. Future Earth becomes a strategic partner of IPBES:

iv. Future Earth and International Council for Science (ICSU) statement to the UN on the importance of ocean research:

12. WCRP updates

i. Read the CLIVAR March Bulletin:

ii. The International WCRP/IOC Conference "Regional Sea Level Changes and Coastal Impacts" will be held in New York, USA, from 10-14 July 2017. Registration opens today, 15 March:



PAGES - Past Global Changes  |  International Project Office

Falkenplatz 16, 3012 Bern, Switzerland

Tel: +41 31 631 56 11  |

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