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PAGES e-news vol. 2018, no.6


1. PAGES People Database

2. New Past Global Changes Magazine

3. Fed up with paper?

4. Working Group news

5. Recent products

6. PAGES Early-Career Network updates

7. Working Group meetings and deadlines

8. PAGES-supported and endorsed meetings

9. EGU Medal nominations due 15 June

10. IPCC updates

11. IPBES expert reviewers

12. ArchaeoGlobe project - call for experts

13. Book a side meeting at ICP 2019

14. Future Earth updates

15. WCRP updates

16. Endorsed and affiliated groups updates


1. PAGES People Database

PAGES would like to remind you that you can update/edit, view or delete your People Database account at anytime.

Visit the People Database and see our privacy policy:

2. New Past Global Changes Magazine

The latest Past Global Changes Magazine "Past Land Use and Land Cover" is ready to read and download. It is a product of PAGES' LandCover6k working group:

This issue emphasizes the need for appropriate reconstructions of past land-use and land-cover change to study the effect of past anthropogenic land-cover change on climate (the land-use forcing) using Earth System Models. It also highlights how land-use and land-cover change over past millennia can be reconstructed at local to regional and continental scales using the results of archaeological studies combined with model-based quantification of past plant cover from fossil pollen data.

3. Fed up with paper?

Important! Please respond! Do you receive, or have access to, a hard copy of the Past Global Changes Magazine? PAGES is currently assessing its finances and would like to hear from you if you think we should continue printing the magazine, or if you would be happy to read it online. All previous issues are available here:

Please send your feedback by 31 August, using the subject line "Survey - Past Global Changes Magazine", to (pages[at]pages[dot]unibe[dot]ch).

4. Working Group news

i. 2k Network: CLIVASH2k: The second meeting (following on from the workshop on Monday 18 June) has been set for 4-5 September in Cambridge, UK. See point 7 below for all details.

ii. CRIAS: Registration is now open for the group's first workshop, from 1-2 October 2018 in Bern, Switzerland. The main purpose of the workshop is to discuss the methods applied in Historical Climatology and how to adopt interdisciplinary approaches and combine methods and results from archives of societies with those from the archives of nature. See point 7 below for all details.

iii. GloSS: The previously advertised 3rd database meeting will now take place in Koblenz, Germany, from 18-20 October 2018. See point 7 below for all details.

iv. PALSEA: A three-year extension was recently approved by PAGES' Scientific Steering Committee. The new incarnation will launch in January 2019. Read about the group's former activities and sign up to its mailing list:

v. SISAL: Yuval Burstyn and Michael Deininger are looking for volunteers to assist the group's Middle East team. Work would include identifying new published/unpublished entities and communication with researchers, logging entities and data verification towards SISAL database V2. If you are from the region, work in the region or are interested in the region (or simply want to help the SISAL project) contact Yuval:

vi. VICS: A three-year extension was recently approved by PAGES' Scientific Steering Committee. The new incarnation will begin, with a "seamless" launch, in October 2018. Read about the group's activities and sign up to its mailing list:

5. Recent products

i. 2k Network: a. 2k data has been used in a new paper on model simulations and proxy-based reconstructions, published in Nature's Scientific Reports. Authors, led by Raphael Neukom, assess potential sources of discrepancies between data and models by comparing 1000-year hemispheric temperature reconstructions based on real-world paleoclimate proxies with climate-model-based pseudoproxies:

b. Bryan Shuman et al. use a synthesis of 93 published records to reveal that moisture availability increased over large portions of North America over the past 2000 years, the Common Era (CE), in a recent 2k special issue of Climate of the Past paper:

c. Patrick Ludwig et al. published the first paper of the PALEOLINK project, titled "Perspectives of regional paleoclimate modeling", in Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences:

ii. ECN: Four new contributions to The Early Pages Blog from Thomas Ronge (Around Antarctica in Five Years), Vachel Carter (The Power of Networking as an ECR), Heather Plumpton (Science policy: An approach to 'actually do something' about climate change) and Aritina Haliuc (Newspaper reports in Romania – what do they tell us about extreme meteorological events of the early 19th century?):

iii. Workshop report in Eos: In November 2017, scientists from 20 countries attended a PAGES-supported workshop in Marrakesh, Morocco, to discuss the mechanisms of climate changes in Africa and how the global hydrological cycle, oceanic and atmospheric circulation, and marine and terrestrial ecosystems respond:

6. PAGES Early-Career Network updates

i. Register now for the ECN splinter meeting on 17 June at the IPA-IAL 2018 Joint Meeting "Unravelling the Past and Future of Lakes" (18-21 June, Stockholm, Sweden):

ii. A sub-group is conducting a survey on experiences with data sharing and best practices in data management. The results of this survey will be included in a planned Past Global Changes Magazine article. Your responses will contribute to the discussion around open data sharing policies from an ECR perspective. Survey takes 10 minutes to complete and works on mobile phones too:

iii. ECN Google Forum: New addition! Click on the link to register and start posting. Opening topic is "Data sharing, data user and data provider", where you can share your stories and experiences with open data and data sharing in general. If you have a different question or new idea, simply add a new topic:!forum/pages-early-career-network

iv. Call for contributions! Write a science story or share your views and experiences for The Early Pages Blog. Go to: or contact the ECN blog leaders: (pages[dot]ecn[dot]blog[at]gmail[dot]com)

v. The ECN and PAGES working groups are creating a stronger connection to help share information. Would you like to be your PAGES working group liaison? See the working groups still looking for an ECN liaison:

vi. To receive a more comprehensive list of ECN news and announcements, sign up to their mailing list:


7. Working Group meetings and deadlines

i. 2k Network: CLIVASH2k:

a. 1st workshop

Davos, Switzerland

8:00-13:00, 18 June 2018

b. Climate variability in Antarctica and the Southern Hemisphere over the past 2000 years

Cambridge, UK

4-5 September 2018

ECR financial support deadline: 3 August

Registration deadline: 17 August

ii. CRIAS:

1st workshop: Methods and Interdisciplinary Communication in Historical Climatology

Bern, Switzerland

1-2 October 2018

Abstract submission deadline: 24 June

iii. C-SIDE:

1st workshop: Developing Data and Modeling Capacity to Understand Past Changes in Sea Ice in the Southern Ocean

Vancouver, Canada

24-26 October 2018

Deadlines: TBA

iv. CVAS:

3rd workshop: Spatio-temporal scaling of forced and unforced variability across the Holocene: from proxies to process

Seattle, USA

24-26 October 2018

Deadlines: TBA

v. GloSS:

3rd database workshop

Koblenz, Germany

18-20 October 2018

Deadlines: TBA

vi. GPWG2:

a. African Fire History and Fire Ecology: Building Understanding and Capacity through Collaboration and Knowledge Exchange

Nairobi, Kenya

20-22 July 2018

b. Diverse knowledge systems for fire policy and biodiversity conservation

Egham, UK

4-7 September 2018

vii. LandCover6k:

Paleoclimate experiments to evaluate the impact of LULC on climate and the carbon cycle

Sitges, Spain

24-28 September 2018

ECR financial support deadline: TBA

viii. OC3:

3rd and final workshop: Ocean circulation and carbon cycling during the last deglaciation: global synthesis

Cambridge, UK

6-9 September 2018


Joint cross-cutting initiative meeting: Climate, ice sheets and sea level during past interglacial periods

Galloway, NJ, USA

24-27 September 2018


3rd workshop: Analyses of the SISAL database: regional patterns in isotope signatures

Agadir, Morocco

8-12 October 2018

8. PAGES-supported and endorsed meetings

i. 2nd AFQUA International Conference

Nairobi, Kenya

14-22 July 2018

ii. INQUA-PAGES ECR joint workshop

Impacts of sea-level rise from past to future (iSLR)

Utrecht, The Netherlands

26-29 August 2018

iii. Conference on Past Plant Diversity Changes

Rabat, Morocco

1-5 October 2018

Abstract deadline: 30 June

iv. GEOTRACES-PAGES joint workshop

Trace element and isotope proxies in paleoceanography: A synthesis workshop

Aix-Marseille, France

3-5 December 2018

9. EGU Medal nominations due 15 June

Nominate a deserving colleague! EGU Medal nominations close 15 June for next year's awards:

10. IPCC updates

a. SROCC: Those interested in reviewing the IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate must register by 22 June 2018 23:59 (CST). The First Order Draft of the report will be open for expert review from 4 May to 29 June 2018. All details:

b. SRCCL: The first order draft (FOD) of the IPCC Special Report on Climate Change and Land is open for expert review until 5 August 2018, with registration closing 29 July 2018. To become an expert reviewer, register here:

c. IPCC Working Group deadlines: For your information, the following important deadlines are:


31 December 2019: Cut-off date for submitted papers to be cited in the Second Order Draft.

30 September 2020: Cut-off date for accepted papers to be cited in the Final Draft.


1 July 2020: Cut-off date for submitted papers to be cited in the Second Order Draft.

15 May 2021: Cut-off date for accepted papers to be cited in the Final Draft.

d. TG-Data: The newly named Task Group on Data Support for Climate Change Assessments (TG-Data) seeks nominations for Co-Chairs and members of the Task Group. See point 14 "Future Earth", section iv, below.

11. IPBES expert reviewers

a. Global Assessment: The external review for the first order draft of the summary for policymakers (SPM) and the second order drafts of the chapters of the IPBES global assessment of biodiversity and ecosystem services is now open.

Deadlines for submission of comments are 29 June for the chapters and 9 July for the SPM, respectively.

This assessment will be the first global snapshot of the state of the world's biodiversity in more than a decade, since the release of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. The global assessment will provide decision makers with the state of knowledge regarding the planet's biodiversity, ecosystems and their contributions to people, as well as the options to protect and use these natural assets more sustainably. Furthermore, the global assessment will provide vital data to assess progress against the Aichi Biodiversity Targets and the Sustainable Development Goals.

This second review is addressed to governments and interested and qualified experts, including scientists, decision makers, practitioners and knowledge holders, and it is essential to ensure consistency and continuity after the first external comments have been addressed. Therefore, the widest-possible participation and most diverse engagement of experts in this second external review is vital to ensure the scientific quality and policy relevance of the global assessment.

If you would like to be an expert reviewer for the global assessment:

- Register as a user of the IPBES website: if you have not already done so.

- Apply to become an IPBES external reviewer for individual chapters of the global assessmentat: (this will only work when logged in first as IPBES website user).

- Once registered, you will immediately receive an email providing confidential access to the draft chapters and will be requested to submit your comments in English using a template that is available on the same webpage. If you have any further queries about this external review, email Hien Ngo: (hien[dot]ngo[at]ipbes[dot]net).

b. External review of Africa Assessment: Authors can be reviewers on chapters they are not directly involved in and co-chairs and TSU members can be reviewers too.

If you wish to review:

- This opportunity to review closes on 26 June 2017.

- Comments may be submitted in English or French.

- You will first need to register as a user of the IPBES website:

- You can then request to become an IPBES external reviewer at (this will only work when logged in first as an IPBES website user)

- You will immediately receive an email providing confidential access to the draft chapters and summary for policymakers

- You will be requested to submit your comments (in English or French) using a template that is available on the same webpage.


12. ArchaeoGlobe project - call for experts

In May and June 2018, the ArchaeoGlobe Project - a massively collaborative archaeological project to map global human land use over the past 10,000 years - would like to survey as many archaeologists as possible and collect their expert opinions on past land use at a regional scale. Members of PAGES LandCover6k are involved. Archaeologists who complete the questionnaire for at least 10 regions will be listed as co-authors on the resulting paper. Filling out the questionnaire for a single subregion takes 7-10 minutes, so they ask co-authors to devote 1-2 hours of their time:

13. Book a side meeting at ICP 2019

Last call! The 13th International Conference on Paleoceanography (ICP) will take place in Sydney, Australia, from 1-6 September 2019. Several PAGES working groups will be conducting side-meetings before or after the event and organizers encourage those thinking about holding a side meeting to book now to secure a venue:

14. Future Earth updates

i. The list of April’s top global sustainability papers:

ii. Global Land Programme (GLP): a. This fellow-Future Earth Global Research Project will conduct a webinar on Tuesday 19 June from 14:00-15:30 CEST for anyone interested in co-production in the field of land-system science. Attendance is limited to the first 100 participants who register in advance and join the webinar the day of the event:

b. Call for Session Proposals: GLP is now inviting session proposals for its 4th Open Science Meeting, "Transforming Land Systems for People and Nature," from 24-26 April 2019 in Bern, Switzerland:

iii. GMBA Mountain Biodiversity and Human Wellbeing Survey: This fellow-Future Earth Global Research Project is performing an assessment of the state of and trends in mountain biodiversity, ecosystem services, human wellbeing, and their direct drivers. Approximately 100 scientists have already contributed. Deadline for participation has been extended until 15 June:

iv. IPCC Task Group on Data Support for Climate Change Assessments (TG-Data): Formerly known as the Task Group on Data and Scenario Support for Impact and Climate Analysis (TGICA), TG-Data are currently accepting nominations for experts to serve as TG-Data Co-Chairs as well as members of the Task Group. Nominations must be sent to Future Earth by 6 August. All details:

15. WCRP updates

i. WCRP Strategic Plan Public Consultation: The draft WCRP Strategic Plan 2019-2029 is now available for public consultation and comment. This opportunity to shape the next decade of climate research is open until 31 August:

ii. Call to host the WCRP International Project Office for the Climate and Cryosphere (CliC): Letters of intent to host the CliC IPO should be sent by 1 September 2018:

iii. Spotlight on CLIVAR Early Career Scientists: Have you recently published a paper, or done some cool fieldwork that you would like to share with the rest of the CLIVAR and Early Career Scientist community? CLIVAR offers you the space to showcase your achievements:

iv. WCRP workshop: Submit abstracts before 22 June for "The Earth’s Energy Imbalance and its Implications" workshop (13-16 November 2018, Toulouse, France):

v. Read the CLIVAR June Bulletin:

16. Endorsed and affiliated groups updates

i. Ice Core Young Scientists (ICYS) at POLAR18: All are welcome to attend the ICYS ( networking event/gathering for food and drinks in Davos on Tuesday 19 June, from 19:30, at Chalet Velo, Flüelastrasse 26, 7260 Davos Dorf:

ii. Varves Working Group: Guest editors Wojciech Tylmann and Bernd Zolitschka, of the Quaternary (open access journal) special issue titled "Laminated Lake Sediments", invite contributions by 31 October. All time-series of biological, isotopic, geochemical and sedimentological parameters with dating based on annually-laminated lake sediments (varves) are most welcome as well as links of sedimentary processes causing the formation of varves to sediment trapping and instrumental monitoring:




PAGES - Past Global Changes  |  International Project Office

Falkenplatz 16, 3012 Bern, Switzerland

Tel: +41 31 631 56 11  |

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